Course NameLength
Applied Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Workshop | Safety Critical Process Analysis2 days
Automotive Systems Reliability Engineering Training2 days
Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) Essentials2 days
Corrosion Prevention Compliance for DoD Systems2 days
Design for Assembly (DfA) Training2 days
Design for Excellence (DFX): Product Design and Development Training2 days
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Fundamentals2 days
Design of Experiments Training | DOE Training for Engineers2 days
Digital Twin and Virtual Prototyping in Systems Engineering Fundamentals2 days
Equipment Maintenance and Reliability Essentials Training2 days
Fault Tree Analysis Training | FTA Training2 days
IEEE 1633 Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) Training3 days
Introduction to Reliability Centered Maintenance2 days
Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) Training2 days
PFMEA Training | Process FMEA Training2 days
Reliability & Maintainability Workshop2 days
Reliability Analysis for Non-Repairable Systems Training3 days
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Training2 days
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Crash Course4 days
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Cost (RAM-C) Training2 days
Software Reliability Engineering Training3 days
Software Reliability for Medical Devices Training2 days
Software Reliability Testing Training Crash Course4 days
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Workshop2 days
X-Ray Safety Training2 days

Reliability, Safety and Maintenance Courses


Billions of dollars are spent each year to globally develop, manufacture, operate and maintain different types of engineering systems. That’s because today engineering systems are an important element of the world economy.

Engineering systems are also increasingly complicated and often contain millions of parts. A Boeing jumbo 747 for example is made up of approximately 4.5 million parts including fasteners.

Consequently, manufacturers have been forced to produce highly reliable, safe and maintainable engineering products with reliability, safety and maintenance professionals working during design and other phases.

Reliability engineering deals with the estimation, prevention and management of high levels of “lifetime” engineering uncertainty and risks of failure. Although stochastic parameters define and affect reliability, reliability is not (solely) achieved by mathematics and statistics.

For example, you can’t really expect to find a root cause (needed to effectively prevent failures) by only looking at statistics. In other words, you can’t ignore the reality that the ranges of uncertainty involved largely invalidate quantitative methods for prediction and measurement. It is, in fact, easy to represent probability of failure as a symbol or value in an equation, but it is almost impossible to predict its true magnitude in practice.

Reliability engineering is a sub-discipline of systems engineering that emphasizes dependability in the lifecycle management of a product. Reliability is closely related to availability, which is typically described as the ability of a component or system to function at a specified moment or interval of time.

Reliability, maintainability, and availability (RAM) are three system attributes that are of great interest to systems engineers, logisticians, and users. Collectively, they affect both the utility and the life-cycle costs of a product or system.

The origins of contemporary reliability engineering can be traced to World War II. The discipline’s first concerns were electronic and mechanical components. However, in today’s world the number of products with integrated digital functions is practically absolute.

Because of the rapidly increasing integration of computers into products and systems used by consumers, industry, governments, and the military, reliability now focuses on both hardware and software.

Modelling and Reliability, Safety and Maintenance

Maintainability models present some interesting challenges. The time to repair an item is the sum of the time required for evacuation, diagnosis, assembly of resources (parts, bays, tool, and mechanics), repair, inspection and return.

There is a wide range of models that estimate and predict reliability. Simple models, such as exponential distribution, can be useful for “back of the envelope” calculations.

System models are used to combine probabilities or their surrogates, failure rates and restoration times, at the component level to find a system level probability. System models are also used to evaluate a system for maintainability, single points of failure, and failure propagation. The three most common are reliability block diagrams, fault trees, and failure modes and effects analyses.

Reliability, safety and maintenance efforts are critically important in today’s industrial environment where increasingly complex and interdependent systems and system of systems (SoS) are utilized.

Failure of a single system, subsystem or part may only result in safety consequence, but there is always the likelihood it could lead to a catastrophic systemic incident resulting in considerable loss of human life, production time and capital.

Tonex Courses

Tonex offers a large selection of contemporary courses in Reliability, Safety and Maintenance taught by world class instructors who bring a combination expertise and real experience into the classroom.

For more information, questions, comments, contact us.

Reliability engineering training programs by Tonex.