Defense Acquisition Training
The primary objective of DoD acquisition is to acquire quality supplies and services that satisfy user needs with measurable improvements to mission capability and operational support at a fair and reasonable price.
Defense Acquisition System Process is the management process of a defense program. The Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Process is one of three (3) processes (Acquisition, Requirements and Funding) that make up and support the Defense Acquisition System and is implemented by DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework.”
This instruction provides the policies and principles that govern the defense acquisition system and forms the management foundation for all DoD programs.
It also identifies the specific statutory and regulatory reports and other information requirements for each Milestone Review and decision point. The DoD calls the system an event based process where a program goes thru a series of processes, milestones and reviews from beginning to end. Each milestone is the culmination of a phase were it’s determined if a program will proceed into the next phase.
The DoD management technique that integrates all these essential acquisition activities is called the; Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD).
Reforms, AI and Cybersecurity
In recent years, there has been considerable discussion regarding the need for defense acquisition reforms. Themes that have emerged include the need to have a “whole systems” view to start making the necessary connections between missions, governance, and communications.
It’s also recommended that he DoD continue to shift from a program- and platform-centric perspective to a mission and data-centric perspective, using data to drive integration, interoperability, and digital transformation.
This includes learning and training others to use new tools in both acquisition and operations.
Experts in this area also contend that defense acquisition must harness the economic engine of commercial development. This entails formulating incentives for the defense industry to innovate “ahead of” the problem and threats.
Additionally, the DoD is expected to fold AI applications into the defense acquisition process.
Various DOD components and military services have individually developed or plan to develop their own informal AI acquisition resources. Some of these resources reflect key factors identified by private companies for AI acquisition.
For example, DOD’s Chief Digital and AI Officer oversees an AI marketplace known as Tradewind, which is designed to expedite the procurement of AI capabilities.
Several Tradewind resources emphasize the need to consider intellectual property and data rights concerns when negotiating contracts for AI capabilities, a key factor identified by the companies GAO interviewed.
Analysts believe increased cybersecurity is also important.
Legacy information infrastructure has proven insufficient for cybersecurity. The acquisition role may be expanded to support information assurance. A supply chain audit and assessment process within the acquisition department will better support emerging cybersecurity requirements.
This project advances technical and workflow models, an assessment framework, and implementation methods to expand the acquisition role to include cybersecurity and information assurance across the systems lifecycle from initial requisition to maintenance and obsolescence.
It’s generally believed that a shift of cybersecurity responsibilities from distributed units into central acquisition departments should significantly lessen the inter- and intra-organizational boundaries which have hindered cybersecurity.
Adding state-of-the-art digital technologies is expected to reduce cybersecurity risks (especially in the interaction with third-party vendors). The incorporation of AI should reduce costs as well as better track transactions. AI also aids in the recommendation of acquisitions available for defense purposes.
Defense Acquisition Courses by Tonex
Defense Acquisition courses by Tonex are ideal for military personnel, government employees, defense contractors, and industry professionals involved in procurement, contract management, and defense program management. These courses cater to individuals seeking to enhance their expertise in defense acquisition.
It’s an event based process where a defense program goes thru a series of processes, milestones and reviews from beginning to end. Each milestone is the culmination of a phase were it’s determined if a program will proceed into the
next phase. The management technique that integrates all these essential acquisition activities is called; Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD).
The Acquisition Process is made up of five (5) phases.
Each phase has specific DoD regulations and federal statute that must be met. At the end of each phase there is a Milestone Review (A,B,C) to determine if the program has met these required regulations and statues to continue on into the next phase.
The phases are:
Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase: assesses potential solutions for a needed capability in an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and to satisfy the Entrance Criteria for the next program milestone.
Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction (TMRR) Phase: reduce technology risk, engineering integration, life-cycle cost risk and to determine the set of technologies to be integrated into a full system.
Engineering & Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase: system is developed and designed before going into production. Production & Deployment (PD) Phase: manufacture system that satisfies an operational capability is produced and deployed to an end user. Operations & Support (O&S) Phase: a system is used and supported by users in the field.