Mistake Proofing Training By TONEX
Mistake proofing training introduces you to the fundamentals, process, techniques, and devices necessary to eliminate mistakes, before they happen.
What Does Mistake Proofing Mean?
The definition of mistake proofing, or Poka Yoke, is to apply special methods or devices in order to either prevent a mistake from happening or immediately identify a mistake once it happens. Some examples of the situations at which mistake proofing can be used are the following:
- In a process step, where a human error can potentially cause defects to happen.
- In a service process, where clients can potentially cause defects to occur which lead to a bad output.
- During the transferring of a customer from one worker to another.
- The beginning of a process, where an early minor error can cause major problems later in the process.
- When a mistake has expensive or dangerous consequences.
Humans usually make the most mistakes. Therefore, mistake proofing methods often use changes in the physical design of processes to eliminate or reduce the human errors. Such changes can be applied to prevent errors from happening, to immediately detect the errors after they occur, or to reduce the effects of the errors on the cost and quality of the work. The characteristics of mistake-proofing design changes would be effective in reducing harm, inexpensive, and easily implemented. Our instructors at TONEX will teach you how to come up with such design, how to develop it, and how to apply it based on the nature of your business.
In general, the simplest, fastest, and most effective way to eliminate mistakes is to alter the pathways that lead us to make them. For instance, the less steps workers need to memorize to do their job the fewer mistakes they can make. Therefore, mistake-proofing solutions build many repetitive tasks into the process itself. Once people’s minds are free and they are not under the stress of remembering tasks, they have the time and the chance of being creative and more efficient. Mistake proofing training course will help you develop such solutions based on your business.
Moreover, through the mistake proofing training course, you will learn how to change the mindset of your organization. Change must start from the leaders and those who establish the process. Leaders must conceive the belief that mistakes are not welcome or acceptable in the organization. They are the ones who must establish mistake-proofing mindset among the employees. Mistake proofing training course will help you implement such system, get the decision makers on board, and educate your team to get comfortable with the process.
Mistake proofing training is a 2-day course designed for:
- Executers and decision makers of the organization
- Leaders
- Managers and supervisors
- Engineers
- Business process owner
- Process improvement managers and leaders
- System implementers and coordinators
What Will You Learn?
Below are the major topics we will cover in mistake proofing training (detailed outline can be found under the full course description):
- Overview To Mistake-Proofing
- Introduction to Poka Yoke
- Daily Life Mistake-Proofing Solutions
- Defects And Costs
- Reasons Behind Mistakes
- Zero Defect Quality System (ZDQ)
- Principals Of Mistake-Proofing
- Mistake-Proofing Process
- Root Cause Analysis Tools For Mistake-Proofing
- General Failure Modes
- Inspection vs. Mistake-Proofing
- What You Need To Know To Start Mistake-Proofing?
- Mistake-Proofing Tactics
- Mistake-Proofing Devices
- Mistake-Proofing Solutions
- The TRIZ Approach
Mistake Proofing Training