Length: 2 Days
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Fundamentals of Trustworthy AI Training by Tonex

Certified GenAI and LLM Cybersecurity Professional (CGLCP™) Certification Course by Tonex

Trustworthy AI is an approach to AI development that prioritizes safety and transparency for the people who interact with it.

Developers of trustworthy AI understand that no model is perfect, and take steps to help customers and the general public understand how the technology was built, its intended use cases and its limitations.

Trustworthy AI models are tested for safety, security and mitigation of unwanted bias as well as comply with consumer and privacy protection laws.

Transparency is also an important element of trustworthy AI models, which should provide information such as accuracy benchmarks or a description of the training dataset to various audiences including regulatory authorities, developers and consumers.

In a field moving as fast as artificial intelligence, identifying the characteristics of a trustworthy AI system is difficult. Attributes like safety, accuracy and fairness can be tested mathematically and with certainty in some AI applications but not all AI use cases demonstrate the same attributes can be difficult if not impossible to guarantee in other applications of AI.

To better trust AI decisions, organizations should know how an AI system arrives at its conclusions and recommendations.

Understanding how a system works gives us a sense of predictability and control. This is because humans are driven to acquire and provide explanations.

Consequently, companies selling AI solutions have increasingly looked for ways to offer some insight into how “black box” AI algorithms reach decisions. They primarily focus on developing additional algorithms which approximate the behavior of a black-box system to offer post-hoc interpretations of the original AI decision.

Trustworthy AI is an AI system designed, developed and deployed with human-centricity in mind. These systems incorporate appropriate levels of accountability, inclusivity, transparency, completeness and robustness to promote human agency and prevent human harm.

As AI becomes more prevalent, it will affect nearly every aspect of society from our professional to personal lives. Organizations that can demonstrate responsible and ethical use of AI are more likely to be commercially successful. This is where Trustworthy AI – a system designed to ensure safety, reliability and ethical practices – can help.

Trustworthy AI depends upon accountability. Accountability presupposes transparency. Transparency reflects the extent to which information about an AI system and its outputs is available to individuals interacting with such a system – regardless of whether they are even aware that they are doing so.

Fundamentals of Trustworthy AI Training by Tonex

The Fundamentals of Trustworthy AI Training Course offered by Tonex is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to understand, develop, and implement AI systems that prioritize trustworthiness. In an age where AI technologies are increasingly integrated into various facets of society, ensuring that these systems are reliable, ethical, and accountable is paramount.

Through a comprehensive curriculum, participants will explore the foundational principles, methodologies, and best practices essential for building AI solutions that prioritize transparency, fairness, privacy, and security. Real-world case studies and practical exercises will provide hands-on experience in assessing, designing, and managing AI systems with a focus on trustworthiness.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of trustworthy AI and its significance in contemporary technological landscapes.
  • Explore the ethical implications and societal impacts of AI technologies.
  • Gain insight into the principles and frameworks for developing AI systems that prioritize transparency, fairness, and accountability.
  • Learn methodologies and techniques for assessing and mitigating bias in AI algorithms.
  • Acquire knowledge of privacy-preserving techniques and strategies for ensuring data security in AI applications.
  • Explore regulatory frameworks and guidelines governing trustworthy AI development and deployment.
  • Develop practical skills through hands-on exercises and case studies to evaluate, design, and implement trustworthy AI solutions.
  • Gain awareness of emerging trends and advancements in trustworthy AI research and practice.

Audience: This course is tailored for professionals and practitioners across various industries who are involved in the development, deployment, or management of AI systems. This includes but is not limited to:

  • AI engineers and developers
  • Data scientists and analysts
  • Ethical AI researchers
  • Compliance officers and legal professionals
  • Policy makers and regulators
  • Business executives and decision-makers seeking to leverage AI technologies while ensuring ethical and responsible practices.

Course Outlines:

Module 1: Understanding Trustworthy AI

  • Definition of Trustworthy AI
  • Importance of Trustworthiness in AI Systems
  • Ethical Considerations in AI Development
  • Societal Impacts of AI Technologies
  • Principles of Transparency and Accountability
  • Regulatory Landscape for Trustworthy AI

Module 2: Mitigating Bias in AI

  • Recognizing Bias in AI Algorithms
  • Types of Bias in AI Systems
  • Impact of Bias on Decision Making
  • Techniques for Assessing Bias in AI Models
  • Strategies for Mitigating Bias in AI Development
  • Ethical Implications of Bias Mitigation

Module 3: Ensuring Privacy and Security

  • Privacy Challenges in AI Applications
  • Data Protection Principles and Regulations
  • Privacy-Preserving Techniques in AI
  • Secure Data Handling Practices
  • Threats to AI Security
  • Strategies for Securing AI Systems

Module 4: Transparency and Explainability

  • Importance of Transparency in AI Systems
  • Explainability vs. Black Box Models
  • Interpretable Machine Learning Techniques
  • Tools for Model Interpretability
  • Communicating AI Outputs to Stakeholders
  • Regulatory Requirements for Model Explainability

Module 5: Fairness and Accountability

  • Concept of Fairness in AI
  • Bias vs. Fairness in AI Algorithms
  • Metrics for Evaluating Fairness
  • Fairness-Aware Machine Learning Techniques
  • Establishing Accountability in AI Development
  • Ethical Considerations in Fairness and Accountability

Module 6: Practical Implementation and Case Studies

  • Assessing Trustworthiness in AI Systems
  • Designing Ethical AI Solutions
  • Case Studies on Trustworthy AI Implementations
  • Challenges and Best Practices in AI Deployment
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Trustworthy AI Systems
  • Future Directions in Trustworthy AI Research and Practice

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