Certified Healthcare Systems Thinking Specialist (CHSTS) Certification Course by Tonex
This course applies systems thinking to healthcare, helping healthcare professionals understand and improve the complex interdependencies that affect health outcomes and service delivery.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the application of systems thinking in healthcare settings.
- Analyze healthcare systems to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency.
- Implement systems thinking strategies for health service management and policy development.
- Assess the impact of systemic changes on health services and patient care.
Target Audience: Healthcare administrators, policy makers, medical professionals, and anyone involved in healthcare management or reform.
Course Content:
Module 1: Introduction to Systems Thinking in Healthcare
- Fundamentals of Systems Thinking
- Systems Theory and Concepts
- Complexity and Interconnectedness in Healthcare Systems
- Importance of Systems Thinking in Healthcare Improvement
- Historical Perspectives on Systems Thinking in Healthcare
- Ethical Considerations in Systems Thinking Applications
Module 2: Mapping Healthcare Systems and Processes
- Identifying Stakeholders and Boundaries
- Process Mapping Techniques
- Data Collection and Analysis Methods
- Identifying Feedback Loops and Interdependencies
- Visualization Tools for System Mapping
- Incorporating Patient Perspectives in System Mapping
Module 3: Strategies for Implementing Systems Thinking in Health Policy and Management
- Leadership and Cultural Change in Healthcare Organizations
- Systems Thinking in Health Policy Development
- Building Collaborative Networks and Partnerships
- Aligning Incentives with Systems Goals
- Education and Training for Systems Thinkers
- Overcoming Resistance to Change in Healthcare Systems
Module 4: Case Studies: Systems Approaches to Healthcare Challenges
- Improving Patient Flow and Access to Care
- Reducing Medical Errors and Adverse Events
- Addressing Health Disparities through Systems Interventions
- Enhancing Population Health Outcomes
- Optimizing Resource Allocation and Utilization
- Managing Healthcare Costs and Sustainability
Module 5: Workshop: Applying Systems Thinking to Healthcare Scenarios
- Identifying System Dynamics in Healthcare Scenarios
- Problem Framing and Boundary Setting
- System Mapping and Causal Loop Diagrams
- Scenario Analysis and Sensitivity Testing
- Designing Interventions Based on Systems Insights
- Evaluating the Impact of Systems Approaches in Simulated Scenarios
Exam Domains:
- Application of Systems Thinking in Healthcare (40%)
- Health System Process Simulation (30%)
- Strategies for Systemic Changes in Healthcare (30%)
Exam Question Types:
- Multiple Choice
- Scenario Analysis
- Short Answer Questions
Number of Questions: 65
Exam Time: 120 minutes