Course Number: 11776
Length: 2 Days
NASCIO (National Association of State Chief Information Officers) EA Development training covers NASCIO EA Development Version 3.0 Tool-Kit. The training addresses Architecture Governance, Business, Information, Technology and Solution Architectures.
NASCIO represents state chief information officers and information resource executives and managers from the 50 states, six U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. State members are senior officials from any of the three branches of state government who have executive-level and statewide responsibility for information resource management. Representatives from federal, municipal, and international governments and state officials who are involved in information resource management but do not have chief responsibility for that function participate in the organization as associate members. Private-sector firms and non-profit organizations participate as corporate members.
The NASCIO Enterprise Architecture program was developed to enable the mission of state and local government. Government must continually reinvent itself to remain relevant by effectively and efficiently providing services to the citizens of this country. The path to this continual transformation must embrace leadership, management, coordination, communication and technology throughout government. Enterprise architecture is the discipline to appropriately define and leverage these capabilities within the complexities of government.
Funding to support the NASCIO EA Program and information sharing initiative is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs.
Who Should Attend
Anyone considering, leading, or participating in EA processes.
Upon completion of this boot camp, the participants are able to:- Understand the basic concepts related to Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Understand NASCIO EA Development training Version 3.0 Tool-Kit
- Address Architecture Governance, Business, Information, Technology and Solution Architectures.
- Identify the added value of EA
- Explore why and how to build an EA
- Understand challenges of implementing EA, including the technical and organizational issues
- Identify the elements of an EA implementation plan
- Develop an EA working plan
- Determine specific architectures necessary for your organization
- Identify the steps to improve enterprise architecture practices
- Select, organize and implement a EA project
Concept - Why Architecture? Overview of Enterprise Architecture Concepts & StructureFraming the Enterprise ArchitecturePROGRAM MANAGEMENT – EA
Program Management for Enterprise Architecture Touch-points - EA and Other Management Activities Project Management Project Risk Management Project OversightPerformance Measures and Metrics Business Case Development EA and Technology Planning ProcessesEA Program Management at WorkFederal EA Program Management OfficeNorth Carolina – Office of Enterprise Technology StrategiesNASCIO EA Tool-Kit version – Introduction & Governance iiiNorth Dakota – Information Technology DepartmentMissouri – Office of Information TechnologyNew Mexico – Information Technology Commission (ITC)ARCHITECTURE GOVERNANCE
Enterprise Elements Enterprise Element Relationships Enterprise Architecture Framework Elements Roles & ResponsibilitiesPrimary ContributorsSupporting ContributorsGovernance SamplesApplicability In The Judicial EnvironmentGovernance Models Architecture Governance DevelopmentDetermine Architecture GovernanceCreate Architecture Governance Structure Document/Update Architecture Lifecycle ProcessesConfirm Architecture Governance StructureARCHITECTURE LIFECYCLE PROCESSES
Architecture Documentation ProcessInitiate Enterprise Documentation Process Conduct Documenter Work SessionsArchitecture Review Process Propose Architecture ChangeDetermine Review Decision Document Architecture Review DecisionArchitecture Communication ProcessCommunicate Architecture Information Architecture Compliance Process Request Architecture Help Determine Options Create Architecture Variance Business CaseArchitecture Framework Viability ProcessDetermine Architecture Framework ChangesArchitecture Blueprint Vitality Process Determine Architecture Blueprint Changes