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Combo Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training Workshop

Combo Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training Workshop covers theory behind Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Systems Modeling Language (SysML). Hands-on workshops on MBSE and SysML help participants to model complex systems and System of Systems (SoS) using MBSE framework and creating SysML models.

The training is delivered in the form of interactive presentation and dedicated practical activities: lectures, labs, individual/group activities, and hands-on workshops.

Course Schedule/Outline:

  • Model Concepts
  • MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering)
  • Creating Systems Modeling Language (SysML) Models
  • Overview of INCOSE’s Modeling and Simulation Interoperability Efforts
  • Group Exercises and Workshops

For detailed agenda, CLICK HERE.

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