Price: $2,999.00

Length: 3 Days
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Patent Engineering With SysML, Hands-on Workshop

It’s not surprising that patent engineering has turned to SysML for support.

Patents represent exclusive rights granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.

SysML is a general-purpose modeling language to the specification, evaluation, design, verification, and validation of a wide range of complex systems.

Today, patents are no longer merely the arena for patent attorneys, but rather, impact the day-to-day jobs of managers, engineers and other related stakeholders. Additionally, Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose modeling language to the specification, evaluation, design, verification, and validation of a wide range of complex systems.

SysML is used as an end-to-end solution that may incorporate both aspects of system design in addition to patent viewpoints for ease of patenting the system and related methods.

Consequently, organizations save both time and money by integrating the design of a system with potentially patentable ideas, in a way which provides visibility in real time to all stakeholders over the duration of a projection.

In other words, SysML is planned to deliver simple yet strong framework to model a variety of systems engineering problems. It is specifically efficient in identifying requirements, structure, behavior, allocations, and limitations of system properties to support engineering analysis.

Patents can be issued for systems (machines), methods (processes, acts), and the composition of matter (chemical compounds, chemical compositions).

SysML offers multiple diagrams to model the system to make a patent process more understandable as well as simplifying the details.

Patent Engineering With SysML, Hands-on Workshop by Tonex

Patent Engineering With SysML is a 3-day HANDS-ON Workshop. Patent engineering with Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a training course that will provide new insights into using formal modelling language to both model your products and systems, while being able to reuse and modify generated SysML diagrams for patents, thereby saving time and money in addition to improving project visibility and accuracy.

Patents represent exclusive rights granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. Today, patents are no longer merely the arena for patent attorneys, but rather, impact the day-to-day jobs of managers, engineers, and other related stakeholders. Additionally, Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose modeling language to the specification, evaluation, design, verification, and validation of a wide range of complex systems.

Such systems might consist of hardware, software, information, processes, personnel, and facilities. In this context, SysML can be used as an end-to-end solution that may incorporate both aspects of system design in addition to patent viewpoints for ease of patenting the system and related methods. In this way, a company can save both time and money by integrating the design of a system with potentially patentable ideas, in a way which provides visibility in real-time to all stakeholders over the duration of a projection. SysML is planned to deliver simple yet strong framework to model a variety of systems engineering problems. It is specifically efficient in identifying requirements, structure, behavior, allocations, and limitations of system properties to support engineering analysis.

The language intends to give support to several processes and techniques such as structured, object-oriented, and others, but each method may enforce extra limitations on how a framework or diagram type may be applied. This type of language offers most, but not all, of the specifications of the UML for Systems Engineering. Patent engineering with SysML training covers what you need to know about patents from a basic legal and the managerial point-of-view, what you need to get started with SysML in your day to day systems engineering designs, and how to integrate the two fields to generate ideas, identify potential patents, and protect your valuable ideas as they emerge effectively and efficiently.

Further, the training will provide a fundamental and broad understanding of patents, which are constitutionally-derived rights that serve to legally protecting inventions (e.g., devices, processes, products, materials, software methods, etc.) from unjust infringement by competitors. You will learn: (1) providing an understanding of patent applications components and processes (such as drawings, claims, and the specification, formalities, best practices, and the like), and (2) providing an understanding of patent prosecution before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Learn About:

  • SysML Diagram Elements Diagram elements mostly include comments, constraints, problem, rationale, and dependencies. Dependencies are compromised of the dependency subtypes Conform, Realization, and Refine, shown on all SysML diagram types, in addition to the diagram elements that are specific to each diagram type.
  • SysML Blocks Blocks are modular units of system description. Each block describes a collection of specifications to explain a system or other component of interest. These may include both structural and behavioral features, such as properties and operations, to represent the state of the system and behavior that the system may exhibit.
  • SysML Language Architecture SysML reprocesses a subcategory of UML 2 and gives extra extensions required to discourse requirements in the UML for Systems Engineering. This requirement records the language architecture in regards to the elements of UML 2 that are reused and the extensions to UML 2.
  • S. patent law institutions and organizations, including: the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC).
  • Main U.S. Patent laws (35 U.S.C. § 101, § 102, § 103, § 112, and others)
  • The legal concept of invention (conception, reduction-to-practice, diligence, etc.) and the importance inventorship and it’s distinction from ownership and assignment
  • The various types of patents (provisional patents, utility patents, design patents)
  • Patent searching (pros and cons of searching, search strategies, how to implement)
  • Patentability requirements (novelty, non-obviousness, utility, etc.)
  • Patent application components (claims, drawings, specification, and other formalities)
  • US patent application filing procedures and costs (timing pitfalls, related websites, parameters such as entity-size status and it’s effect on fees, formalities, application data sheet, transmittals, oaths, declarations, etc.)
  • Patent prosecution procedures and strategies (how to refute rejections by the USPTO examiners, various arguments such as impermissible hindsight, teaching away, commercial success, long-felt but unsolved needs, failure of others, copying by the industry and unexpected results, the use of 37 CFR 1.132 declarations, etc.)
  • Patent application preparation (working with attorneys, developing an efficient in-house model)
  • Patent engineer with SysML training is designed to deliver theoretical and practical training related to SysML and intellectual property law in the form of lectures, interactive presentations, templates, case studies, group activities, and hands-on workshops.


Patent engineering with SysML training is a 3-day course designed for all engineers, managers, and supervisors in all capacities (e.g., engineering managers, business managers, etc.) who already have or are planning to manage patent ideas and using novel software tools implementing SysML, or who are interested in having a thorough understanding of the patent system and SysML.

Training Objectives

Upon the completion of patent law for managers training, the attendees will be able to:

  • Describe model-based engineering (MBSE) fundamentals and benefits
  • Describe SysML architecture and relation to UML and other modeling frameworks
  • Understand the meaning behind the various diagrams in SysML and the hierarchy of the diagrams
  • Describe when to use diagrams and what flexibility each diagram offers in terms of view and viewpoints
  • Describe the extension of SysML to patent figure generation and benefits in invention identification and management
  • Describe the various types of patents (utility, provisional, plant)
  • Understand the patentability criteria (novelty, non-obviousness, utility)
  • Understand the process for filing and obtaining a patent (forms needed, what each form means, and other tricks of the trade), in view of timelines and associated costs
  • Understand the principals of patent inventorship, assignment, ownership, and the nuanced role that patent documents play in business transactions
  • Understand patent components (claims, drawings, specification) and how each component works with other components to enable and invention
  • Execute the early necessary steps to protect their invention including patents (utility, plant, and design), copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets
  • Describe the business value and significance of association between innovation, patents and other forms of IP, and related business concepts
  • Identify what is and is not patentable and when a patent is not the best IP protection
  • Describe the patent development process and the right to exclude derived from a patent
  • Recognize content to include in a patent application and in particular, what to include in claims
  • Efficiently read patents which out getting lost in irrelevant legalese: what parts to focus on, what parts to discard, what parts may present legal traps
  • Interact with proper IP professionals at the right time during the IP process
  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of confidentiality agreements including employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements
  • Determine when and how to perform patent searches, analyze the results of such searches, and determine whether to proceed with patent application based on such searches
  • Understand business/legal concepts such freedom to operate, clearance searching, patentability searches, and the like


SysML Design Principals

  • Principles behind modeling and simulation
  • Modeling applied to patents
  • What is SysML?
  • Requirements-driven
  • Partitioning
  • Layering
  • Interoperability

SysML Modeling Elements

  • Allocations
  • Rationales
  • Diagram Frames
  • Model Views and Viewpoints

SysML Extension Mechanisms

  • SysML extensions
  • SysML stereotypes
  • SysML diagram extensions
  • Model libraries and generating libraries for patents

SysML Block Diagram Elements

  • Block definition diagram
  • Internal Block Diagram

SysML Block Definition Diagram

  • Block Definitions
  • Default «block» stereotype on unlabeled box
  • Labeled compartments
  • Constraints compartment
  • Namespace compartment
  • Structure compartment
  • Unit and Quantity and Kind definitions
  • Default multiplicities
  • Property-specific type

SysML Internal Block Diagram

  • Property types
  • Block reference in diagram frame
  • Compartments on internal properties
  • Compartments on a diagram frame
  • Property path name
  • Nested connector end
  • Property-specific type
  • Initial values compartment
  • Default multiplicities

Patents 101

  • Innovation and economic considerations
  • Why should you file a patent application?
  • What is a patent application?
  • What rights are created by a patent?
  • What if you cannot afford to enforce your patent rights?
  • What are the benefits of patent pending status?
  • Patentable subject matter
  • Novelty and non-obviousness
  • Patent protection for software, algorithms, and business methods

Rights of the Patent Holder

  • Right to Exclude
  • Infringement
  • The patent application
  • Scope of claims

Agencies Involved

  • United States Patent Office
  • Patent Attorney
  • Stakeholders
  • Courts and other governing bodies

Patent Search

  • What is a patentability search?
  • How can searches avoid wasteful patent applications?
  • How can searches improve a patent applications?
  • When is a search unnecessary (or even unhelpful)?

Patent Timing

  • When should a patent application be filed?
  • What difference do the “first to file” laws make?
  • What are the deadlines for filing a patent application?
  • Do you need to create a working model of your invention?
  • Patent valuation basics
  • How to determine whether invention valuable?
  • How to identify invention (not my proposed product)?
  • How to value invention

Basics of Patent Laws

  • Secrecy, Access, National Security, and Foreign Filing
  • Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims
  • Provisional patents
  • Introduction to provisional applications
  • Requirements for provisional applications
  • Concerns about filing provisional applications
  • The best way to use provisional applications
  • Non-Provisional / Utility patents
  • Design Patent Applications
  • Parts, Form, and Content of Application
  • The identity of the patent inventor
  • The specification (the part of the patent application that describes the invention)
  • The claims (which define the scope of the patent application)
  • The patent application drawings
  • The inventor’s oath or declaration
  • Examination of Applications
  • Patent Examiners
  • Pre-Examination
  • Office of Initial Patent Examination (OIPE) Collect Fees, Scanning-Convert All Paper to Image, Initialization-Assign Serial Numbers, Formalities Review Specification? Claims? Oath/Declarations? Drawings? (Optional)
  • Assign Filing Date, Assign Class, Art Unit, Examination
  • Examination
  • 2nd Formalities Review
  • Patentability
  • Patentable Subject Matter
  • Utility
  • Clearly Described
  • Enabled
  • Claims Definite
  • Novel
  • Non-obvious
  • Prior Art, Classification, and Search
  • Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting
  • First Office Action
  • Applicant’s Amendment and Response
  • Final Office Action
  • Appeals
  • Post Examination
  • 3rd Formalities Check
  • Collect Issue Fee, Convert Image to Text, Assign Patent Number
  • Allowance and Issue
  • Correction of Patents
  • Patentability
  • The invention must be statutory (subject matter eligible)
  • The invention must be new (novelty)
  • The invention must be useful
  • The invention must be non-obvious
  • Software Patents
  • Why patents are being used to protection computer software
  • Are Software and Business Methods Still Patentable after the Bilski Decision?
  • The historical reluctance to grant patents on computer code
  • An explanation on why software is currently considered to be patentable
  • Bad software patents
  • In Depth: Software patents under United States patent law
  • What is a 35 U.S.C. § 101 (Section 101) Rejection
  • Four statutory categories under Section 101
  • Non-statutory exceptions to subject matter eligibility
  • Overview of the Alice text
  • How to argue against a Section 101 Rejection
  • Responding to a statutory rejection (outside four categories)
  • Proving patent eligibility under step one
  • Applying Step One of the Alice test
  • Overview of step one of the Alice test
  • Analyzing step one for abstract ideas
  • Analyzing step one for natural phenomena
  • Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
  • Section 102 of Title 35 U.S.C.
  • Section 103 of Title 35 U.S.C.
  • Maintenance Fees
  • Patent Terms and Extensions
  • Supplemental Examination

Patent Engineering With SysML, Hands-on Workshop

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