Course Number: 801
Length: 2 Days
As in many other industries, regulators of the telecommunications industry have aimed to bring affordable products and services to the general public, while at the same time allowing participating companies to make adequate profits.
Over the last few years, there has been a step change in digital communications, which have had a dramatic effect on the way people live their lives and conduct business. Broadband technologies are becoming the base upon which people and IT systems are enabled to communicate electronically ubiquitously, rapidly and cheaply, resulting in a high level of innovation and a wide range of economic and social benefits.
Regulation is fundamental to the realization of the networked economy, as it plays a central role in setting a vision for the evolution of the telecoms market including, crucially, the types of market structure that will emerge. This is particularly the case with broadband telecoms, as first, in these early stages of deployment, the market needs structures that encourage the widest availability of cheap broadband as rapidly as possible, and second, market structures determine the extent of innovation within the telecoms industry itself, for example in applications and services, a key ingredient in achieving the networked economy.
As the EU and USA consider new regulatory approaches to electronic communications, this course explains what the new legislation means for the evolution of the telecoms industry, both now and in the future. The course aims to question some aspects of conventional regulatory approaches, on the grounds that they risk losing some of the full benefits of the networked economy, and considers the big regulatory challenges that lie ahead.
The course makes some important contributions in the area of our economic understanding of the empirical results global telecommunications markets.
Who Should Attend
Regulators and policymakers: understand the limitations of ‘legacy regulation' for broadband telecoms and how regulation will need to evolve to maximize innovation in infrastructure, services and applications Operators and service providers: gain insight into the economics of broadband supply and the issues associated with developing a viable business model for broadband, and identify how regulation now and in the future could influence your business plans Equipment vendors: learn how regulatory change will affect the markets you supply, in terms of the deployment of broadband, the range of services to be offered and the demand from end customers Legal agencies, firms and consultancies: understand how new telecoms regulation will affect your clients and identify the key issues they will need to address Managers and team members in cross-functional organizations, Technology Planners, Telecom Planners, Strategic Planners, Information Systems/Technology Managers, Local exchange carriers, CLECs,Interexchange carriers, Internet service providers, Telecom equipment manufacturers, Regulatory personnel, Depreciation professionals who need basic overview of U.S. telecom regulation.
Upon completion of this course, the attendees will have a good understanding of:
- Telecom Act of 1996
- Role of ILECs/IXCs/Wireless Operators/Cable MSOs/CLECs
- Broadcasting and Cable Regulations
- Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations
- Interconnection Issues
- Internet Regulations
- Local Loop Unbundling Regulations
- VoIP Regulations
- What the economic benefits of the networked economy are
- What the regulators' role is in developing market structures that ensure the full benefits of broadband are delivered
- What the key aims of regulation in the networked economy are
- How well suited new regulation in the EU and the USA is to supporting the necessary broadband market structures and to achieving innovation in infrastructure, services and applications
- What the new legislation mean for the longer-term development of the networked economy
- What issues will future regulatory reviews need to address
Executive summary
- The Telecommunications Paradigm Shift
- Telecom Services: Finding Safe Harbor
- International Telecom Regulation Bodies
- Telecom and Wireless Service Providers
- Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs/ILECs)
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
- Independent Telcos Cable Companies
- Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs)
- Competitive Access Providers Regulatory Agencies
- Cellular/PCS Wireless Providers
- Telecom R&D Groups
- Long Distance Carriers Corporate
- Telecom Planning Groups
Telecommunications Market
- Overview
- Regulatory environment
- Infrastructure
- Data
- Internet
- Broadband
- E-commerce
- Wireless communications
- Broadcasting
Key Statistics and Market Overview
- Key statistics
- Telecommunications market
- Trends and developments
- Change in the industry
- Local competition
- New networks and services
- Regulatory Overview
- The US landscape
- Key players in US regulatory environment
Major operators
- Telecom operators
- Overview
- Local operators
- Long-distance
- Callback operators/international resellers
- Major players
- Multi Utilities Markets
- Electric utility/telecommunications retail efforts
- Power line telephony
- Utilities and the Internet
- Local and national infrastructure
- Deployment of fibre optic networks
- Switching and transmission technologies
- Wireless
- Ethernet
- Infrastructure trends
- International infrastructure
- Submarine cable networks
- Satellite networks
Fixed Network Voice Services
- Long-distance market
- Access charges and future competition
- International market
- IP Telephony
- Voice calls over the Internet
- IP networks
- Major players
- Enhanced voice services
- Payphones
- Enhanced voice services
- Calling cards
- Audiotex
- Toll-free market
Public Data Communications Services
- Data market
- Overview
- Market trends
- Leased lines
- X.25
- Frame relay
- VANs
- VPNs
- ASPs
- Intranets
Internet and Online Market
- Internet
- Online, Internet services and applications
- Major trends and developments
- Next generation Internet
- Threats to the Internet
- Internet regulations
- Major players
- Industry overview
- Major online service providers
Broadband Networks and Services
- Cable modems
- Market drivers
- Networking and systems integration suppliers
- Road Runner
- Other cable ISPS
- Regulatory issues
- VoDSL Wireless broadband
- Market overview
- Cellular: 2G, 2.5G and 3G
- Internet via satellite
Overview of Telecom Act of 1996
- Highlights of the act
- The first major overhaul of telecommunications law in 62 years
- The goal of this new law
- Anyone enter any communications business
- Any communications business compete in any market against any other
- Role of The Federal Communications Commission
- Creating fair rules for this new era of competition
- Enabling Choice
- Facilitating Competition
- Ensuring Quality of Service
- Significant events since the act
- Court challenges to the act
- Growth of the Internet/IP telephony
- Merger and acquisition activity and new players
- At last competition arrived
- Current state of competition
- Local competition
- RBOCs offering inter-LATA long-distance
- Status of key components of the Telecoms Act
- Access charges
- Universal service fund
- Unbundling network access
- Foreign competition
- The FCC and satellite services
- Number portability
Regulatory Issues
- Broadband telecoms will underpin the networked economy
- The networked economy drives innovation
- Broadband market structures
- The broadband value chain
- Broadband regulatory vision
- Proposed regulatory changes
- Regulatory change underway in the U.S.
- Legacy regulation
- Future regulatory reviews Unregulated Activities/Activities Exempt From State Regulation Interstate or International Services
- Preemptively Deregulated Services
- Enhanced Services
- The basic vs. enhanced service dichotomy
- The pending debate overIP and data networks
- Dark Fiber
- An Economic Exploration into the Future of Industry Structure for the Last MileÂ