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Advanced Link 16 Network Enabled Weapons Training Course

Advanced Link 16 Network Enabled Weapons Training Course is a 4-day training bootcamp, For detailed agenda, CLICK HERE.

A Link 16 Network is an accumulation of TDSs participating in a predefined exchange of tactical data via radio frequency (RF) signals operating within line-of- sight (LOS) of other participants in the network.

Link 16 information is primarily coded in J.-series messages which are binary data words with well-defined meanings. These data words are grouped in functional areas, and allocated to network participation groups (NPG) (virtual networks), most importantly: PPLI, or Precise Participant Location and Identification (network participation groups 5 and 6), Surveillance (network participation group 7),Command (Mission Management/Weapons Coordination) (network participation group 8), (Aircraft) Control (network participation group 9), Electronic Warfare & Coordination (network participation group 10).

Link 16 Network Enabled Weapons utilizes NPG 11 J-messages:

  • J11.0 Weapon Response/ Status provides weapon compliance responses to controller directives.
  • J11.1 Weapon Directives provides controller directives to a weapon.
  • J11.2 Weapon Coordination is used to coordinate the transfer of control authority and the delegation of third party source.

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