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An Introduction To Electric Regulatory – Training

An Introduction To Electric Regulatory – Training: Regulation is intended to protect the “public interest,” which comprises a variety of elements. Utilities are expected to offer (and in the United States, provide) service to anyone who requests it and can pay for it at the regulator’s (or government’s) approved prices.

The U.S. electric industry comprises over 3,000 public, private and cooperative utilities, more than 1,000 independent power generators, and over 700,000 homes and businesses with on-site solar generating systems. There are three regional synchronized power grids, eight electric reliability councils, about 140 control-area operators, and thousands of separate engineering, economic, environmental and land-use regulatory authorities.

Due to the importance and vulnerabilities of the utility industry, companies must adhere to a rather long list of regulations.

Perhaps at the head of that list is the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) plan, which consists of 9 standards and 45 requirements covering the security of electronic perimeters and the protection of critical cyber assets as well as personnel and training, security management and disaster recovery planning (DRP).

Compliance is mandatory. It involves utilities following standards such as creating and enacting plans for incidents and managing personnel access to critical assets physically, electronically and remotely.

This is a big deal. NERC takes compliance very seriously. Failure by utility companies to comply with the NERC CIP regulations can result in substantial penalties. It’s believed that these fines can run as high as $1 million a day.

The Federal Regulatory Commission (FERC) is another important regulatory body. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent government agency, officially organized as part of the Department of Energy (DOE).

The purpose of the commission is to protect the public and energy customers, ensuring that regulated energy companies are acting within the law. The commission is composed of five members, known as commissioners, who Are appointed by the president of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

California utilities answer to even more regulatory bodies.  The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) was created by the California legislature in 1998 as part of the state restructuring of electricity markets. CAISO is a nonprofit Independent System Operator (ISO) that oversees the operation of California’s bulk electric power system, transmission lines, and electricity market generated and transmitted by its member utilities. The primary stated mission of CAISO is to “operate the grid reliably and efficiently, provide fair and open transmission access, promote environmental stewardship, and facilitate effective markets and promote infrastructure development.”

Then there’s the California Energy Commission (CEC), which was created in 1974 by the Warren – Alquist Act. This is the state’s primary energy policy and planning agency and is committed to reducing energy costs and environmental impacts of energy use such as greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring a safe and reliable supply of energy.

An Introduction To Electric Regulatory – Training

Tonex offers An Introduction To Electric Regulatory, a 2-day class that  covers fundamentals of energy and electrical utilities regulation including NERC, FERC, CARB, CAISO, CEC and DOE.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for financial personnel, project managers, engineers, and analysts from utilities who need to understand the regulations.

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