Length: 2 Days
Wind Energy SCADA Training
Wind Energy SCADA Training is a 2-day technical introduction to Wind Energy Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system consist of software and hardware elements and components that allows local or remote access to Wind Turbines, Wind Farms, Offshore Wind Farms and Energy to monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
The SCADA systems for wind consist of servers, communications systems, sensors, RTUs, PLCs and more. SCADA systems typically collect rotor velocity, azimuth angle, nacelle angle, gear switches, substations, transformers and many other points of analog and digital data, along with wind velocity, generating level and other forms of data.
Client SCADA software makes it possible to display the current state of the wind turbine, distribution network, trend graphs, alarm history and other charts, prepare hourly/daily logs and monthly reports, enter wind turbine control commands, and engage in other operations.
Training Objectives
Upon completion of the offshore wind farm training course, the attendees are able to:
- Understand the history and background of onshore and offshore wind farms
- Explain the different types of wind turbines in wind farms
- Describe the operation of wind farms
- Describe the role of SCADA and EMS systems
- Understand the different types of transmission systems in wind farms
- Explain SCADA control and protections implemented for different parts of wind farms
- Describe the SCADA functions applied to wind farms
- Tackle the problems related to unbalance and faults in offshore wind farms
- Combine the concept of SCADA and wind farms into the microgrids
Course Content
Wind Energy Overview
- Background and history
- Market history and overview (Europe, Asia and USA)
- State of the States
- Global context 2020, 2025, 2030
- High level factors that impact LCoE
Development of Onshore/Offshore Wind Farms
- Onshore and Offshore wind resource
- GIS database
- Database components
- Wind resource estimates
- Distance from shore
- Grid Interconnection
- Port Infrastructure
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems
- SCADA system and instruments
- A vital element of the wind farm
- Turbines, the substation and meteorological stations
- Connection agreement to control reactive power production
- Network voltage or frequency control
- SCADA Communications Network
- Identical data reporting and analysis, Electronic
- Power output
- Battery status
- Shaft vibration
- Pitch and yaw settings
- Integration of equipment, process and business data into a single plant operation
- SNMP network monitoring
- Web capability and support for mobile devices
- IEC 61400-25 based tree structure
- Integrated maintenance management
- Integrated fault log
- Assessment of different farms and turbines
- Power curve data and error logs
- Operating characteristics
- Data analysis
- Anomalies
- Trends
- Time series
- Forecasting
- Correlations
Wind Turbine Technology and SCADA Systems
- Wind farm design
- Factors affecting turbine location
- Infrastructure
- Construction issues
- Costs
- Commissioning, operation and maintenance
- Offshore
- Small Wind Turbines
- Grid Integration
- Wind Turbine Control
- SCADA Systems
- SCADA for remote supervision and control of wind turbines and wind farms
- Full remote control and supervision
SCADA Systems in Wind Farm Operations
- System Health and Conditions
- Role of SCADA Systems
- Monitoring, Control and Alarms
- Rotor
- Blade
- Gearbox
- Generating system
- Incorporation-type transformer
- Nacelle
- Tower
- System
- Environmental
Wind Farm Installation and Commissioning
- Main Components of a Wind Farm
- Cable supports
- Substations
- Foundations
- Transition Pieces and Towers
- Wind turbines
- Introduction to Wind Energy Systems
- Wind turbine technology
- Architectures of wind turbines
- Offshore wind turbine architecture
- Different types of wind turbines
- Effect of wind speed on wind turbines
- Blades
- Transformers
- Helipad
- Switchgear
- Crane
- Backup generator
- Vessels
Transmission Network in Onshore/Offshore Windfarm
- Impact of offshore wind farms in power systems
- Solution of High Voltage Direct current (HVDC)
- Dynamic stability of offshore wind farms
- Reactive power and voltage support
- Power and frequency support
Operations and Maintenance using SCADA
- Control room
- Wind Turbines Based On DFIG
- Control Of Wind Turbines
- Gearbox
- Protection during faults
- Maximum power point controller
- Pitch angle control
- Fault ride through capability
- Crowbar protection
- Blade pitch angle control
- Blade twist control
- Voltage source converters
- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- Rotor speed control
- Reactive power control
- Active power control
- Rotor current control
- DC voltage control
- Grid side current control
- Control of offshore wind farms based on HVDC transmission
- Energy storage systems