Length: 2 Days
Online Charging System OCS Training
Online Charging System OCS Training Course covers all aspects of Online Charging System as a real-time on-line billing solution for telecommunications and mobile operators offering innovative prepaid and postpaid services.
Online Charging System (OCS) manages account balances in real-time by applying rates and tariffs to each event generated by a session initiated by customers. OCS’s real-time rating capability can handle all types of one-off events such as sending an SMS, voice call or accessing the web. Online Charging System training covers all real-time handling aspects related to end-to-end revenue generation and management process, enhanced service capabilities, management efficiency, and minimization of financial risk.
Learn how to offer Prepaid value added services such as voice, data, and content and other innovative service packages.
Course Topics
Introduction to Online Charging System (OCS)
- What is OCS?
- Common charging architecture and framework
- Applications and interfaces
- Charging architecture and principles
- Charging related transfer requirements
- Basic principles
- Charging mechanisms
- Offline charging
- Online charging
- High level common architecture
- Online Charging System
- Rating Function
- Account Balance Management Function
- CDR generation for online charged subscribers
- Centralized Rating approach
OCS Architecture
- Architecture reference model for online charging
- Functions within the OCS
- Event Based Charging Function
- Session Based Charging Function
- Rating FunctionEvent Based Charging Function (EBCF)
- Session Based Charging Function (SBCF)
- voice calls
- IP CAN bearers
- IP CAN session
- IMS sessions
- Account & Balance Management Function (ABMF)
- location of the subscriber’s account balance within the OCS
- Rating Function (RF)
High Level Architecture Concept of Online Charging
- Online charging sub-functions
- Charging Trigger Function (CTF)
- Charging Data Function (CDF)
- Online Charging Function (OCF)
- CTF (Charging Trigger Function)
- CDF (Charging Data Function)
- CGF (Charging Gateway Function)
- BD (Billing Domain)
Online Charging Reference Points
- Bo (Offline Charging Reference Point towards the operator’s post-processing system)
- Ga (Reference point for CDR transfer between a CDF and the CGF)
- Rc (Online Charging Reference Point towards the Account Balance Management Function)
- Re (Online Charging Reference Point towards the Rating Function)
- Ro (Online Charging Reference Point towards the online charging functions EBCF, SBCF)
- Rr (Online Charging Reference Point towards an external account recharging server)
- Sy (Reference point for policy enforcement between OCF and the PCRF)
Charging Data Transfer in Online Charging
- Charging levels and correlation
- Charging data configuration
- Credit control and balance management
- Inter-operator settlement of Charges
- Inter-PLMN accounting
- ‘Visitors’ from other PLMNs
- ‘Home’ subscribers roaming in other PLMNs
- Fixed network operators and other service providers
- IMS Interconnection
Types of online charging
- Revenue distribution in the value chain
- Traditional charging
- Call duration
- Frequency
- Traffic
- Variety of new elements
- Location
- Bearer type
- Access channel
- Multi-service association
- Contents
- Immediate Event Charging (IEC)
- Event Charging with Unit Reservation (ECUR)
- Session Charging with Unit Reservation (SCUR)
- Charging scenarios
- UE, OCF and CTF
- Immediate Event Charging (IEC)
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Centralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Decentralized Ratin
- Event Charging with Unit Reservation (ECUR)
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Centralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Decentralized Rating
- Session Charging with Unit Reservation (SCUR)
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Centralized Unit Determination & Centralized Rating
- Decentralized Unit Determination & Decentralized Rating
Definition of OCS charging information
- Re Message Types and Formats
- AVPs for Rating on the Re interface
- OCS Charging data records
- Sy Message Types and Formats
OCS Functionalities and Message Flows
- Reference Point Required Functionality
- Re Reference Point (EBCF, SBCF – Rating Function)
- Re Message Flows
- PriceRequest method
- TariffRequest method
- Class “B” Rating Function Message Flows
- TariffRequest method
- Sy Message Flows