Length: 1 Day
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MIL-STD-810 Training

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MIL-STD-810 is a generally accepted standard of ruggedization testing and compliance for mobile computers and equipment.

MIL-STD-810 is a series of performance and manufacturing guidelines set the Department of Defense for military and commercial equipment and applications.

These guidelines specify allowable parts and environmental condition ranges in which a device must be able to operate to meet compliance.

The MIL-STD-810 test method is used to generate confidence in the environmental worthiness and overall durability of material system design. The testing process follow guidelines which include:

  • Program documentation
  • Program roles
  • Test standards
  • Laboratory test method guidelines

These laboratory test methods are broken down into 24 categories and resultant procedures appropriate to the environment in which the equipment is expected to be used.

Version H represents the eighth version of this military test standard.

Testing to MIL-STD-810H can be mandatory if the end user is the military. It can also be mandatory if the product is a component that can eventually be used in a military product.

MIL-STD-810 is sometimes thought to impose design or test specifications. It does not. Rather, MIL-STD-810 describes the environmental tailoring process that results in realistic material designs and test methods based on material system performance requirements.

The MIL-STD-810 standard also contains military acquisition program planning and engineering direction to consider the influences that environmental stresses have on equipment throughout all phases of its service life.

Some of the products tested will carry a MIL-STD-810E rating. Others may be compliant with a MIL-STD-810F rating. Then there’s the MIL-STD-810G rating which is a revision of MIL-STD-810E and MIL-STD-810F.

The tests and methods are more or less the same but much of the standard has been rewritten to provide clearer direction.

MIL-STD-810 is maintained by a Tri-Service partnership that includes the United States Air Force, Army, and Navy.

MIL-STD-810 Training Course by Tonex

MIL-STD-810 Training is a one-day course that focuses on the purpose of the various MIL-STD-810 tests as well as the test environment and equipment.

Participants will also learn the various methodologies required to perform each test.

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