Fracture Mechanics Training
Fracture Mechanics Training is a 2-day innovative course covers Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications encompasses theory and applications, linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics, solid mechanics, and materials science with a unified, balanced, using case studies, and in-depth approach with examples and best practices.
For details agenda of the training program, CLICK HERE
The attendees will also learn abut detailed mathematical models and derivations, recent developments in analysis and design, Verification and Validation (V&V), laboratory testing, application to structures, and computational methods, micromechanisms of fracture and solution of the fundamental problems of the stress computation and failure prediction of a cracked solid, crack propagation behavior under cyclic loading or fatigue illustration of different numerical techniques that can be used to obtain the stress intensity factors for problem geometries.
Topics Include:
- Microstructural effects on fracture in metals, ceramics, polymers, thin films, biological materials and composites, toughening mechanisms, crack growth resistance and creep fracture
- Interface fracture mechanics, fatigue damage and dislocation substructures in single crystals
- Stress- and strain-life approach to fatigue, fatigue crack growth models and mechanisms
- Variable amplitude fatigue, corrosion fatigue
- Case studies of fracture and fatigue in structural, bioimplant, and microelectronic components
- Investigation of linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
- Analysis, design, Verification and Validation (V&V), Operation and Maintenance (O&M) techniques