Course NameLength
Car Cyber Threats and Digital Forensics Training3 days
Car Digital Forensic Training Bootcamp | Automotive Digital Forensic Training4 days
Digital Forensics Essentials2 days
Digital Forensics Training Bootcamp Course2 days
Digital Imaging Essentials2 days
Open-Source Digital Forensics Workshop2 days


Digital Forensic

Digital forensics involves the investigation of computer-related crimes with the goal of obtaining evidence to be presented in a court of law.

The technical aspect of an investigation is divided into several sub-branches, relating to the type of digital devices involved: computer forensics, network forensics, forensic data analysis and mobile device forensics.

The typical forensic process encompasses the seizure, forensic imaging (acquisition) and analysis of digital media and the production of a report into collected evidence.

Digital evidence is information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied on in court. It is often associated with electronic crime (e-crime), such as child pornography or credit card fraud.

While the area of digital forensics is a relatively new science, it has developed rapidly due to the exponential rise in cybercrime and other illegal activities where computers and mobile devices play significant roles.

Digital forensics has also become important in the business environment. For example, with digital forensics, a business is able to mitigate the risk of sampling. While an organization can always use external auditors or cyber forensics professionals, this is one benefit that it can gain using the onboard forensic team.

Today, with proper training, digital forensics have a plethora of tools at their disposal to help do their jobs.

Digital Forensic Training Courses by Tonex

Our digital forensic courses, seminars and workshops present the branch of forensic science focused on recovery and investigation of artifacts found on digital devices, systems and networks.

Participants learn about devices that store data including computers, laptops, smartphones, thumb drives, memory cards, external hard drives, embedded systems, SoC/ASICs/FPGA, cars, trucks, boats, airplanes and trains.

Courses include:

Digital Forensic