Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining For Non-Petroleum Engineers, A training for non-engineers
Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training course (For complete course overview, CLICK HERE) covers all the principals and processes of purifying crude oil at refineries. This course gives you sufficient knowledge about how crude oil is formed, the chemistry of the crude oil, the steps of refining the crude oil, the characteristics of gasoline and other products of the refineries, and the economics of refineries.
Our instructors at TONEX will teach you how refineries work and what steps are taken to convert the crude oil extracted from wells to the gasoline we put in our cars. Crude oil is heated to convert to vapor, and then the hot vapor introduces into a distillation column where various products get separated while passing through up the height of the column. The liquid products then are collected at certain levels of the column, varying from heavy products at the bottom, diesel fuels in the middle, and gasoline at the top. A typical refinery consists of crude, vacuum, reforming, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, and coking.
Through the Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training course, we will introduce you to the crude oil, its origin, its specifications, and the processes will be done on it at the refineries. Crude oil is raw petroleum in the liquid form. It contains various forms of hydrocarbons and some might have paraffin and asphalt too. Depending on its sulfur content, crude oil is described as sweet or sour. Also, it is called heavy or light according to its API gravity. During the Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training course, we will explain all of these terms in detail to extent at which you will completely understand the nature and applications of the crude oil.
The Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training course also will discuss the concepts and processes related to the coker, reformer, alkylation, fluid catalytic cracking, desulfurization, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, and isomerization units. Once crude oil is processes through these units, major products will be gasoline, kerosene, LPG, distillate fuels, residual fuels, coke and asphalt, solvents, petrochemicals, and lubricants. Our instructors at TONEX will introduce you each of these products and their specifications during the training.
Finally, the Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training course will briefly discuss the management aspects of refineries such as the economics and organization charts.
Who Should Attend?
The Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training is a 2-day course designed for
- All individuals who need to understand how petroleum refineries work
- Investors and contractors who plan to make investments in this industry
- Marketing people who need to know the background of the products they sell
- Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel who are or will be working at refineries
- Managers, accountants, executives of petroleum refineries
- Scientist or non-petroleum engineers involved in refinery related projects or proposals
What Will You Learn?
Below are the major topics will be covered in the Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining training curse (detailed outline can be found under the full course description):
- Crude oil fundamentals
- Overview Of Petroleum Refinery
- Introduction to Crude Oil
- Product Specifications
- Refining Concepts, Physics and Chemistry
- Refining Process and Flow Diagrams
- Refinery Organization and Economics
- Atmospheric and vacuum distillation
- Cracking processes
- Catalytic cracking
- Thermal cracking
- Coking
- Hydrocracking
- Catalytic reforming
- Gas plants
- Isomerization
- Alkylation
- Hydrotreating
- Blending for finished products