Length: 2 Days
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Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshop

Software verification and validation is the process of investigating that a software system satisfies specifications and standards and it fulfills the required purpose.

More specifically, software verification testing is the process of checking that a software achieves its goal without any bugs. It is the process to ensure whether the product that is developed is right or not. It verifies whether the developed product fulfills the requirements that we have.

Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that software product is defect free.

Software testing involves execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements.

Both verification testing and validation testing are important processes in the software testing cycle. Verification is testing that your product meets the specifications / requirements you have written. Validation tests how well you addressed the business needs that caused you to write those requirements. That’s why validation testing is sometimes called acceptance or business testing.

V&V together make sure that software has delivered on its purpose in an error-free way.

In the more traditional Waterfall process, with Specifications and Requirements defined at the start, validation is often performed at the end of the testing cycle. You spend tons of time defining a product, build it, make sure your software was bug-free, and then do user acceptance testing, or submit it to a client / users, perhaps even a Beta release.

Contrasted to the Waterfall process, in an Agile development process, ideally both verification and validation activities occur as close to simultaneously as possible. This is because you are always updating and refining your User Stories, necessitating constant small V&V loops to enable this continual feedback.

The most practical and effective way to enhance software system safety is to follow a complete software program that applies safety enhancing techniques throughout software development and maintenance.

Appropriately applied verification and validation decreases the cost of software development. Verification and validation can make a significant contribution in making the final product safe and effective.

Additionally, with a verification and validation approach, software changes can be more easily and safely made when the development process is controlled and documented. The template is already in place. Regression testing is easily identified and can reduce the time required to make and test changes.

The FDA requires evidence that verification and validation is included in the product development process.

Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshop by Tonex

Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshop is a 2-day course where participants learn the ins and outs of checking that a software system meets specifications and requirements so that it fulfills its intended purpose.

Sometimes referred to as software quality control, software testing, verification and validation  is normally the responsibility of software testers as part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), a process with the objective of producing software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time.

Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshop

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