Leadership Training Seminars
Leadership Training Seminars: Strategic leadership is all about utilizing strategy in the management of employees.
Strategic leadership is also about developing an atmosphere where employees understand company goals in the context of their own jobs while at the same time following their own idea to help an organization reach its goals.
The main objective of strategic leadership is strategic productivity. Strategic leaders see the big picture and know that it’s to everyone’s advantage to practice a leadership style that stresses inventiveness, perception and planning to assist an individual in realizing goals and objectives.
Strategic leadership emphasizes a reward and incentive system for encouraging productive employees for superior performance.
One of the key strategies of strategic leaders is to distribute responsibility. The top leaders push power downward and across the organization empowering employees at all levels to make decisions. Distribution of responsibility allows strategic leaders to see what happens when they take risks. If done correctly, the distribution of responsibility enhances collective intelligence, resilience and adaptability of an organization.
Another tactic is to understand the types of failures than can be turned into success. A strategic leader must enshrine acceptance of failure in the practices and processes of the company, including the appraisal and promotion processes.
One example is return-on-investment (ROI) calculations, which need to assess results in a way that reflects agree-upon objectives. These types of calculations often include risk. A strategic leader cannot learn only from successful efforts. Tensions associated with uncertainty need to be managed with the focus on recovering from failure to try new projects again.
Innovation should also be a part of a strategic leader’s key strategies. This includes developing and presenting ideas. Also, strategic leaders should encourage their team to produce innovative ideas. By setting up ways for people to bring their own innovative thinking to the surface, strategic leaders can help them learn to make the most of their own creativity.
Ways to create innovative thinking channels include cross-functional forums, in which people can present ideas to a group of like-minded peers and test them against one another’s reasoning. Apprenticeships are also effective. This could be a program where promising thinkers can sign on for mentorship with leaders who have the demonstrated ability to help them build their skills.
Leadership Training Seminars
Tonex offers Strategic Leadership Training, a 2-day course where participants learn the core components of leadership, vision, purpose, strategy and values.
Who Should Attend
Those in both the public and private sectors can benefit from this training course. This includes:
–Senior and principal mangers
–Middle managers who are on track to senior positions
–Executives, directors and decision makers
Related Courses
Other related courses include the 4-day Systems Engineering Leadership Training course, the 2-day Leadership Training For Women and the 2-day Leadership Training For Non-Engineers.
The Tonex Way
- Since 1993 Tonex has made available reasonably priced classes taught by the best trainers is the reason all kinds of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to government’s most important agencies return for updates in courses and hands-on workshops.
- Highly customized learning solutions is what we do. For over 30 years Tonex has worked with organizations in improving their understanding and capabilities in topics often with new development, design, optimization, regulations and compliances that, frankly, can be difficult to comprehend.
- Ratings tabulated from student feedback post-course evaluations show an amazing 98 percent satisfaction score.
- Course agenda can be tailored to fit the needs of your organization.
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