Length: 2 Days
PPAP Training, Production Part Approval Process Training
PPAP Training, Production Part Approval Process Training Course Description
PPAP Training course, Production Part Approval Process Training discusses the requirements, procedures and protocols, and practices and activities specified by the PPAP manual.
Through this PPAP training, students prepare a sample PPAP package for submission, from the beginning to the end.
What is PPAP?
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is an analysis management to measure the capability of the system. Once the PPAP protocol is obeyed, the number of dysfunctional parts will reduce down to below a handful per million parts produced. This conclusive process will evaluate the performance of all the processes and steps involved in producing parts and it will assure that all the specifications and requirements are met.
This process assesses how well the processes used to produce parts will meet the specifications. Participants who complete this course They also know how to conduct and evaluate the processes, and
Added Value of the PPAP Training:
- Learn how to evaluate a PPAP report
- Review and prepare PPAP forms
- Learn how to submit PPAP reports
- Discuss the specific needs for part approval records or sample retention
- Know when/where PPAP submissions are required
- Recognize various levels of PPAP submission
- Understand where and how the PPAP submissions can be incorporated into the APQP
- Understand the statistics of process capability, process capability index, performance capability, and performance capability index (Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk.)
- Learn how to present the outcomes to the customer in a high-qualified format align with the customer’s expectation.
TONEX PPAP Training Will Also Cover:
- The concepts and principals of the PPAP
- All the components of PPAP
- Review all the required documentation for each submission level
- Real-life examples and case studies
TONEX PPAP Training Methodology
TONEX PPAP training course is in the form of an interactive workshop. The seminar includes many in-class activities including hands on exercises, case studies and workshops. During the PPAP training course, students can bring in their own sample projects and through our coaching, develop their own PPAP.
Production Part Approval Process Training, PPAP Training is a 2-day course designed for:
- Internal auditors
- Second-party auditors
- The ISO/TS 16949 implementation team
- Cross-functional team members
- Project Managers, Engineers and Quality Department Personnel
- All individuals involved in submitting PPAP report
- All individuals involved in product quality planning activities
- All individuals interested in learning more about PPAP
Training Objectives
Upon the completion of PPAP training course, the attendees are able to:
- Understand the goals and objectives of PPAP
- Understand the phases of PPAP
- Explain why PPAP is applied
- Discuss all components of the PPAP
- Understand the customer specific requirements for submitting PPAP
- Discuss the evidence required by customers to submit PPAP
- Complete all phases and steps of a PPAP
- Define the scope and purposes of the PPAP
- Follow all the PPAP submission levels
- Evaluate all PPAP reports
- Prepare and fill out PPAP forms
- Understand how to incorporate the PPAP submissions into APQP
- Articulate and discuss the results of the PPAP
Course Outline
Overview of PPAP
- PPAP definition
- The purpose of PPAP
- When is a PPAP required?
- Benefits of PPAP submission
- What are the elements of a PPAP submission?
- What are the levels of PPAP?
- What is “Significant Production Run”?
- Run @ Rate
- Definition of risk
- PPAP status
- Authorized Engineering Change Documents
PPAP Requirements
- AIAG requirements
- Design Records
- Engineering Change Documents
- Customer Engineering Approval, if required
- Design Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (DFMEA) Process Flow Diagram
- Process Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (PFMEA) Control Plan
- Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Dimensional Results
- Qualified Laboratory Documentation
- Appearance Approval Report (AAR)
- Sample Product
- Master Sample
- Checking Aids
- Customer-Specific Requirements
- Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
- Internal, costumed, requirements
PPAP Levels
- Level 1 – Warrant only and Appearance Approval Report as requested submitted to the customer
- Level 2 – Warrant with samples and limited supporting data submitted to the customer
- Level 3 – Warrant with product samples and complete supporting data submitted to customer
- Level 4 – Warrant and other requirements as defined by the customer
- Level 5 – Warrant with product samples and complete supporting data reviewed at the supplier’s manufacturing location
- PPAP level table
- New parts levels
- Part changes levels
Production Warrant
- Definition
- Purpose
- When to use it
- Reviews checklist
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
- What is PFD
- Purpose
- Symbols
- PFD example
- Reviewers checklist
Process FMEA (PFMEA)
- Origin of FMEA
- Definition
- Objectives
- When to use it
- Steps of PFMEA procedure
- Ratings
- Severity
- Occurrence
- Detection
- Analyzing the results
- PFMEA exercise
Control Plan
- Definition
- Purposes
- Application
- Tool interaction
- Phases
- Process, tools, characteristics
- Specifications, Measurement, Sample Size & Frequency
- Control Method, Reaction Plan
Measurement Style Analysis (MSA)
- Definition
- Objective
- Application
- Who needs to be involved?
- Attribute
- Variable
- Observed variation
- Resolution
- Error in resolution
- Possible causes
- Repeatability
- Reproducibility
- Error in resolution
- Possible causes
- Gage R&R study
- Gage R&R steps
- Select 10 items that represent the full range of long-term process variation
- Identify the evaluators
- Calibrate the gage or verify that the last calibration date is valid
- Record data in the Gage R&R worksheet in the PPAP Playbook
- Have each appraiser assess each part 3 times (trials – first in order, second in reverse order, third random)
- Input data into the Gage R&R worksheet
- Enter the number of operators, trials, samples and specification limits
- Analyze data in the Gage R&R worksheet
- Assess MSA trust level
- Take actions for improvement if necessary
- Gage R&R case study
- Reviewer’s checklist
Dimensional Results
- What is it?
- Objectives
- When is it applied?
- Acceptance criteria
- Reviewer’s checklist
Material & Performance Test Results
- Material test results
- Module test results
- Performance test results
Initial Process Study
- Definition
- Purposes
- Applications
- Steps for Determining Process Capability
- Choose the product or process characteristic
- Validate the specification limits
- Validate the measurement system
- Collect data
- Analyze data characteristics
- Analyze process stability
- Calculate process capability
- Variable data
- Capability indices
- CpK
- PpK
- Cp vs CpK
- Reviewer’s checklist
Appearance Approval Report
- Definition
- Objective
- Application
- Sample report
Sample Production Parts
- Definition
- Purpose
- Application
- Labeling
- Part label example
Completing the PPAP Submission
- Electronic submission
- Element 1 Part Submission Warrant
- Element 2 Design Records and & Bubbled Part Prints
- Element 3 Approved Engineering Change Documentation
- Element 4 Customer Engineering Approvals
- Element 5 Design FMEA (DFMEA)
- Element 6 Process Flow Diagrams
- Element 7 Process FMEA (PFMEA)
- Element 8 Control Plan
- Element 9 Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
- Element 10 Dimensional Report
- Element 11 Material, Performance Test Results
- Element 12 Initial Process Study (Cpk/Ppk)
- Element 13 Qualified Lab Documentation
- Element 14 Appearance Approval report
- Element 15 Sample Parts
- Element 16 Master Sample
- Element 17 Checking Aids
- Element 18A Tooling Information Form
- Element 18B Packaging Form
Discussion for Successful Implementation
TONEX Hands-On Workshop Sample PPAP
- Choose one case to conduct a PPAP on
- Prepare all the elements of the report
- Prepare required forms for submitting PPAP
- Use data to provide specific requirements for part approval records and sample retention
- Go through all the PPAP levels
- Perform required statistics analysis including Cp, CpK, or PpK
- Ensure the submission meet the customer’s specific requirements
- Present your final report to an imaginary customer
Production Part Approval Process Training, PPAP Training