Length: 2 Days
Antenna Fundamentals Training by TONEX
Antenna Fundamentals Training, covers in some detail antennas, antenna theory, antenna characteristics, antenna specifications, antenna applications in wireless communications and military systems and other important key topics. Antenna fundamentals training course includes system issues that surround the antennas.
Antenna fundamentals training course is designed for anyone who is involved in the planning, designing, testing and installation of RF and wireless infrastructures.
Electromagnetics and RF Fundamentals will provide the attendees with a sound understanding of the principals antenna theories if you do not have been exposed to these areas before.
Antenna fundamentals training course presents the fundamentals of antennas for anyone who a solid antenna fundamentals and people who need to fill in any gaps they may have in their understanding of antennas and antenna theory of operation. This course illustrates basic antenna concepts, fundamental properties of antennas, installation, operations, utilization and applications, antenna physical explanations, demos and labs where students build an work with simple antennas.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the antenna fundamentals training, the attendees will be able to:
- Understand the basic antenna terminology and terms
- Explain various concepts of the antenna theory and antenna types
- Describe electromagnetic theory, RF propagation mechanisms, velocity, dipole, polarity, antenna polarization, Gain, antenna patterns, PIM, VSWR, Return Loss, and other related to antennas
- Discuss concepts behind antenna radiation patterns, antenna pattern shaping, pattern shaping, lobes, sidelobes, beamwidth, ratios, suppression, passive intermodulation , mechanical and electrical downtilt, reflectors, linear antenna types, sectorization, array antenna, Directional antenna and the Yagi.
- Discuss the effect of antenna radiation patterns and the role of various antenna components
- Summarize the approaches used for planning, designing, operating, testing and optimizing antennas and antenna systems
- Explain how simulation and software tools can be used during various stages of antenna development (e.g., design, deployment, and optimization)
Learn about discipline of antennas and technological challenges behind antennas.
Basic Antenna Concepts, Understand the fundamental properties, operations, utilizations and applications of antennas. Focus on intuitive physical explanations and laboratory demonstrations.
Learn basic Antenna Concepts including:
- Fundamentals of antennas
- RF fundamentals
- Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
- Antenna terminology and key concepts
- Types of antennas
- Antenna bandwidth
- Simple Radiating Systems and Antenna Practice
- Review of basic antenna types
- Radiation pattern, gain, polarization
- Equivalent circuit & radiation efficiency
- Fundamentals of Antenna Arrays
- Resonant Antennas
- Broadband Antennas
- Aperture Antennas
- Smart antennas
- Antenna numerical techniques
- Antenna measurement techniques
- Software simulation concepts
- MATLAB features
Course Agenda
Antenna Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of antenna theory
- Basic antenna concepts
- Radiation pattern, gain, polarization
- Equivalent circuit & radiation efficiency
- Radiation resistance
- The effective area of a receiving antenna
- Reciprocity theorems
- Antenna Temperature
- What is antenna directivity?
- Antenna beamwidth and sidelobes
Antenna Engineering, and Applications
- Fundamental parameters of antennas
- Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
- Maxwell’s equations
- Wave equations
- Near field and far fields
- Directivity, gain, polarization, and impedance
- Input impedance and radiation resistance of an antenna
- Calculating antenna efficiency and Gain
- Introduction to Antenna Engineering
- Stages of antenna technology deployment
- Planning, design, engineering, optimization
- Review of RF Components
- RF propagation
- RSSI, SIR, dB, dBm, dBi, dBd
- Directivity
- Bandwidth
- Beamwidth
- Polarization
- Input Impedance
- Numerical techniques
- Radiation mechanism
- Antenna radiation patterns
- Antenna classifications
- Dipole, monopole, loop, patch, helical, array, horn, and reflector antennas
- Basic antenna array concepts
- Antenna pattern multiplication
- Phasing arrays
Antenna Types
- Resonant Antennas
- Dipole antennas
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- Microstrip antennas
- Broadband antennas
- Aperture antennas
- Horn antennas
- Reflector antennas
- Linear wire antennas
- Loop antennas
- Arrays: Linear, Planar, and Circular
- Frequency independent antennas
- Antenna miniaturization
- Fractal antennas
- Aperture antennas
- Horn antennas
- Microstrip antennas
- Reflector antennas
- Phased array
- Smart antennas
Antenna Array Basics
- Benefits of antenna arrays
- Diversity gain in multipath signal
- The capability of a steerable beam?
- change of radiation pattern
- Array patterns
- Radiating elements
- Dipoles, open-ended waveguides, slotted waveguides, microstrip antennas, helices, spirals etc.
- Types of arrays
- Relative phases amplitudes
- Steering the beam by means of electronic control
- Phased array
- Application of phased arrays
- Linear and planar arrays
- Radiation patterns scanning
- Array design and Grating lobes
- Principle of pattern multiplication
- Examples of array patterns using pattern multiplication
- N-Element Uniform Liner Arrays (ULAs)
- The shape and direction of pattern
Antenna Measurements
- Antenna ranges
- Radiation patterns
- Measuring Gain and directivity
- Radiation efficiency
- Impedance measurements
- Current measurements
- E- and H- planes measurements
- Polarization measurements
- Scale Model measurements
Software Simulation Concepts
- Antenna Modeling
- Problems in electromagnetic
- Implementation full-wave techniques
- The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method
- Intro Mathematical Statistics
- Introduction to STAT 415
- Point Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Unbiased Estimation
- Method of Moments (MoM)
- Currents on metallic and dielectric structures
- Radiation in free space
- full wave solution of Maxwell’s integral equations in the frequency domain
- Surface Equivalence Principle
- Principle (Surface Mesh)
- Surface Equivalence Principle (SEP)
- Volume Equivalence Principle (VEP)
- Windscreen Antenna Method
- Thin Dielectric Sheets
- Dielectrically Coated Wires
- modelling of dielectric and magnetic coatings on wires:
- Popovic’s formulation
- Periodic Boundary Condition (PBC)
- Low Frequency Analysis
- Higher Order Basis Functions