Course NameLength
Advanced Software Safety: Standards, Management, and Future Trends2 days
Software Development & Quality Workshop2 days
Software QA and Secure Coding2 days
Software Safety Course for Managers2 days
Software Safety Engineering Workshop2 days
Software Safety Lessons Learned and Case Studies2 days
Software Safety Programming and Software Coding Standards2 days
Software Safety Training Course Workshop2 days
Software Safety Training Workshop2 days
Software Safety Workshop With FMECA and FTA2 days
Software System Safety & Assurance Workshop2 days
Software System Safety and Assurance Training2 days

Software Safety Training Courses

Software QA and Secure Coding Training by Tonex

Software Safety is essentially about preventing a system from reaching dangerous states.

In software, the principle clearinghouse of state change is memory. So the first line of defense preventing a program from reaching a dangerous state is controlling what can access its memory and how that memory can be accessed.

The need to manage what parts of memory a process can access traces its roots back to mainframe timesharing. Resource management and memory safety started as a straightforward customer service issue. Computer scientists theorized that these annoyances could be weaponized and they almost immediately were starting with the Morris worm in 1988 and continuing to this day.

Unsafe states can occur when computers become participants in other larger human based systems. Modern technologies — particularly AI — have made them relevant in ways they were not before.

Software has always been present in human systems, but there is a difference between being present in the system and being a participant in the system. When you use a database to keep track of inventory, software is present in the system. When you build software that automatically reorders items based on that database, the software is now a participant.

Software Safety has become an important element of System Safety as more and more hardware and equipment are run and controlled by software.

Software Safety Training Workshop2 days
Automotive Functional Safety ISO 26262 Training Bootcamp4 days
Automotive System Design Training3 days
Functional Safety and Hazard Analysis Training3 days
ISO 26262 Training: Automotive Safety2 days
Software Safety Training3 days
Software Safety, Hazards Analysis and Risk Management Training Workshop3 days
Software System Safety Engineering Training3 days

Software safety is important because software impacts our world in many important ways.

Almost everything that we touch, from the beginning to the end of our day, relies upon software. Consequently, software safety requires that systems be built and configured in a secure and reliable way.

Software safety allows management to familiarize themselves with corporate safety activities, immediately identify and minimize risk, as well as improve company culture that creates trust between front line employees and management.

Software safety also allows organizations to standardize their safety procedures and track, analyze, and optimize safety related activities more efficiently. This enables organizations to focus on measurable outcomes and make safety related decisions that are based on empirical data.

Software safety encompasses all areas of business operations including job hazard analysis, incident management, inspections, auditing and ergonomics.

Software safety is also beginning to become an important element of system safety as more and more hardware and equipment are run and controlled by software. Customary approaches such as hazard and fault tree analyses would help one to identify and assign hazards to either of a hardware or software nature.

Software Safety Training by Tonex

Software Safety Training is covers all aspects of Software Safety focusing on philosophies and methods in software safety and its primary objectives: to design, code, test, and support software with the appropriate Level‐of‐Rigor (LOR) to instill a confidence, or the assurance of safe software.

Software Safety Training helps participants learn the following:

  • The nature of software hazards, root causes, and the methods by which these hazards may be prevented or discovered.
  • The administrative methods and documentation needed to establish and manage a software safety program; have better understanding of providing evidence for a safety case or proof.
  • Software hazard analysis techniques that helps them identify hazards (the critical thinking part)
  • Risk assessment in terms of severity, probability and control
  • Risk mitigation – the problem solving/ solutions/safe designing

Who Should Attend Our Software Safety Courses?

Software engineers, project managers, technical admin, safety engineers, system engineers, testing and V&V engineers, analysts and anyone else who is interested to acquire skills in software safety.

For more information, questions, comments, contact us.