DevSecOps (development, security and operations) is a natural and necessary response to the bottleneck effect of older security models on the modern continuous delivery pipeline.
The goal is to bridge traditional gaps between IT and security while ensuring fast, safe delivery of code. Silo thinking is replaced by increased communication and shared responsibility of security tasks during all phases of the delivery process.
DevSecOps involves creating a “Security as Code” culture with ongoing, flexible collaboration between release engineers and security teams. The DevSecOps movement, like DevOps itself, is focused on creating new solutions for complex software development processes within an agile framework.
Of course, keeping regulations and security top-of-mind while maintaining speed, agility and innovation does not come easy for most organizations, businesses and agencies.
There are principles that can help guide a DevSecOps program such as running automated tests whenever possible. Automation is a major factor in DevSecOps. It’s crucial to run automated tests and dependency checks at every stage of the dev pipeline.
It’s also recommended to use agile methodologies to deliver code in small, frequent releases. An agile approach to SecOps helps teams check for vulnerabilities quickly and embed code analysis into the quality assurance process.
Near the top of the list is to Always be prepared for threats. DevSecOps professionals recommend conducting regular scans, code reviews, and penetration tests to make sure you are ready for anything—and remember that the vast majority of successful cyberattacks can be attributed to human error.
Investing in advanced training also pays dividends. Training can increase an entire team’s knowledge of and investment in security. It also ensures that all team members are on the same page in the DevSecOps process.
Want to learn more about DevSecOps? Tonex offers DevSecOps Training Bootcamp, a 3-day course where participants gain in-depth knowledge and skills to apply, implement and improve IT security in modern DevOps. Tonex also offers DevSecOps Training for Managers, a 1-day course where participants will learn and apply the impact on IT security in modern DevOps as part of the IT Modernization to ensure rapid and frequent development cycles.
Additionally, Tonex offers eight other outstanding courses in IT Modernization. For more information, questions, comments, contact us.