Introduction to Electric Regulatory | NERC, FERC, CARB, CAISO, CEC, and DoE
Introduction to Electric Regulatory covers principles of electrical regulatory and NERC, FERC, CARB, CAISO, CEC, and DoE,
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Learn about the electricity and electrical regulatory which in particular is of interest to the States and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Introduction to Electric Regulatory explores the workings of the wholesale electrical market, as well as electrical-related financial markets.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction to Electric Regulatory
- North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- California Air Resources Board (CARB)
- California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
- California Energy Commission (CEC)
- US Department of Energy (DOE)
- Physical Fundamentals
- Financial Markets and Trading
- Market Manipulation
- Wholesale Electricity Markets
- Electric Power Industry
- Electricity Demand
- Electricity Supply and Delivery
- Wholesale Electricity Markets and Trading
- RTO Markets and Features
- Financial Markets and Trading
- Financial Markets and Mechanisms
- Physical Products
- Financial Products
- Trading and Transacting
- Capital Markets
- Market Manipulation
- Manipulative Trading Techniques and Cross-Product Manipulations
- Information-Based Manipulations
- Withholding
- Representative Matters