Length: 2 Days
Introduction to Smart Grid Training
Introduction to Smart Grid Training Course Description
Are you looking for a comprehensive training recently introduced smart grids? Are you having difficulties to understand the technical and practical applications of smart grid technology in modern power grids? TONEX as a leader in teaching industry for more than 15 years and with a lot of clients from advanced technologies is proud to announce a new training on smart grid technology.
The introduction to smart grid training course will help you to understand the fundamentals of smart grids, main components, operation, management, security, planning and different hierarchical control levels provided in smart grids. Furthermore, this training will teach you the basics of smart grid management and smart grid security to improve the reliability of smart grids.
The introduction to smart grid training simply introduces the traditional power systems, concepts such as: power plants, high voltage switchgears, transformers, transmission lines and detailed operation principles of each component in a very simple and easy to follow manner. To prepare you for the smart grid training, our instructors will teach you the trends toward the smart grids and why the smart grid technology is improving these days. Moreover, the introduction to smart grid training course simply teaches you the trends to make the power grids smart with innovation of power electronic devices.
The audience will be introduced with the main terms used in power systems which is similar in smart grids in order to relate the traditional power systems with recently improved concept of smart grids.
Learn about different control approaches provided in smart grids, main components of control, different layers of control, energy management systems (EMS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
This course will give you a sufficient knowledge to understand the concepts operation planning, smart grid security, economic operation of smart grids and operators in smart grids including independent system operator, transmission and distribution operators.
Learn about the operation and control for the most important parts of a smart grid which is solar and wind energy systems.
This training will provide you with the detailed information about different solar panel configurations, controllers implemented to ensure the solar delivery is maximum, and optimization techniques used to optimize the operation of solar panels. Moreover, different configuration of wind generation will be introduced and the audience will learn the advancements in the wind energy field and recent challenges in wind industry will be tackled.
Finally, the introduction to smart grid training course will introduce the smart grid control, grid connected and islanded mode controls, frequency and voltage support in smart grids and upper level control architecture in smart grids.
The introduction to smart grid training is a 2-day course designed for:
- Non-engineers, executives, and scientists who want to study smart grids or having projects in smart grid technology
- All individuals who need to understand the smart grids from generation to consumption.
- Power utility engineers
- Test engineers
- Power traders to understand the smart grid systems.
- Independent system operator personnel.
- Investors and contractors who plan to make investments in smart grids and renewable energy industry.
- Professionals in other energy industries.
- Marketing people who need to know the background of the products they sell.
- Electric utility personnel who recently started career in power systems or having new job responsibilities.
- Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel who are or will be working on smart grid related projects
- Managers, accountants, and executives of power system industry.
Training Objectives
Upon completion of the introduction to smart grid training course, the attendees are able to:
- Understand the smart grid components
- Describe the different control levels provided by smart grids
- Explain the security constraints and operation principles in smart grids
- Understand the key elements of a smart grids
- Tackle the challenges related to advanced smart grid technologies
- Understand the EMS and SCADA in smart grid technologies
- Understand the importance of security in smart grids
- Design different control approaches for smart grid components
- Explain the necessity of smart grid operation and control
- Understand the concept of frequency and voltage support in smart grids.
Training Outline
The introduction to smart grid training course consists of the following lessons, which can be revised and tailored to the client’s need:
Introduction to Power Systems
- Electric power grids
- Traditional power grids
- Background and history
- Traditional power grid components
- Power plants
- Switchgears
- Transmission lines
- Transformers
- Power grid loads
- Distribution network
- Idea of SCADA
- Trends for smart grids
- Power electronic based devices
- Basic concepts in power systems
- Common terms
- Power consumption calculations
- Smart grid concepts
- Per unit system
- Power factor definition
- Reactive and active power
- Reactive power compensation
- Complex and apparent power definition
- Physical meaning of reactive power
Introduction to Smart Grid Systems
- Trends for smart grids
- Power electronic based devices
- Smart grid concepts
- Components of a smart grid
- Distributed generations
- Distribution networks in smart grids
- Transmission networks in smart grids
- Concept of energy in smart grids
- Smart meters
- Price and efficiency in smart grids
- Smart sustainable energy sources
- Communications in smart grids
- Computer based monitoring
- Information and communication technology (ICT) in smart grids
- Load variations in smart grids
- Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
- Market structure of smart grids
- Energy management system in smart grids (EMS)
- Reliability and economic operation in smart grids
- Scheduled operation
- Load variation in smart grids
Operators in Smart Grids
- Energy management systems (EMS)
- Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
- Operation planning in smart grids
- Load forecast a vital part of smart grids
- Independent system operator
- Transmission operators
- Distribution operators
- Market structure of a smart grids
- Sub-transmission systems in micro grids
Main Components of a Smart Grid
- Distributed Generation (DG)
- Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
- Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Solar panels in smart grids
- Solar inverters
- Need to convert the DC energy to AC
- Wind farms in smart grids
- Effect of battery energy storages in smart grids
- Fuel cell power generation station
- Smart inverters
- Micro inverters
- Bidirectional inverters
- Voltage source converters
- Power electronic based loads
- Pricing in micro grids and smart grids
- Smart meters
- Communication interactions in smart grids
- Restoration topology in smart grids
- High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
- Offshore Windfarms
Smart Grid Control
- Load frequency control (LFC)
- Automatic generation control (AGC)
- Network topology determination (NTD)
- State estimation (SE)
- On-line load flow and contingency analysis
- Economic dispatch
- Load management system
- Operation reserve calculations
- Primary and secondary droop control in smart grids
- Active and reactive power sharing
- DC link voltage control
- Droop voltage control
- Pulse width modulation (PWM)
- Primary, secondary and tertiary control in Smart Grids
- Communication delays in smart grid control
- Peak shaving control
- Load shedding
- Load shifting
- Black start capability of a Smart Grid
- Islanded and grid connected control modes
- Artificial synchronous generator effect in smart grids
- Maximum power point tracking control (MPPT)
- Proportional resonance control (PR)
- Control of solar panels in smart grids
- Control of wind farms based on doubly fed induction generators (DFIG)
- Control of HVDC systems
- Control of electric vehicles in smart grids
- Control of battery energy storages
Operation of Smart Grids
- Voltage support
- Frequency compensation
- Demand response events
- Restoration topologies in smart grids
- Economic dispatch in smart grids
- State estimation in smart grids
- Pricing and load factoring in smart grids
- Communication interactions
- Data loss in smart grids
- Communication delays
- Government regulations
- System protection
- IEC 61850
- Market structure of smart grids
- Secured smart grid
- Operation and planning of smart grids
- Independent system operators
- Transmission operators
- Distribution operators
Introduction to Energy Management in Smart Grids
- What is energy management system?
- Why should we have energy management system?
- Energy management system components
- EMS in generation (Generation management systems)
- EMS in distribution networks
- EMS in transmission and sub-transmission
- Necessity of monitoring in EMS
- Control and monitoring in EMS
- Real-time SCADA in EMS applications
- Data acquisition for events
- Data historians
- Data linking
- Control sequences in monitoring and operation of smart grids
- Cost of generation in smart grids
- Open access transmission
- Future developments in the economic operation of smart grids
- Graphic displays
- Computer communications in smart grids
Introduction to Smart Grid Security
- Concept of security in power systems
- Main domains in smart grids
- Markets
- Operations in smart grids
- Service providers in smart grids
- Bulk generations
- Customers in smart grids
- Transmission network in smart grids
- Distribution networks
- Household appliances
- Renewable energy sources in smart grids
- Electric utility operation center
- Performance of smart meters
- Home area network (HAN)
- Wide area network (WAN)
- wired, or wireless networks in smart grids
- Bluetooth communications
- Vulnerabilities in smart grids
- Accessing the network
- Breaking the confidentiality in smart grids
- Integrity of transmitted data
- Customer security
- Number of intelligent devices
- Physical security
- Lifetime of power systems
- Implicit trust between traditional power devices
- Bad decision making in smart grids
- Internet protocol (IP) security issues in smart grids
Introduction to Smart Grid Training