Length: 2 Days
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Emotional Intelligence Management Training

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical group of competencies, capabilities and non-cognitive skills which help individuals to control and manage their emotional response to events and pressures.

While EI is important for workers at all levels, it’s especially crucial for managers and leaders to excel in emotional intelligence in order to maintain a healthy workplace environment. Leaders with excellent EI skills also have a talent for motivating, which in turn stimulates productivity.

Five EI competencies are generally recognized: motivation, self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills and empathy. These competencies are critical to being a successful leader and are demonstrated through leadership behaviors.

When surveyed, studies show that a vast majority of employees list emotional intelligence competencies – and not IQ or technical skills – as being the most important qualities in the kind of a leader that others respect and admire.

Typical worker comments:

  • Leaders lead by example, are inspiring, not afraid of difficult tasks, focused and driven (motivation)
  • Leaders are confident, honest, direct, consistent (self-awareness)
  • Leaders are clear, decisive, straight forward, intuitive (self-regulation)
  • Leaders are good communicators, approachable and listen to others (social skills)
  • Leaders are empathetic, influential (empathy)

The impact of managers and leaders trained in emotional intelligence skills runs deep. Research has shown time and time again that a company that emphasizes elevated levels of EI with their leaders benefits with improved bottom lines.

One classic study in the restaurant sector demonstrated that restaurants managed by leaders with high emotional intelligence exhibited an annual growth of 28%. Similar data has been recorded in just about every type of business.

Emotional Intelligence Management Training Course by Tonex

Tonex recognizes the significance to an organization of having leaders with excellent emotional intelligence skills. That’s why our world class instructors focus on EI skills that are especially beneficial to managing offices, teams or even entire organizations.

Emotional Intelligence Management Training is a 2-day course that covers keys areas of EI as applied to the workplace. This includes:

  • Role of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
  • Best business practices
  • Understanding emotions and managing them in the workplace
  • Collaboration and working as a team
  • Conflict management and Emotional Intelligence

Additionally, this course covers  the five key elements associated with emotional intelligence, and how to practice each within the context of leadership in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

  • Define emotional intelligence
  • Identify five key elements of emotional intelligence
  • Define and practice self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
  • Identify and manage behaviors that impact your work-based relationships.
  • Apply knowledge of emotional intelligence to implement and improve personal decision making and professional contributions.
  • Analyze and improve communication skills using verbal and non-verbal techniques.
  • Define and discuss the impact of emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Training Outline

  • What is Emotional Intelligence?
    • 5 Key Elements
      • Self-Awareness
      • Self-Regulation
      • Motivation
      • Empathy
      • Social Skills
    • Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
    • Academic Theory
      • How the brain creates these expressions
      • Models
    • Self-Assessment
  • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Awareness defined – How am I leading others?
    • Managing your own emotions
    • Learning to be open-minded and the art of compromising
    • Your attitude and its effect on others
  • Self-Regulation
    • Self-Regulation defined – How am I feeling inside?
    • Self-Control and understanding
    • Learning how to manage your emotions and relax
  • Motivation
    • Motivation defined – How am I motivating myself and my team?
    • Self-Motivation – defining it’s importance
    • Optimism vs. Pessimism
    • Creating a winning spirit for you and your organization
  • Empathy
    • Empathy defined – How am I listening?
    • What does empathy look like?
    • Developing your understanding of empathy
  • Social Skills
    • Social Skills defined – How am I being perceived or engaging others?
    • Traits of someone with social skills
    • Presenting yourself and your organization from the first impression
    • Assessing situations and acting
  • Your Personal Impact
    • How does my emotional intelligence impact others?
    • Skills for you and your team:
      • Verbal communication skills
        • Active listening
        • Authentic communication
      • Non-verbal communication skills
        • Body language
      • Perception and analyzing
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
    • Role of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
    • Best business practices
    • Understanding emotions and managing them in the workplace
    • Collaboration and working as a team
    • Conflict management and Emotional Intelligence

Key Topics

  • Building a Business Case for Raising Emotional Intelligence
  • Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Scales
  • Emotional Intelligence Testing
  • Tools to Raise Your Emotional Intelligence
  • Managing relationships and building networks



Emotional Intelligence Management Training

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