Length: 2 Days
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Fundamentals of Geological and Geophysical Methods Training by Tonex

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Training by Tonex

This course offers a comprehensive overview of geological and geophysical methods used in the exploration and evaluation of earth resources. It covers the principles, techniques, and applications of various methods in geosciences.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of geological and geophysical methods.
  • Analyze the applications of these methods in resource exploration.
  • Evaluate different techniques for subsurface investigation.
  • Assess the integration of geological and geophysical data.
  • Explore advancements in geophysical technologies.
  • Develop skills for interpreting geoscientific data.


  • Geologists
  • Geophysicists
  • Environmental scientists
  • Mining and petroleum industry professionals
  • Resource exploration professionals

Program Modules:

  1. Introduction to Geological and Geophysical Methods
    • Overview of geological and geophysical methods
    • Historical development of geoscientific techniques
    • Key concepts and terminology
    • Role of geology and geophysics in resource exploration
    • Case studies of method applications
    • Future trends in geoscientific methods
  2. Geological Mapping and Sampling Techniques
    • Principles of geological mapping
    • Field sampling methods
    • Stratigraphic and structural analysis
    • Geological mapping software
    • Case studies of geological mapping
    • Integration of geological data
  3. Geophysical Survey Methods
    • Overview of geophysical surveys
    • Seismic methods and applications
    • Magnetic and gravity surveys
    • Electrical and electromagnetic methods
    • Remote sensing and geospatial analysis
    • Case studies of geophysical surveys
  4. Subsurface Investigation Techniques
    • Drilling and sampling methods
    • Well logging techniques
    • Core analysis and interpretation
    • Hydrogeological investigations
    • Geotechnical investigation methods
    • Case studies of subsurface investigations
  5. Data Integration and Interpretation
    • Integration of geological and geophysical data
    • Data processing and visualization techniques
    • Geomodelling and simulation
    • Interpretation of geoscientific data
    • Case studies of data integration
    • Software tools for data interpretation
  6. Advancements in Geophysical Technologies
    • Overview of technological advancements
    • 3D and 4D seismic imaging
    • Advanced remote sensing techniques
    • Machine learning in geophysics
    • Case studies of technological applications
    • Future trends in geophysical technologies


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