Length: 2 Days
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Mastering Containerization and Kubernetes in 2 Days Training by Tonex

Mastering Containerization and Kubernetes in 2 Days Training by Tonex

This two-day course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of containerization technology and Kubernetes orchestration. Participants will learn the principles, tools, and best practices of containerization using Docker and container orchestration using Kubernetes. Through hands-on labs, practical demonstrations, and real-world case studies, attendees will gain the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage containerized applications and leverage Kubernetes for deploying, scaling, and managing containerized workloads in production environments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concepts and benefits of containerization technology.
  • Learn to build, manage, and deploy containerized applications using Docker.
  • Gain proficiency in Kubernetes architecture, components, and deployment strategies.
  • Develop skills for scaling, monitoring, and managing containerized workloads with Kubernetes.
  • Explore best practices for containerization, orchestration, and container security.


This course is suitable for software developers, DevOps engineers, system administrators, IT professionals, and anyone interested in learning containerization and Kubernetes orchestration. Participants should have a basic understanding of Linux command-line interface and familiarity with software development and deployment concepts.

Course Modules:

Day 1: Containerization with Docker

Module 1: Introduction to Containerization

  • Definition and benefits of containerization
  • Comparison with virtualization
  • Docker ecosystem overview

Module 2: Getting Started with Docker

  • Installing Docker on different platforms
  • Docker basics: containers, images, and registries
  • Building and managing Docker containers

Module 3: Docker Networking and Storage

  • Container networking concepts (bridge, host, overlay networks)
  • Persistent storage options in Docker
  • Docker Compose for multi-container applications

Module 4: Docker Security Best Practices

  • Container isolation and security boundaries
  • Docker security scanning
  • Securing Docker daemon and container runtime

Day 2: Kubernetes Orchestration

Module 5: Introduction to Kubernetes

  • Kubernetes architecture and components (nodes, pods, services, etc.)
  • Kubernetes cluster setup and management
  • Kubernetes resource objects (Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, Secrets)

Module 6: Deploying Applications with Kubernetes

  • Container orchestration using Kubernetes
  • Managing application deployments, scaling, and rolling updates
  • Kubernetes API and kubectl command-line tool

Module 7: Kubernetes Networking and Storage

  • Kubernetes networking concepts (Services, Ingress, Network Policies)
  • Persistent storage in Kubernetes
  • Service discovery and load balancing

Module 8: Kubernetes Security and Monitoring

  • Kubernetes security best practices
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) in Kubernetes
  • Monitoring and logging with Prometheus and Grafana

Conclusion and Practical Application

  • Recap of key concepts and techniques learned
  • Hands-on labs and exercises with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Real-world case studies and use cases

Guidance on implementing containerization and Kubernetes in participants’ own projects
Upon completing this course, participants will have the skills and knowledge to effectively containerize applications using Docker, orchestrate containerized workloads with Kubernetes, and manage scalable and resilient container-based infrastructures.

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