Course Number: 9009
Length: 4 Days
College Credits: 26
Continuing Education Credits: 3
Why should you choose TONEX for Systems Engineering Crash Course Training?
Systems Engineering Crash Course Training, TONEX Professional Education boasts continuing education Systems Engineering Training courses and professional Systems Engineering certificates Worldwide.
Systems Engineering Training Crash Course is the unique answer to your Systems Engineering training needs from current to next generation technologies. Our mission is to clarify highly complex management and technical standards and topics in a systems engineering training bootcamp.
Emphasis is on the development of fundamental skills and knowledge in engineering, gap between program and project management versus systems engineering, systems analysis, modeling, and planning, combined with advanced computational techniques, to address problems affecting various applications and industries.
Systems Engineering Training Bootcamp is designed for professional engineers and scientists who have basic systems engineering responsibilities or who want to grow into this role. Other important topics such as Systems Engineering Leadership, Negotiation, Communications, Collaboration, Team Building, Innovation, Risk Management, and Configuration Management are discussed to address the gap issues between program and project management and systems engineering.
TONEX has created a Program Management, Project Management and Systems Engineering Competency Framework consists of Program Management competency areas, Project Management competency areas, Systems Engineering competency areas, and competency areas common to both the Program/Project Management and Systems Engineering disciplines.
Systems Engineering Training sessions emphasize ongoing technical change and the technical, business, project management, communications, collaboration and interpersonal skills characteristic of systems engineering positions.
Systems Engineering Training Crash Course covers analysis, design, integration, production, testing, and operation of modern high technology systems. It also supplies attendees with underlying theoretical knowledge and practical experience applicable to diverse disciplines including:
- Concept Definition
- Requirements Engineering
- System Architecture
- System Design and Development
- Systems Integration
- Test and Evaluation
- Validation and Verification
- Systems Implementation, O&M, and Transition
- SE Planning and Management
- Collaborating with Technical Specialties
- Building Successful Teams
- Communicating with Impact
- Results Orientation
- Adaptability
Upon completion of the bootcamp, the attendees will :
- Acquire a practical approach to the engineering of system requirements
- Acquire a practical approach to the engineering design, development, and integration of complex systems
- Employ conceptual design of complex systems and System of Systems (SoS)
- Describe Requirements Analysis, Functional Definition, Physical Definition, and Design Validation
- Generate and work with the core SE products
- Describe phases of the systems engineering life cycle to a hypothetical systems problem
- Describe how the systems engineer manages systems projects and mitigates risks
- Explore approaches to architecture at the system
- Create an awareness of the activities required to deploy, maintain, and sustain a complex system in the operations environment
Core courses
- Introduction to Systems Engineering
- Advanced Systems Engineering
- Agile Software Development
- Software Engineering Management
- Management of Systems Projects
Selective courses
- Management of Complex Systems
- System of Systems Engineering
- Modeling and Simulation for Systems Engineering
Course Outline
Overview of System Engineering Process
- Concept Exploration
- Concept Definition
- Requirements Analysis
- System Synthesis
- Design Tradeoffs
- Risk Assessment
- Engineering Design
- Verification and Validation
- System Integration
- Operations and Maintenance
Business/Mission Needs and Objectives
- Introduction of Tonex System Engineering (SE) Process and Templates
- Project Mission Objectives
- Cost, Schedule, Resources and Tasks
- Proposal Development (RFPs)
- Information for Bid (IFB)
- Resource Allocation
- Task Definitions
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Apply standards (ISO, EIA, and IEEE), the SEI Capability Maturity Models – Integration (CMM – I)
- Working with advanced systems engineering process
- Working with V-Diagram
- Advanced engineering disciplines and program management
- Overview of advanced concepts in the development cycle
- Using Agile processes
- Case studies review including templates, and checklists that support the systems engineering approach
Leading and Managing SE Activities
- Planning for Design and Development (SEMP/TEMP)
- Program/Project Management vs. Systems Engineering
- Bridging the gap between Program Management and System Engineering
- Plans, Processes, and Documentation
- The Context of the System in its Environment
- Engineering Complex Systems
- Understanding the System Environment
- Needs Analysis
- Statement of Objectives
- Defining the Operational Requirements
- Measures of Effectiveness and Performance
- Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
- Describing System Requirements
- Requirements Engineering
Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
- Operational Scenarios
- Working with Use Cases
Requirements analysis and design with Use Cases
- System Engineering Management
- Tools and techniques essential for development of complex systems
- Definition of the Problem
- Measures of Effectiveness/Measures of Performance
- Needs and Objectives Analysis
- Concept and Engineering Development
- Design and Development
- Systems Engineering Method
- Requirements Engineering
Reliability Engineering
- Reliability engineering principles
- How operations can improve reliability of their processes
- How to influence improvements in availability
- How someone can assist in reducing process failures
- Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Error Control Coding (ECC) Fundamentals
- Related Case Studies and Projects
System Design, Development, and Integration
- Prototype Development
- Sub-system and component design
- Integrating, Testing, and Evaluating the System
- Planning for Design, Integration, and Testing
Design Reviews
- SRR (System Requirements Review)
- PDR (Preliminary Design Review)
- SFR (System Functional Review)
- CDR (Critical Design Review)
- DDR (Detailed Design Review)
- PRR (Production Readiness Review)
- TRR (Test Readiness Review)
- SVR (System Demonstration and Validation)
System Deployment and Operations
- Production and Deployment
- Transition to support
- Systems fielding
- Operations and maintenance of deployed systems
- System modifications and upgrades
- Modernization, the Big Upgrade
- Retirement and replacement of systems
- Training
Leading and Managing SE Activities
- Planning for Deployment, Operations, and the Transfer of Systems and Technologies
- Managing System Projects
- Managing Risks
- Integrated Logistics support
- Collaborating with Teams and Technical Specialties
- Presenting the Team Project
Why Systems Engineering?
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems.
Systems Engineering Training program focuses on the analysis, planning, design, testing, integration, operation, and management of modern systems. This program integrates all the disciplines and specialty groups into a team effort forming a structured development process that proceeds from concept to production to operation:
- It considers both the business and the technical needs of all customers with the goal of providing a quality product that meets the user needs
TONEX’s Systems Engineering Training Program starts with focusing on defining customer needs and required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting requirements, and then proceeding with design synthesis and system validation while considering the complete problem:
- Project Management
- Cost & Schedule
- Risk Analysis
- Performance
- Quality Assurance
- Training & Support
- Operations
- Test
- Manufacturing
- Disposal
Systems Engineering Training course is 50% theory and 50% hands-on.
What is a TONEX Systems Engineering Training Boot Camp?
TONEX Systems Engineering Training Boot Camp is an intensive learning experiences that cover the essential elements of Systems Engineering.
TONEX Systems Engineering Training Boot Camp is ideal for busy professionals who want to stay current in their systems engineering fields but have limited time to be away from the office.
TONEX Systems Engineering Training Boot Camp includes:
- Experienced systems engineering instructors including senior technology leaders, senior systems engineers, project managers, systems engineering technical authors, engineers, systems engineering educators, systems engineering consultants, course developers, and CTOs.
- Real life systems engineering examples and best practices.
- Small class size.
- Personalized instructor mentoring.
- Pre-training discussions
- Ongoing post-training support via e-mail, phone and WebEx
TONEX is a member of International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
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Other Systems Engineering Courses by TONEX
Courses in: Systems Engineering Training
COURSE NAME LENGTH Agile Software Development Training 4 Days ASEP (Associate Systems Engineering Professional) Certification – INCOSE Preparation 3 Days Biomedical Systems Engineering Training Workshop 4 Days INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) Certification 4 Days ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Engineering Training 4 Days JCIDS(Joint Capabilities Integration Development System) Training 3 Days Lean Systems Engineering Training 3 Days Power & Energy Systems Engineering Training 4 Days SoS (Systems of Systems) Engineering Training 3 Days Specifications Writing Training 2 Days Systems Engineering Training Boot Camp 4 Days Systems Engineering Training Level II 2 Days FOUNDATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
COURSE NAME LENGTH Requirements Engineering Training Workshop 3 Days SCADA Training – Level 1 2 Days Systems Engineering Training Level I 2 Days MODEL-BASED SYSTEMS ENGINEERING TRAININIG
COURSE NAME LENGTH CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) Training 2 Days MIL-1553 Training 2 Days MIL-1760 Training 2 Days Product Safety Engineer Certification Bootcamp 4 Days Requirements and Specification Writing Training 2 Days Root Cause Failure Analysis Training 2 Days Wind Energy Systems Engineering Training Workshop 4 Days
Who Should Attend
- Product managers
- Project managers
- R&D managers
- Engineering managers
- Systems engineers
- Business analysts
- Systems analysts
- System architects
- solution architects
- Enterprise architects
- Software systems engineers
- Software engineers
- Design engineers
- Hardware engineers
- Project engineers
- Industrial engineers
- And other engineering principles