Smart City Training Bootcamp
Smart City Training Bootcamp Course Description
Smart city training bootcamp helps you identify the tendencies and developing problems for communities and utilities as the smart structure movement gains motion. Such evolving universal phenomena are being advertised by the transforming from conceptual design and pilot programs affecting the distribution network or customer service creativities to large scale, more diverse, and cohesive programs. Therefore, in order to stay on top of this forward movement, you need to get yourself trained on the principals and fundamentals of it.
Smart city training bootcamp provides you with insights on smart city roadmaps in cooperation with utilities and the private sector. Such use of data analytics allow you to be more informed, perform more targeted decision-making, and find a way to sustainability and more quantifiable returns on investment.
The world we are living in is going through an extreme growth, which needs constructing new foundation to provide approximately the corresponding of the existing population of the United States in a matter of a couple decades. Cities in the 21st century will comprise almost 90% of universal population development, 80% of wealth generation, and 60% of total energy utilization. It is a universal essential to grow systems that enhance the livability of cities while considerably decreasing resource usage. Smart city features bootcamp course will intends to help you comprehend the complications of cities via the application of Big Data Urban Analytics and the design of New Urban Systems for populated cities including systems for transportation, energy, food, and living/working. The plan of these systems must be strong, accessible, and reconfigurable.
Some of the Elements of Smart City:
- Resilient city units
- New transportation networks
- Resilient energy structures
- Living area on demand
- Shared co-working systems
- Urban food generation
- Responsive methods
- Trust systems
- Smart distribution energy sources (DERs)
- Smart grids
- Microgrids
- Renewable energy
- Smart transportation systems
Why Smart Cities?
- Increases the quality of life of the residents of the city
- Improve the effectiveness and affordability of the local and economy
- Move towards the sustainability of cities by enhancing resource effectiveness and fulfilling emission drop targets
Why Smart Cities Are Not In-Place Yet?
- Doubts about the sizing up of modern technologies
- Technology is not completely understood throughout city districts
- Current authority, financing, and procurement models are poor for technology incorporation
TONEX Smart City Features Bootcamp Formatting
- Covers both angels of theories and practices
- Theories are delivered via interactive lectures and presentations
- Practical exercises include labs, individual/group activities, and hands-on workshops
- The topics for practical activities and workshops are chosen from real-world case studies
Smart city training bootcamp is a 2-day course designed for:
- Executives
- Business unit leaders
- Managers
- Financial investors and entrepreneurs
- Engineers and designers
- Urban planners
- Government leaders involved with new urban economic growth, designing new cities, and urban creative regions or zones. Participants may include government leaders
- Ministry leaders
- Department directors
- Innovation managers
- Policymakers
Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of smart city training bootcamp course, the attendees are able to:
- Understand the concepts and ideas of smart city
- Understand the components of smart city
- Apply various models for implementing smart city
- Recommend potential solutions for the proposed issues
- Analyze the risks associated with the idea of smart city
- Recommend effective, creative solutions to reduce the costs that make smart cities unaffordable
- Comprehend the existing ecological, energy, accommodation, health, food, and transportation issues the cities deal with
- Construct a information foundation of the recent technological creativities, strategies, and guidelines being established by industry and academia that are being executed in cities and comprehend the advantage and expense exchange for these solutions
- Derive a complete and system-level viewpoint on smart cities that takes an incorporative method in regards to complicated problems empowering Big Data analytics and strategies associated with planning, zoning, and public policy
- Understand the concept of smart grids, smart grid monitoring systems and smart meters in smart cities
- Understand the citizen driven smart cities and applications of urban mobility in smart cities
Course Outline
Overview of Smart City
- Smart city concept
- Smart city characteristics
- Advantages of smart city
- Current smart cities of the world
- The evolution of smart cities
- Smart city requirements
- Concept of energy, and environment
- Mobility, housing and food challenges in cities
- Concept of big data and urban informatics
- Urban simulation studies
- Urban decision support systems
Components of Urban Mobility Systems
- Smart grids
- Smart grid components
- Solar panels
- Wind farms
- Energy storage
- Electric vehicles
- Fleet management
- Smart housing applications
- Smart meters
- Smart controllers
- Smart inverters
- Smart water technology
- Smart transportation
- Resilient energy systems
- Concept of microgrid
- Transformable apartments
Requirements for Standardization Features of Smart Cities
- Need, criteria, output, result
- ICT standardization criteria
- Connecting Smart city characteristics to the needs
- Smart cities needs
- Technological needs
- Market needs
- Societal needs
- ICT standardization criteria for smart cities
- Smart cities model
- Smart structure, education, business, and services
- Simplifying devices, evaluation, decision-making, and mechanization
- Dealing with social challenges
Technology and Trends
- Universal computing system
- Big data
- 5G and 6G
- WiFi
- Geographic information system (GIS)
- Cloud calculating
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- E-government
- Data privacy and trust networks
- Urban design consideration
- Urban mobility systems
- Autonomous driving technologies
- Smart city development ventures and entrepreneurship
- Smart city governance
- Public policies regarding smart cities
- Smart city incentives
Priority Activities for Smart Cities
- Markets
- Generating the market
- Expanding the market
- Greening the market
- Enablers
- Smart incorporated city planning and creative authority
- Economics
- Open data/guidelines/interoperability
- Training
- Involving stakeholders
Smart Cities Planning and Development
- Becoming more intelligent about smart cities
- Planning techniques
- Constructing smart cities
- Estimating the roadmap, setting the smart base
- Evaluation of smart city outcomes
- Smart city needs
- Characteristics of smart cities
- Structuring the analysis
- Transformation to smart cities
- City sample and total rating
Smart Utilities
- Communications at the heart of the modern utility
- Automation programs: making the case
- Data management and analytics: the value of crunching numbers
- Looming security rules raising urgent questions for Utilities
- Smart city monitoring and operation systems
- Vision of an open smart city environment
- Road maps of smart cities
- Smart energy business concept
- Development trends in smart city technologies
Smart City Governance
- Real-time decision making system for city management
- Collaborative planning with visualized technology
- Virtual model citizen interaction
- Mobile augmented facilities
- Citizen driven smart city design
- Social media application for citizens of smart city
- Decision making process support
Smart Buildings and Urban Spaces
- Types of smart buildings in smart cities
- Intelligent urban spaces
- Autonomous management systems
- Minimizing environmental impacts in smart cities
- Minimizing economic loss in smart cities
- Building level minimization studies
- Multi-objective optimization techniques for smart building applications
- Recycling effect in smart cities
Distributed Energy in Smart Cities
- Distributed renewable energy sources
- Energy management systems (EMS) in smart cities
- Relationship between smart grids and smart cities
- Active distribution networks
- Integration of demand and generation
- Integration of variable power generation units to urban energy systems
- District heating solutions for residential districts
- Smart metering
- Cybersecurity of smart meters
- ICT for neighboring energy management systems
- Energy-Hub for residential districts
- Energy-Hub for commercial districts
- Energy-Hub for transportation
- Renewable energy and concept of energy efficiency
- Internet of energy
- Electric mobility concept
Smart Grids in Smart Cities
- Introduction to power grids
- Idea of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
- Distribution networks
- Trends of smart grids
- Smart grid concept
- Advent of power electronics
- Price and efficiency in smart grids
- Smart sustainable energy sources
- Market structure of the smart grid
- Computer based monitoring
- Smart communication technologies in smart grids
- Reliability and economic operation of smart grids
- Load variation in smart grids
- Scheduled operation concepts
- Information and communication technology (ICT) in smart grids
- Energy management systems (EMS) in smart grids
- Operation planning
- Load forecasting
- Transmission/Distribution/Generation operator
Components of Smart Grids
- Distributed Generation (DG)
- Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
- Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Solar panels in smart grids
- Solar inverters
- Need to convert the DC energy to AC
- Wind farms in smart grids
- Effect of battery energy storages in smart grids
- Fuel cell power generation station
- Smart inverters
- Voltage source converters
- Power electronic based devices
- Pricing in micro grids and smart grids
- Smart meters
- Communication interactions in smart grids
- Restoration topology in smart grids
- Offshore wind farms
Introduction to Energy Management in Smart Grids
- Definition of energy management system (EMS)
- Why EMS?
- EMS in generation (generation management systems)
- EMS in distribution networks
- Benefits of monitoring in EMS
- Control and monitoring in EMS
- Real-time SCADA in EMS applications
- Data acquisition systems
- Data historians
- Data linking
- Control sequences in monitoring and operation of smart grids
- Cost of generation in smart grids
- Open access transmission
- Future developments in the economic operation of smart grids
- Computer communications in smart grids
Smart City Training Bootcamp