Length: 2 Days
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Kubernetes for Developers Essentials Training by Tonex

This comprehensive Kubernetes for Developers Essentials training by Tonex equips developers with the essential skills to effectively leverage Kubernetes for containerized application deployment, scaling, and management. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, participants will gain practical insights into deploying and managing containerized applications using Kubernetes, empowering them to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of modern application development.

Tonex’s Kubernetes for Developers Essentials training is a comprehensive program designed to empower developers with the skills needed for efficient utilization of Kubernetes in modern application development. This course covers fundamental Kubernetes concepts, deployment strategies, and advanced features like ConfigMaps and Persistent Volumes.

Participants will gain hands-on experience in scaling applications, implementing CI/CD pipelines, and troubleshooting common issues. Tailored for developers, software engineers, and IT professionals, this training ensures proficiency in navigating the dynamic landscape of container orchestration. By the end, attendees will possess the knowledge and best practices required to deploy, manage, and secure containerized applications effectively in Kubernetes environments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamentals of containerization and Kubernetes architecture.
  • Learn how to deploy and manage containerized applications on Kubernetes clusters.
  • Master the concepts of Pods, Services, and Deployments in Kubernetes.
  • Explore advanced Kubernetes features such as ConfigMaps, Secrets, and Persistent Volumes.
  • Gain proficiency in scaling applications and managing resources effectively.
  • Implement continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with Kubernetes.
  • Develop troubleshooting skills for common issues in Kubernetes environments.
  • Acquire best practices for securing and monitoring Kubernetes applications.

Audience: This course is designed for developers, software engineers, and IT professionals who aim to enhance their skills in deploying and managing containerized applications using Kubernetes. It is suitable for individuals seeking to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud-native development and container orchestration.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Kubernetes

    • Overview of containerization
    • Evolution of Kubernetes
    • Key concepts and components

Setting Up Kubernetes Environment

    • Installing and configuring Kubernetes clusters
    • Exploring cloud-based Kubernetes solutions
    • Using Minikube for local development

Deploying Applications in Kubernetes

    • Creating and managing Pods
    • Deployments and ReplicaSets
    • Services for networking applications

Advanced Kubernetes Concepts

    • ConfigMaps and Secrets for configuration management
    • Persistent Volumes and StorageClasses
    • Advanced networking in Kubernetes

Scaling and Managing Resources

    • Horizontal and vertical scaling
    • Resource quotas and limits
    • Autoscaling applications in Kubernetes

CI/CD with Kubernetes

    • Integrating Kubernetes into CI/CD pipelines
    • Deploying applications with Helm charts
    • Versioning and rollbacks in Kubernetes

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Applications

    • Debugging Pods and containers
    • Analyzing Kubernetes logs
    • Handling common issues and failures

Security and Monitoring

    • Best practices for securing Kubernetes clusters
    • Monitoring and logging with Prometheus and Grafana
    • Implementing RBAC for access control in Kubernetes.



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