Length: 2 Days
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5G AI & Digital Twins

5g ai digital twins

A digital twin is a computerized representation of the physical object or phenomenon, which acts as its real-time digital equivalent.

The use of digital twins enables more effective research and design of products, with an abundance of data created about likely performance outcomes. That information can lead to insights that help companies make needed product refinements before starting production.

5G, AI and digital twins can create a virtual emulation to help planners understand how to reduce congestion, emissions, pollution and other challenges by analyzing data from various sources and testing different variables in the virtual model.

By deploying digital twins and AI, organizations obtain granular insights into their operations, enabling them to achieve significant benefits spanning cost savings, efficiency gains and improved sustainability efforts.

Product quality is also enhanced through a reduction in defects and the accelerated resolution of issues throughout the lifecycle. In addition, innovation increases through more frequent and comprehensive development.

What makes the digital twin an upper echelon technology is how it incorporates IoT, AI, machine learning, and software analytics into a single system. Essentially, the digital twin is a self-learning system that utilizes a variety of different technologies. As a result, SFM is built on a digital system that integrates all devices and aids in the achievement of smart building objectives.

Many devices, sensors, and software all contribute to the creation of a digital twin. The conduit for all these elements to function cohesively is 5G, the high-speed connection is required for digital twin applications to carry out numerous operations in real time or quick processing times.

The importance of 5G in the digital twin realm cannot be overemphasized. Experts in this area predict that 5G-enabled manufacturing digital twins will be able to aggregate design, manufacturing, production planning, maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) data to allow total process simulation of an actual production process and enable “on the fly” decision making.

Governments are looking at digital twins to assist them in taking a long-term view of cities. 5G-enabled digital twins can collect near real-time feeds from devices, sensors, citizens and infrastructure to provide this information instantly and more accurately than before.

This has significant benefits for municipalities, such as interactive digital twins allowing them to understand the impact of development decisions for years, or even decades, to come.

5G AI & Digital Twins Course by Tonex

5G AI & Digital Twins is a 2 days course by Tonex. 5G and AI are the 2 most essential elements that strongly fuel future innovations, and they are inherently synergistic. AI advancements can help improve. Digital Twins: New Technology That Has Doubled in Importance Digital Twins have become doubly important to organizations. Key principles of Digital Twins and how it relates to integration of digital engineering, modeling and simulations, AI/ML, 3D and integration for service and product-related data and systems.

Do you want to know what role will Artificial Intelligence have in the mobile networks of the future? Leading service providers share their AI experiences, challenges and future plans. Data-driven support. Engineered intelligence. Proven network results. Smarter site engineering.

5G will enhance the speed and integration of other technologies, while AI will allow machines and systems to function with intelligence levels similar to that.


  • Network Engineer & Architect
  • Product engineer & designer
  • Systems engineer
  • Healthcare technician
  • Mechanical/ Trouble-shooting professional
  • Engineering Project management chief
  • RF engineers & scientists,
  • Software testing engineers, analysts,
  • Engineering managers,
  • Antenna technicians,
  • Field measurement technicians
  • Project planners


  • How All we believe that AI 5G will open up exciting opportunities for the mobile communications sector, as it can be utilized to create a more personal approach.
  • Why organizations from healthcare and facilities management to product design have turned to digital twin technology.
  • How Digital Twins have been particularly useful in the manufacturing sector, where comparing products and their manufacturing conditions can help identify why some batches have more variability, defects, or inefficiencies.

Program Outline

  • Fundamentals of 5G
  • 5G Networks, Integration, Migration
  • Intelligent Deployment
  • Digital Twin 101
  • Types of Digital Twins
  • Digital Twin Market and 5G
  • Practical Applications

5G AI & Digital Twins

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