Length: 2 Days
Network Functions Virtualization Training, NFV Training
Network Functions Virtualization Training, NFV Training introduces concepts, technologies and new ways to design, deploy and manage networking services. Network Functions Virtualization allows decoupling of critical network functions such as such as NAT, DHCP, DNS, firewall, IDS and 5G NFs from proprietary hardware appliances. These critical functions can run in software only and simplifies networking components and leads to a fully virtualized infrastructure. This is applicable to data plane processing or control plane function in both wired and wireless network infrastructures.
Network Functions Virtualization Training course starts with a discussion of the benefits and motivation of NFV and overview of NFV architecture, NVF components, NFV requirements and implementation challenges, and enablers provided by LTE and IMS network functions. You will also learn how Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies and NFV can be integrated.
Network Functions Virtualization Training helps network providers and Communication Service Provider (CSP) to accelerate the deployment of new network services to support their revenue and growth objectives without the constraints of hardware-based appliances and utilizing more standard IT virtualization technologies to their networks.
Learn how to use virtualization technologies and standards that run on high-volume service, switch and storage hardware to virtualize network functions. Understand how virtualization enables a hardware platform, such as a server, storage device or network resource, in software as a “virtual instance. Explore how NVF virtualizes network services via software to enable operators to reduce CapEx and OpEX, accelerate time-to-market to develop and introduce new products and services and adding agility and flexibility to their operations and service offering. Learn how to consolidate and virtualize network equipment such as high volume servers, switches and storage, and other nodes in datacentres and in the end-user premises.
The NFVI (Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure) is an architectural element of the NFV Architectural Framework. NFVI provides the virtual resources required to support the execution of the Virtualized Network Functions. NFVI includes Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware, accelerator components where necessary, and a software layer which virtualizes and abstracts the underlying hardware.
The VNF (Virtualized Network Function) is the software implementation of a network
function which is capable of running over the NFVI. It can be accompanied by an Element
Management System (EMS), as long as it is applicable to the particular function, which
understands and manages an individual VNF and its peculiarities. The VNF is the entity
corresponding to today’s network nodes, which are now expected to be delivered as pure
software free from hardware dependency.
The NFV MANO (Management and Orchestration) covers the orchestration and
lifecycle management of physical and/or software resources that support the infrastructure
virtualization, and the lifecycle management of VNFs. NFV Management and Orchestration
focuses on the virtualization-specific management tasks necessary in the NFV framework.
The NFV MANO also interacts with the (NFV external) OSS/BSS landscape, which allows NFV to be integrated into an already existing network-wide management landscape.
The entire NFV system is driven by a set of metadata describing Service, VNFs and
Infrastructure requirements, so that the NFV Management & Orchestration systems can act
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, the attendees will be able to:
- Understand concepts behind virtualization
- Discuss Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and its benefits and value proposition
- List fundamental concepts and technologies behind NFV
- Learn the key concepts behind service and infrastructure evolution: cloud computing, Software-defined networking (SDN), OpenFlow, OpenStack, and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
- Discuss implementation of network functions in software running on a range of industry standard server hardware
- Define the NFV building blocks and elements
- Discuss the NFV reference architecture and building blocks
- Discuss NFV architectural elements and implementation use cases
- Learn about concepts behind Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure
- Define how SDN and NFV can be integrated with each other in 5G
- Discuss how NFV will impact LTE and IMS network functions, network design and operations
Course Content
Overview of Service and Infrastructure Evolution
- Ideas behind Network Transformation
- The Changing Telecoms Industry Landscape
- Network Virtualization Basics
- Network Virtualization Defined
- Network Virtualization Survey
- Enablers for Network Functions Virtualization
- Cloud Computing
- Industry Standard High Volume Servers
- What is Network functions virtualization (NFV)?
- Why network virtualization (NV)?
- Benefits and Value Proposition of NFV
- What business problems it solves
- Overview of key virtualization principles
- NFV Infrastructure
- Hardware Resources
- Virtualization Layer
- Virtual Resources
- How NV relates to software-defined networking (SDN)
- NFV Application and Use Cases
- NFV and Software Defined Networks (SDN)
- Challenges for Network Functions Virtualization
NFV Architectural Framework
- Virtualization Network Function (VNF)
- NFVI (Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure) Layer
- VNF (Virtualized Network Function) Layer
- Operation Support Subsystem (OSS) Layer
- NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) Layer
An introduction to 5G Service-based Architecture (SBA)
- Traditional telco architecture vs. Service-Based Architecture (SBA)
- SBA network elements or network functions (NFs) in 5G
- NFs communications with open REST-based interfaces
- Deploys as containers orchestrated by Kubernetes
- HTTP/2 and its well-developed security mechanisms
- 5GC NFs
- Authentication server function (AUSF)
- Access and mobility management function (AMF),
- Network exposure function (NEF)
- Network repository function (NRF)
- Network slice selection function (NSSF)
- Policy control function (PCF)
- Session management function (SMF)
- User plane function (UPF)
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Applied
- Trends in cloud solutions
- Capitalization of NFV
- NFV’s software-driven approach
- NFV to build dynamic, virtualized networks
- NFV awareness: application and content
- Virtualizing network applications
- NFV Management and Orchestration
- Fundamentals of NFV MANO
- NFV management and organization (MANO)
- Virtual network function (VNF) packages
- Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM)
- MANO Functional Blocks
Principles of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Security
- Security Management and Monitoring specification
- Use Cases for NFV Security Management
- Security Management Requirements
- Security Monitoring Use Cases
- NFV Security Monitoring & Management Requirements
- Security Monitoring and Management Architecture
- Secure VNF Bootstrapping Protocol
- VNF Secure Personalization and Policy Protocol .
- NFV Deployments
- VNF Integrated Security Monitoring