Length: 3 Days
DoDAF Workshop – Business Process Management applied to DoDAF 2.0, A combination of theoretical and practical information
DoDAF Workshop, Business process management (BPM) applied to DoDAF covers all aspects of BPM applied to DoDAF 2.0’s All, Capability, Operational, Systems, Services viewpoints and Data and Information Viewpoints.
DoDAF described Viewpoints and Models in the Operational Viewpoint (OVs) have to ideally describe as-is vs. to-be tasks and activities, operational elements, and resource flow exchanges required to conduct operations.
Operations, their relationships and rules shall be captured, analyzed, modeled, and redesigned using BPM techniques and disciplines.
During the DoDAF workshop, students will discover how BPM can be applied to DoDAF as a set of management disciplines. BPM will treat DoDAF activities and business processes as assets that directly contribute to DoD enterprise performance by driving DoD operational excellence and business agility.
DoDAF workkshop with BPM shows how modeling and governance of DoDAF activities and processes will improve agility and operational performance.
During this workshop we focus on a structured BPM approach employing methods, policies, metrics, and software tools to continuously optimize an DoDAF activities and processes.
Essential elements of DoDAF workshop with BPM
The most critical disciplines for DoDAF success can be related to nontechnical issues, such as changing people’s attitudes and assumptions based on process perspective, evaluating business performance and more.
These essential elements of DoDAF workshop with BPM consist of:
- Comprehending DoDAF activities and processes through business process modeling for visualization
- Using different tools to capture, model, design or redesign, test, measure and maintain business activities
- Model a new business process, change the existing business processes, document and draw business processes using diagrams
- Capture business rules applied to DoDAF Viewpoints
- Evaluating process performance with creating key process metrics
- Generating options for performance improvements through process and activity analysis
- Gaining the willingness to change the processes from the stakeholders involved
- How to Address the enterprise concerns associated with the overall vision for transformational endeavors
- How DoDAF capabilities and activities (operational activities) are organized in a hierarchal structure.
- How DoDAF Operational Activity Model relate the context of capabilities and activities (operational activities) and their relationships among activities, inputs, and outputs; Additional data can show cost, performers or other pertinent information
- Identify and Create Operational Rules that constrain the operation by describing the activity (operational activity)
- Create State Transition Description to describe operational activity (activity) and identify business process (activity) responses to events (usually, very short activities).
- Create Event-Trace Description to describe activity (operational activity) and to trace actions in a scenario or sequence of events
- How to map OV-6c and relate them to the SV-6 in BPM
Who Should Attend
- Business Analysts
- Enterprise Archietcts
- DoDAF Process improvement team members
- DoDAF Managers and supervisors
Learn about:
- DoDAF Architecture Development Process
- Business Process Concepts and Fundamentals
- Business Process Management Concepts and Fundamentals
- How to analyze and model DoDAF Process Strategies, Goals and Objectives
- DoDAF Process Maturity Evaluation
- Apply Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) to DoDAF
- Create BPMN Diagram Elements for DoDAF 2.0 Processes
- Key concepts behind DoDAF Process Quality, Governance, and Metrics
- Applying Industry Reference Models and Frameworks to DoDAF
- How to model DoDAF activities and business processes at
- How to effectively analyze DoDAF “as-is” processes and activities
- How to develop effective process and activity designs
DoDAF Architecture Development Process
- Intended Use of Architecture
- Scope of Architecture
- Data Required to Support Architecture Development
- Collect, Organize, Correlate, and Store Architectural Data
- Conduct Analyses in Support of Architecture Objectives
- Alignment of Results in Accordance with Decision-Maker Needs
Introduction to Business Process and Business Process Management
- What is a Business Process?
- What is Business Process Management (BPM)?
- BPM terms, concepts and principles
- What is Process Management?
- Business Process Management Modeling (BPML)
- The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
- Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
- BPM Framework and tools
Process Modeling Tools
- Business Process Management Suites
- BPM Implementation Strategies
- Key Skills, Roles and Responsibilities
Process Modeling, Analysis and Design
- As Is vs. To Be Business Activities and Processes
- Key principles of Business Process Modeling
- Key steps
- Data gathering techniques
- Business Process Analysis
- How to identify a broken activities and processes
- Selecting a DODAF activity for redesign
- Business Process Design
- Process team formation
- Activity Benchmarking
- Activity Design principles
- Activity Design pitfalls and how to avoid them
- The Value of a Framework
BPM applied to DoDAF
- Overview of DoDAF activities and processes
- Business process modeling applied to DoDAF
- DoDAF business process management tasks: capture, model, design or redesign, test, measure and maintain DoD business activities
- Key requirement for a “To-Be” architecture in logical terms
- Development of user requirements, capturing future concepts, and supporting operational planning processes
- Definition of user-level interoperability requirements
- Applicability of the Operational Viewpoint
- Operational models assessment
- Mapping Operational Viewpoints to Capability Viewpoints
- Line of business supported by this enterprise
- Activities are in place to support different lines of business
- Functional scope of the capability or capabilities
- Organizational span of influence of this capability or capabilities
- What activities are being supported or automated by a capability or capabilities?
- What role does organization X play within a capability or capabilities?
- What are the functional requirements driving a particular capability?
- What rules are applied within a capability, and how are they applied?
Working with DoDAF Activities and Processes
- Document important aspects of DoDAF activities and processes
- Which DoDAF activities are needed
- How are DoDAF activities performed
- What outcomes or outputs are required
- Capture business rules applied to DoDAF Viewpoints
- Key process metrics
- DoDAF capabilities and activities
- Operational Rules
- Event-Trace Description
- Mapping operational viewpoints to System Viewpoint using BPM
- How to map OV-6c and relate them to the SV-6 in BPM
Workshop Activities using Erwin Data Modeler and Erwin Process Modeler
- Create business processes (IDEF0), work flow (IDEF3) and utilize data flow (DFD) modeling techniques.
- Create Swim Lane Diagrams to provide an efficient mechanism for visualizing and optimizing complex operational processes
- Organize processes across functional boundaries, enabling you to simultaneously view processes, roles and responsibilities
- Create and Model Organizational structures, roles to see how they affect business processes