Length: 5 Days
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Fundamentals of TDL and DLP

In modern warfare, TDL (Tactical Data Links) and DLP (Data Link Processors) are vital in understanding both friendly and adversarial platforms.

A tactical data link uses a data link standard in order to provide communication via radio waves or cable used by NATO nations. All military C3 systems use standardized TDL to transmit, relay and receive tactical data.

A data link processor is capable of installing, managing and connecting multiple Link types to multiple networks.

Tactical Data Links and Data Link Processors form the backbone of effective situational awareness communications, especially during combat situations where the rapid exchange of accurate tactical information by allied forces can be critical to the outcome.

In truth, as the role of communications technology becomes more complex, the importance of linking disparate systems grows ever greater. Consequently, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has developed tactical data link standards that are being implemented by all major NATO members and various other nations.

Tactical communications are crucial to command and control. In addition to sharing relevant data with forces to better perform missions, participants must interoperate across service and national boundaries in joint and coalition environments.

Data Link Processors have become the focus of Tactical Data Links as a conduit for TDL success. Essentially, a Data Link Processor is a system that provides multi-link processing capability to share tactical information among surface, subsurface, air, and land platforms / units.

The advantages of having a fully functional  DLP are considerable. A portable DLP is isolated from external dependencies and can be developed independent from platform, operating system and hardware.

DLPs are also scalable. A DLP can easily be scaled by enabling/disabling Links or individual Link messages in order  to meet different platform requirements.

Knowing exactly what’s happening during an operation is crucial for any soldier — it means they are able to make timely and accurate decisions. Decisions that can make the difference between life and death.

So the ability to share information securely is critical.  TDL and DLP capabilities help make this possible. Accurate and assured, situational awareness information is passed during ongoing operations, using our leading edge, flexible, and secure data system.

Additionally, issuing commands electronically to the front-line, reduces the workload of pilots and troops and ensures the accuracy of the details. By integrating operationally proven, robust products into customized Tactical Communications capabilities, the DoD is provided with cost effective, flexible solutions, which meet their individual requirements and deliver real value.

Cohesive Tactical Data Links and Data Link Processors eliminate concerns about compatibility issues when these systems have the capacity to support a vast range of link types, including AFAPD, Link 16, IDM, Link 22, JREAP, SADL, Link 11 and VMF.

Tactical Data Link (TDL) networks are the fundamental component of military platforms. TDL performs real-time information flow between all participants. DLP Link Processer connects all the participants each other and provides clear tactical picture to the command centers and all participants.

Fundamentals of TDL and DLP by Tonex

Fundamentals of TDL and DLP  is a 5-day fundamentals course focuses on structured analysis in order to establish a solid foundation for any :Tactical Data Links (TDL) and Data Link Processor (DLP)  skillset and to amplify existing skills. The course will help military and civilian engineers, technicians and operational practitioners from across the TDL/DLP spectrum.


Fundamentals of TDL and DLP

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