Course Number: 11774
Length: 3 Days
The UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF) is an enabler for managing complexity. It provides a specification of how to represent an integrated model of an enterprise, from the operational / business aspects to the Systems that provide capability, with appropriate Standards and programmatic aspects. It assists in managing complexity by providing a logical, standardised way to present and integrate models of the enterprise. By covering both the operational and technical aspects across the enterprise, MODAF-compliant Architectures enable all communities of interest to gain the essential common understanding that will be required to deliver the benefits to be derived from Network Enabled Capability (NEC).
MOD’s adoption of Network Enabled Capability (NEC) as its means of integrating existing capabilities into a coherent system of systems is an ambitious exercise in managing both complexity and change throughout the enterprise. Modern warfare is fast changing and the systems that technology is now making available are in themselves faster, more complex and more adaptable than ever before.
MODAF is an essential component of NEC (or more generally, network based enterprise management) for the following reasons;
- MODAF is the UK mechanism for describing, analysing and actively managing defence enterprises, as referenced by DIN TBD
- MODAF is about managing complexity
- MODAF provides a common language for architectural discourse
The key benefits that MODAF delivers are improvements to the specification and implementation of interoperability between Systems. MODAF supports a wide variety of MOD processes, including: capability management, acquisition and sustainment.
MODAF training provides the details for understanding, analysing, and specifying: Capabilities, Systems, Systems of Systems (SoS), Organisational Structures and Business Processes. It is intended to facilitate the successful delivery of NEC.
Who Should Attend
Anyone who is interested in leading architecture development projects or is interested in MoDAF including:System, Software, Solution and Application Architects, and EngineersEnterprise ArchitectsExecutives, Managers, and Team LeadersCIO’s and Senior IT ManagementInformation, Data, and Systems EngineersBusiness and Systems AnalystsDevelopers and EngineersSenior DevelopersContractors Supporting DoD Architecture and Systems DevelopmentAspiring ArchitectsProject ManagersTool Vendors and DevelopersIntegratorsArchitecture ModellersManagersAdvanced EA Users
Upon completion of this course, the attendees will be able to:
- Understand the basic concepts behind Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Describe Architectural Frameworks
- Identify the added value of Architecture Framework
- Explore why and how to build an Architecture Framework
- List MoDAF Architecture Definitions, Terminology and Ontology
- Identify Architecture Methodologies
- Compare MoDAF and other EA frameworks and methodologies such as: DODAF, NAF, AGATE, FEAF, TOGAF, Zachman, Spewak's EAP, RUP/EUP, and IEEE 1471F
- Understand MoD Architecture Framework Principles
- Understand MoDAF Definitions and Guidelines
- List the basic concepts of The UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF)
- List MoDAF Architecture Concepts and Elements
- Describe MoDAF Architecture Views and Subviews
- Understand challenges of implementing MoDAF including the technical and organizational issues
- Identify the elements of an Architecture Framework Implementation Plan
- Determine Specific Architectures Requirements necessary for your Organization
Architecture Frameworks
- Enterprise Architecture, Architectural Frameworks and Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)
- Introduction to Architecture Frameworks
- Architectural Framework (AF) as a specification of how to Organise and Present Architectural Models
- Enterprise Archietcture (EA) Frameworks
- EA Specification and Integrated Model of an Enterprise
- Operational / Business Aspects and the Systems within the Enterprise
- Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)
- The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
- Gartner’s Enterprise Architecture Framework
- Zachman Framework
- Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF)
- NATO Architecture Framework (NAF)
- NAF as Chosen Implementation of an Enterprise Architecture (EA) Framework.
- AGATE v3
- Defence Architecture Framework (DAF)
- Model-based Architecture for Command and Control Information Systems (MACCIS)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)
Architecture Methodologies
- NC3A’s Architecture Engineering Methodology (AEM) Boeing/Openwings
- META Group and Gartner Process Model
- DoDAF’s 6 step model
Introduction to MoDAF v1.2
- Purpose and Scope of the MoDAF
- Why use MoDAF?
- MoDAF Architecture Tools
- Types of MoDAF Architectures
- User requirements analysis with MODAF
- System requirements analysis with MODAF
- Dependency analysis with MODAFMoDAF Architecture Views and Viewpoints
- Architecture Stakeholders and their Roles
- Identification and Description of Stakeholders
- Enterprise Architecture, SOA and MoDAF
- Role of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
- Architectural Framework Meta Models
- Gap analysis with MODAF
- As-Is and To-Be Architectures
Key MODAF Definitions
- Capability
- Capability Requirement
- Capability Configuration
- Operational Node
- Needline
- MODAF Meta Model
- MODAF UML/SysML Examples
- What is the MODAF Architecting Process?
- MoDAF Viewpoints
- Viewpoint Linkages
- MODAF Ontology
MoDAF Views
- All Views (AV)
- Strategic Views (StV)
- Operational Views (OV)
- System Views (SV)
- Technical Standards Views (TV)
- Acquisition Views (AcV)
- Service-Orientated Views (SOV)
- What MODAF Views are Mandated?
Workshops and case studies
- Modeling Enterprise Architecture (EA) with MoDAF
- Examples of Successful Framework Design using MoDAF and DoDAF
- MoDAF Architecture Views and Modeling Workshop: Working Exercises applied MoDAF to your Project