Spacecraft Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML Training
Spacecraft Model-Based Engineering with SysML is a 2-day course that provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop SysML diagrams of a Small Satellite using SysML within MBSE framework.
Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is transforming the way complex systems like spacecraft are designed and developed.
Within MBSE, the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) plays a crucial role in creating comprehensive and precise models.
At its core, MBSE with SysML is a systems engineering approach that utilizes graphical models to represent and analyze the various components, functions, and interactions of a spacecraft system. SysML, a specialized dialect of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), provides a standardized framework for expressing system requirements, architecture, behavior, and constraints in a clear and concise manner.
One of the key technical aspects of MBSE with SysML is the use of parametric and behavioral modeling techniques to capture the dynamic behavior and performance characteristics of spacecraft systems.
By defining mathematical equations, constraints, and relationships between system variables, engineers can simulate and analyze the behavior of the spacecraft under different operating conditions, enabling early detection of design flaws and optimization of system performance.
This connection between spacecraft and MBSE launched when the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Space Systems Working Group (SSWG) established the Space Systems MBSE Challenge team in 2007.
Among its other research, the SSWG Challenge team has been investigating the applicability of MBSE for designing CubeSats since 2011.
With CubeSats, SysML can be used to model all aspects of a system either directly or through an interface with another model. SysML diagrams are used to describe requirements, structures, behaviors, and parametrics from the system down to the component level.
NASA has been especially interested in innovative spacecraft model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methods with SysML in order to define, design, develop, analyze, execute, and validate future small spacecraft missions.
This can be accomplished through development of advanced methods and tools that enable more rapid, comprehensive, deeper, and integrated spacecraft design across the entire project lifecycle from concepts through system operations and end of mission disposal.
The capabilities leverage MBSE approaches being piloted across NASA and enable agile integration of disparate model types and various discipline tools.
NASA also has shown interest in enabling disciplined system analysis for the design of future missions, including modeling of decision and programmatic support for those missions.
Spacecraft Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML Training
Spacecraft Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML is a 4-day Hands-On MBSE and SysML Training designed for aerospace and space industry. This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop SysML diagrams of a Small Satellite using SysML within MBSE framework.
The Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training , helps participants to create SysML Diagrams for a Spacecraft System and System of Systems (SoS) using MBSE approach. Modleio open-source tool used for the modeling and creating SysML diagrams. Multiple views of the system is specified and the interaction and interconnection of its components, and their functions, states, interfaces, and performance and physical characteristics are elaborated. Participants can use the models to enhance shared understanding of the system, quality, reuse, and collaboration.
Tonex has extensive experience focused on developing large scale, software intensive space systems including space system of systems (SoS), launching, payload, data processing, communications protocols, spacecraft command and control systems and other critical parts of space platforms.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this hands-on course, the participants will:
- Learn how Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is different from traditional systems engineering approaches
- Describe how MBSE and SysML language and diagrams/models are related
- Analyze and create SysML diagrams for a complex spacecraft system and system of Systems (SoS) development, engineering project or mission
- Learn how to create models in a SysML including packages, requirements, structure, behavior and parametrics diagrams and constructs,
- Develop SysML activity models that are executable
- Analyze and construct SysML models with calculations and execute parametric simulations.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for avionics and aerospace systems engineers, hardware and software design engineers, software developers, system and software architect, modelers, managers, and employees with little or no MBSE and SysML experience. The course is also useful for those who have experience with MBSE and SysML but have never had any formal training. Tonex is the industry leader in model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and SysML and has extensive in space application and systems engineering architecting and modeling.
Method of Learning
The class consists of theory and practical workshops creating SysML diagrams using Modelio tool.
Course Material, Tools and Guides
- Course Student Guide
- Exercises and Workshops Guide
- Training Resources: Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools
- Cheat Sheets
- Organizational examples of common problems
Course Schedule/Outline
Overview of MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering)
- MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering) Overview
- How is MBSE different than traditional Systems Engineering?
- Overview of Systems Modeling Language (SysML)?
- SysML and MBSE
- 4 Pillars of SysML
- SysML Diagram Types
- SysML Diagrams
- Package diagram
- Requirement diagram
- Use Case diagram
- Block Definition diagram
- Internal Block diagram
- Activity diagram
- Sequence diagram
- State Machine diagram
- Parametric diagram
SoS Management and Lifecycle with MBSE and SysML
- Multi-domain-constituents and Different Domains
- Decentralized control—a system of System
- Comparison of Systems and Systems of Systems
- Systems Engineering applied to a Spacecraft SoS
- Engineering and Design Considerations
- Requirements Engineering and SoS
- Techniques and Approaches for Requirements Engineering
- Integration with various control and modeling paradigms
Hands-on Activities
Case study 1: Packages for a Spacecraft System of Systems (SoS)
- Context Diagram (ibd or bdd)
- Use Case
- Requirements
- System Objectives
- Stakeholders Requirements
- System Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)
- Structure
- Interfaces
- Part Catalogs
- Behavior
- Analysis
- Testing and Simulation
- Verification
- Validation
- Integration
Workshop 1: Creating SysML Diagrams for a Spacecraft SoS
- Blocks and Block Definition Diagrams
- Packages and Use Cases
- Requirements and Sequence Diagrams
- Analysis Parametric Diagrams
- Activities and Activity Diagrams
- Internal Block Diagrams
- State Machines and Advanced Interactions
Workshop 2: Model Creation Process and Guidance
- Model Organization
- Planning Artifacts
- Mission & System Specification and Design Process
- Spacecraft Mission Context
- Model Organization
- Requirements
- Derived Mission Requirements
- Example of Mission Requirements Traceability to Payload Sensor
- Mission Requirements Refinement Relationships
- Mission Requirements Specification Table
- Mission Requirements Traceability
- Refined Mission Requirements Specification
- Specification Tree
- Structure
- Use Cases
- Behavior
- Analysis
- Spacecraft SoS
- Ground Station
- Launch Vehicle
- Launch Operations Facility
- Supporting Elements (Interface Definition)
- Command and Control (C2)
Workshop 3: Creating Custom Libraries and Stereotypes
- Profile
- Failure modes
- Hardware
- Software
- Firmware
- Mechanical
- Orbit
- Subsystems
- Test component
- Verification objectives
Workshop 4: Architecting Spacecraft SoS with MBSE and SysML
Creating Model Organization
- Mission User Requirements
- Mission ConOps
- Mission Requirements
- Mission & System Specification and Design Process
- Spacecraft Mission Context
- Structure
- System of Systems (SoS), Systems and Subsystems
- Behavior
- Parametrics
- Mission Analysis
- System Analysis
- Subsystem Analysis
- Requirements
- Example of requirements traceability
- Supporting Elements
- Mission Requirements Traceability
- Refined Mission Requirements Specification
- Specification Tree
- Orbit Analysis
- Sensor Performance Analysis
- Launch Vehicles
- Orbit Requirements
- Revisit Time
- Interface Definitions
- Signal Definitions
Operational Use Cases
- Operational Use Cases
- Communicate with Ground
- Control Trajectory
- Deploy Mechanisms
- Launch
- Maintain Operations
- Mitigate Failures
- Perform Mission
- Provide Observation Data
- Collect Observation Data
- Communicate with Ground
- Deorbit
- Deploy Mechanisms
- Maintain Orbit
- Mitigate Failures
- Perform Mission
- Transfer to Orbit
Modeling the Behavior
- Perform Mission-Decomposition
- Event Sequence
- Perform Mission-Event Sequence
- Perform Mission
- Control Trajectory
- Deploy Mechanisms
- Maintain Spacecraft Operations
- Perform Mission
- Provide Observation Data
- Safety Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
- Perform Mission-Failure Modes
- Control Attitude-Failure Modes
- Control Trajectory-Failure Modes
- Perform Mission-Failure Modes
- Acceleration Control Failure
- Attitude Control Failure
- Deorbit Failure
- Deploy Mechanism Failure
- Launch Failure
- Maintain Operations Failure
- Mission Failure
- Orbit Maintenance Failure
- Orbit Transfer Failure
- Provide Data Failure
- Separation Failure
- Spin Rate Sensing Failure
- Steady State Attitude Control Failure
- Trajectory Failure
Analysis of the Models
- Analysis Context-Mission Analysis
- Analysis Context-System Analysis
- Trade off analysis to support:
- Mission Analysis Models
- Spacecraft Orbit Analysis Results
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis Model
- Geopositioning Error Analysis Model
- Image Quality Analysis Model
- Lifecycle Cost Analysis
- Mission Life Analysis Model
- Orbit Analysis Model
- Probability of Detection and False Alarm Analysis Model
- System Analysis Models
- Analysis Context
Models to Support Specifications, Integration and Testing
- Physical Architecture
- Requirements Metric Table
- Deriving System Requirements from Mission Requirements
- Spacecraft Requirements Satisfaction Table
- Spacecraft Requirements Specification
- Spacecraft Physical Decomposition
- Fuel
- Interconnection
- Verification Domains
- Mass Properties Verification
- Verification Context-Mass Properties
- Verify Mass
- Test Operator
- Ground Station Breakdown
- Mission Operations
- Monitor Telemetry
- Launch Vehicle
- Communicate with Launch Ops
- Initiate Separation Mechanisms
- Launch Operations Facility
Spacecraft Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML Training