Course NameLength
2-day Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) System Engineering Workshop2 days
Advanced Fault-Tolerant Systems for Space Missions2 days
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems Workshop2 days
Advanced Space EMI/EMC (Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility)2 days
Advanced Space Thruster Technology Course2 days
Adversary Space Capabilities Essentials2 days
Aerospace Engineering Workshop2 days
Analysis of Materials for Space Systems2 days
Applications in Space Exploration2 days
Applications of Space Systems Engineering Workshop2 days
Applied Model-Based Systems Engineering To Space2 days
Applied Project Management For Space Systems2 days
Applied Space Systems Engineering2 days
Applied Space Systems Engineering Workshop2 days
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity for Space Systems Training2 days
Attitude Determination and Control Workshop2 days
Basic Space Systems Engineering for Managers2 days
Basic Space Systems Engineering Training2 days
Certified Space Cyber Policy Analyst (CSCPA)2 days
Certified Space Incident Response, Forensics, and Defense Specialist (CSIFS)4 days
Certified Space Information Security Manager (CSISM)2 days
Certified Space Intelligence Analyst (CSIA)2 days
Certified Space Network Architect (CSNA)2 days
Certified Space Penetration Professional (CSPP)2 days
Commercial Space Program Certificate (CSPC)2 days
CubeSat Design Engineering for Managers2 days
CubeSat Systems Engineering Clinic2 days
CubeSat Systems Engineering Workshop2 days
Cyber Resilience in National Space Programs Training2 days
Cybersecurity in Space Systems Workshop2 days
Cybersecurity Requirements for Space Applications Training2 days
Defensive Space Counterspace Operations Training2 days
Designing Space Missions And Systems2 days
Developing Fault-Tolerant Space Applications2 days
Developing Space Cybersecurity Strategies and Supporting Policies Workshop2 days
Earth Observation Satellite Design and Engineering2 days
Earth Station and Terminal Design Bootcamp2 days
Electro-Optical Space Systems Engineering Bootcamp2 days
Embedded Space Software Systems2 days
Emerging Technologies in Hardware, Firmware and Software Used in Space Crafts and Launch Vehicles Workshop2 days
Emerging Technologies in Hardware, Firmware, and Software2 days
Engineering Space Systems Level 2 - Advanced2 days
Fault Tolerant Design (FTD) for Space Systems Workshop2 days
Fault Tolerant Software Engineering for Mission-Critical Systems2 days
Fault-Tolerant Hardware and Software Design for Space Missions2 days
Fault-Tolerant Hardware and Software Engineering2 days
Foundations of Aerospace at NASA Essentials2 days
Foundations of National Space Strategy and Policy Training2 days
Fundamentals of Closed-Loop Life Support Technologies2 days
Fundamentals of Deep Space Engineering2 days
Fundamentals of Earth Station and Terminal Design2 days
Fundamentals of Engineering Space Systems Level 1: The Fundamentals2 days
Fundamentals of GPS, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Satellites Training2 days
Fundamentals of Ground System Engineering2 days
Fundamentals of Habitat Design for Deep Space Missions2 days
Fundamentals of Human and Robotic Missions to Mars2 days
Fundamentals of Human Space Flight and Microgravity2 days
Fundamentals of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)2 days
Fundamentals of International Space Treaties and Agreements2 days
Fundamentals of Next-Generation Satellite Networks2 days
Fundamentals of Quantum Communication for Deep Space2 days
Fundamentals of Quantum Computing Applications in Space Missions2 days
Fundamentals of Quantum Sensors for Space Exploration2 days
Fundamentals of Regulatory Compliance for Commercial Spaceflight2 days
Fundamentals of Satellite Communications Security for Managers2 days
Fundamentals of Satellite Earth Observation2 days
Fundamentals of Space Debris Management2 days
Fundamentals of Space Environment2 days
Fundamentals of Space Leadership2 days
Fundamentals of Space Mission Operations2 days
Fundamentals of Space Surveillance Radars Training2 days
Fundamentals of Space Systems Cybersecurity2 days
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Command and Telemetry2 days
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Configuration and Structural Design2 days
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Propulsion, Launch Systems, and Launch Mechanics2 days
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Thermal Management2 days
Fundamentals of Telemedicine in Space2 days
Geospatial Analysis with AI/ML2 days
Ground Station as a Service (GSaaS) Bootcamp2 days
Human Exploration of Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.02 days
Human Mars Mission Design Workshop2 days
Hypersonics and Space-Based Missile Defense Training2 days
Integrating Electro-Optical Systems for Space Exploration3 days
International Space Law, Policy & Strategy Workshop2 days
Introduction to Adversary Space Capabilities2 days
Introduction to Astrodynamics2 days
Introduction to Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS)2 days
Introduction to Earth Observation Remote Sensing2 days
Introduction to Fault Tolerant Design (FTD)2 days
Introduction to GIS2 days
Introduction To Human Spaceflight2 days
Introduction to Human Spaceflight and Mars Mission Design Workshop2 days
Introduction to Human Spaceflight and Moon Mission Design Workshop2 days
Introduction to Lunar Gateway and Artemis Program2 days
Introduction to Manufacturing Technologies for Space Habitats2 days
Introduction to NASA Spectrum Management for Mission Planners and Project Managers2 days
Introduction to Orbital Types, Transfers and Elements2 days
Introduction to Space Launch and Transportation System2 days
Introduction to Space Power Systems2 days
Introduction to Space Warfare Command and Control Training2 days
Introduction to Space-based Operations2 days
Introduction to Spacecraft Reliability and EMI/EMC Effects2 days
Introduction to Spacecraft Thermal Control2 days
Launch Vehicle Design Essentials2 days
Launch Vehicle Reliability Training2 days
Leadership in Space Systems2 days
Life Support Systems Engineering: Air Supply, Communications, Electricity, Food Production and Delivery, Recreation, Temperature Control, Transportation, Waste Management, and Water Supply1 day
Missile Systems Engineering: Analysis, Design and Development2 days
Mission Analysis for Space Systems Workshop2 days
Mission Design Workshop2 days
Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Aerospace Systems Training2 days
National Space Cyber Warfare Workshop2 days
National Space Cybersecurity Training Courses and Workshop2 days
National Space Economics and Industry Development Training2 days
National Space Threats and Cybersecurity Defense Workshop2 days
Next-Generation Space Shuttle Testing and Cybersecurity Training2 days
Orbital and Launch Mechanics Fundamentals Training2 days
Orbital and Launch Mechanics Fundamentals Workshop2 days
Overview of Spacecraft Operations and Communication2 days
Overview of Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapons Workshop2 days
Overview of NASA-HDBK-2821: Audio And Video Standards For Internet Resources2 days
Overview of Orbital Mechanics Training2 days
Overview of Space and Terrestrial Architecture2 days
Overview of Space and Terrestrial Architecture Training2 days
Overview of Space ISR | Space Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance2 days
Overview of Space Robotics2 days
Overview Space Product Reliability and Safety Engineering and Assurance2 days
Principles of Nanosatellite Conceptual Design2 days
Red Teaming and Penetration Testing for National Space Systems Training2 days
Redundancy and Fault Tolerance in Space Systems2 days
Redundancy and Fault Tolerance in Space Systems Training2 days
Redundancy Management in Computers, Sensors, and Actuators of Onboard Systems2 days
Redundancy Management in Space Computers, Sensors, and Actuators of Onboard Systems2 days
Rockets and Launch Vehicle Design Workshop2 days
Rockets and Launch Vehicles Design, Engineering and Development Workshop2 days
SATCOM Network Services and Systems Analysis Workshop2 days
Satellite Communication Essentials2 days
Satellite Communication for Engineers2 days
Satellite Communication for Leaders2 days
Satellite Communication for Managers2 days
Satellite Communication for Non-Engineers2 days
Satellite Communications Analysis, Design and Engineering Workshop2 days
Satellite Communications Design And Engineering Training Essentials1 day
Satellite Communications Security Training Essentials1 day
Satellite Communications Systems Analysis Training Essentials1 day
Satellite Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment Workshop2 days
Satellite Earth Station And Terminal Training Essentials1 day
Satellite Ground System Design And Operation Training Essentials1 day
Secure Development of Space Systems Training2 days
Securing National Space Infrastructure Workshop2 days
Small Space System Development and Engineering2 days
Software Architectures And On-Orbit Upgrades Essentials2 days
Sonar Signal Processing Workshop2 days
Space and 6G Connectivity Training2 days
Space and Network Security Threat and Risk Assessment2 days
Space and Satellite Intelligence for Engineers, Managers, and Analysts2 days
Space Application Engineering Specialist (SAES)2 days
Space Application Security Engineer (SASE)2 days
Space Certified Network Associate (SCNA)2 days
Space Communications Workshop2 days
Space Computer Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Concurrent Engineering Methodologies2 days
Space Cyber Leadership Certificate (SCLC)2 days
Space Cyber Operation Professional (SCOP)2 days
Space Domain Awareness and Cyber Defense Workshop2 days
Space Domain – National Security Executive Seminar2 days
Space Electrical Engineering2 days
Space Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) Training for Managers2 days
Space Electronic Warfare Certificate (SEWC) | Space EW Training2 days
Space Engineering (including Concurrent Engineering)2 days
Space Engineering Certificate (SEC)2 days
Space Environmental Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Exploration and Astronomy Course2 days
Space Flight Human-System Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Forensic Analyst (SFA)2 days
Space Fusion Workshop2 days
Space Ground Segment Cybersecurity Training2 days
Space Ground Stations as a Service2 days
Space Hacking Certification (SHC)2 days
Space Infrastructure Specialist (SIS)2 days
Space Launch And Transportation Systems Essentials2 days
Space Law and Policy for Military and Defense Training2 days
Space Law Workshop: Navigating the Legal Frontier2 days
Space Materials Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Mechanical Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Mission Cybersecurity Training2 days
Space Mission Design and Operations Training2 days
Space Mission Management and Operations Workshop2 days
Space Mission Operations Workshop2 days
Space Missions and Cloud Technology: Automation, IoT, and Scalability2 days
Space Missions Risk Management Training2 days
Space Nuclear Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Operations Intelligence Workshop2 days
Space Operations Specialist (SCOS)2 days
Space Policy and Law Professional (SPLP) Training2 days
Space Program Administrator (SPA)2 days
Space Program Leadership2 days
Space Program/Project Management and Acquisition2 days
Space Reconnaissance for Engineers and Managers2 days
Space Safety Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Traffic Management2 days
Space Software Engineering Workshop2 days
Space Software Reliability and Safety Workshop2 days
Space Superiority Through Fusion Technologies Training2 days
Space System Engineering Requirements2 days
Space System Reliability and Safety Workshop2 days
Space System Specifications and Requirements Writing2 days
Space System Verification & Validation2 days
Space System Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A)2 days
Space Systems Architecture and Design Thinking2 days
Space Systems Design Training Workshop2 days
Space Systems Engineering and Management Workshop2 days
Space Systems Engineering Certificate (SSEC)2 days
Space Systems Engineering Course2 days
Space Systems Engineering Training Workshop2 days
Space Systems for Managers Workshop2 days
Space Systems Fundamentals for Managers2 days
Space Systems RCA2 days
Space Systems Reliability2 days
Space Systems Reliability Workshop2 days
Space Technology and Exploration Essentials2 days
Space Technology and Systems Specialist (STSS)2 days
Space Technology for Engineers2 days
Space Technology for Non-Engineers2 days
Space Technology for Software Developers2 days
Space Technology for the Development Leader2 days
Space Technology Leadership Workshop2 days
Space Technology Standards and Innovations Training2 days
Space Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation Workshop2 days
Space, Satellite & Aerospace Workshop2 days
Space-Based Laser Systems Workshop2 days
Spacecraft and Satellite Cybersecurity Workshop2 days
Spacecraft Avionics Systems Engineering Bootcamp2 days
Spacecraft Computer Systems Architecture and Design2 days
Spacecraft Hardware Design and Engineering2 days
Spacecraft Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) Workshop2 days
Spacecraft Integration and Testing Workshop2 days
Spacecraft Operations and Communication for Managers2 days
Spacecraft Reliability Engineering Training2 days
Spacecraft RF Engineering Bootcamp2 days
Spacecraft T&E2 days
Spacecraft Testing and Simulation2 days
Spacecraft Thermal Control Workshop2 days
Spaceflight Engineering Professional (SEP)2 days
Sustainable Space Engineering and Development2 days
Systems Engineering Essential2 days
Systems Engineering for Space2 days
Systems Engineering for Space Missions and Operations Fundamentals2 days
Unmanned Air Vehicle Design Workshop2 days
Vibration Testing of Space Systems Training2 days
Workshop on Hacking a Satellite with HackRF and GNU Radio: Exploring Link Budget and Advanced Techniques2 days

Space Environmental Engineering Workshop

Space engineering brings together a number of multidisciplinary engineering fields in order to create and develop high-performance system components and space systems.

Typical areas that space engineering is applied in are the engineering of space vehicles, space mission, space instrumentation, along with other components like actuators, sensors, propulsion, vehicle control, mechanisms, systems engineering and distributed space systems.

Space engineering is an important field that has been responsible for many common devices used globally today.

Scientists working at NASA are credited with inventing memory foam, thermometers, and LED lighting.

Satellites were also invented by space engineers, which has led to the development of other modern devices and technologies like GPS, mobile phones, and some television programming.

Space engineering is a field that especially needs to be cognizant of technological advances. Digitalization, AI and digital twins are all playing a part in helping space engineering evolve. In space engineering, applying state-of-the-art technologies is daily business.

This is not a field where participants become bored. For example, there are no shortage of challenges in the field of space engineering.

One particularly harrowing challenge for space engineers has been how to protect equipment in space due to extreme temperature variance. In fact, in spacecraft construction, even components like tape can require cutting-edge technology.

The solution was to find or create materials that can withstand the extreme temperatures of space. Kevlar, for instance, is a material more frequently associated with its use in bulletproof garments for the military and police. However, Kevlar has several properties that make it ideal for use in spacecraft.

Because of Kevlar’s strength to resist bullets, this material makes it perfect for standing up to impacts from meteors and space junk. Additionally, Kevlar weighs little compared to its durability. It also can experience extreme temperatures without damage to its structure or changing its form.

Another ongoing and increasingly important challenge in the realm of space engineering is developing methods for mitigating the impact of space debris on spacecraft and satellites. One idea is to employ laser orbital debris removal. This is a process that allows giant high-powered lasers on Earth to fire toward space debris, causing the junk to lose velocity and fall safely into Earth’s atmosphere.

Another creative solution includes the use of the Sticky Boom, a robotic arm system that extends up to 100 feet and uses an adhesive gripper to clamp onto debris.

Space engineering is different from other engineering fields because it requires a high level of technical expertise and specialized knowledge of the unique challenges and conditions that exist in the space environment.

These challenges include extreme temperature fluctuations, the vacuum of space, high levels of radiation, and the need to design systems that can function independently without the support of Earth-based infrastructure.

Space Engineering Training Courses by Tonex

Tonex offers over a dozen courses in Space Engineering, where participants are equipped with the technical skills required to design solutions to complex problems.

Attendees will also learn to combine unique technical skills and space-based assets while utilizing the principles of systems engineering to make an impact.

Learn from real space missions, starting with initial concept design leading to hardware and software design, manufacturing, testing and in-orbit operations.

Some of our most popular Space Engineering courses include:

CubeSat Systems Engineering Workshop

Space Mission Operations Workshop

Applied Space Systems Engineering

Introduction to Human Spaceflight

Designing Space Missions and Systems

All Tonex Space Engineering courses involve 2-days of intense training.