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Level of Repair Analysis Training, LORA Training Bootcamp

Level of Repair Analysis Training

Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) training bootcamp covers all aspects of LORA process, an integral part of Product Support Analysis (PSA) as defined in MIL-HDBK-502A, TA-STD-0017 and supported by SAE AS1390. Learn about basics of LORA, detailed steps of the process, LORA decisions, economic and noneconomic considerations, readiness objectives, influence the logistic support cost, total life cycle cost of ownership, and operational readiness of the product.

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LORA Training Course is designed for design staff operation and maintenance practitioners, engineering staff, maintenance and operation planners, logistic engineers, logistic support analysts and other LORA practitioner.

The aim of LORA training bootcamp course is to provide an details of Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), process, steps,  and methodology behind a LORA, planning.

Participants will lean the concepts behind a MIL-STD 1390D Level Of Repair Analysis (LORA). Participants will learn about:

  • Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element – Maintenance Planning and Management, Supply Support and Support Equipment
  • Product Support Analysis (MIL-HDBK-502A)
  • Product Support and Logistics Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Data Item Descriptions (DID)
  • SAE AS1390, Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
  • Logistics Product Data
  • Maintenance Levels
  • Maintenance Plan
  • Performance-Based Logistics
  • Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM)
  • Integrated Data/Decision Environment (IDE)
  • SAE TA-STD-0017, Product Support Analysis
  • Supportability Analysis
  • Technical Data Package (TDP)
  • Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE) Model
  • Army Regulation 700-127 Integrated Product Support
  • Automatic Test System (ATS) & Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
  • Department of the Army Pamphlet 700-127 Integrated Product Support Procedures
  • Depot Activation and Capability Establishment
  • Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
  • Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
  • In-Service Review (ISR)

Highlights of LORA:

  • Level Of Repair Analysis ( LORA) is a prescribed procedure for defense logistics planning.
  • Level-of -repair analysis ( LORA ) is a key physical supportability analysis business decision made during acquisition of a system using produces the final answer as to how a system will be supported: LORA process produces the final support solution for the system.
  • An introduction to the Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) process as it is applied in a Supportability Analysis.
  • LORA is a process used to determine if maintenance items should be repaired or discarded and the appropriate level at which this decision should occur. The course provides instruction and practical application in performing LORA along with instruction on when a LORA should be performed within the life-cycle of a program.
  • LORA is performed in two steps using noneconomic decision criteria to make the initial support decisions and using an economic model to determine the most cost effective alternative to provide support for the system: It determines where each required maintenance action will be performed, the physical resources that must be available to support performance of maintenance, and what the support infrastructure must be capable of sustaining throughout the operational life of the system.
  • The results of LORA are analyzed, validated, documented and used as the basis for development of the physical resources for support of the system.
  • LORA is performed to determine the best, most efficient location where an item can be repaired: an analytical methodology used to determine where an item will be replaced, repaired, or discarded based on cost considerations and operational readiness requirements.
  • LORA seeks to determine an optimal provision of repair and maintenance facilities to minimize overall life-cycle costs applied to complex engineering system containing thousands of subsystems, assemblies, sub-assemblies, components, organized into several levels of indenture and with a number of possible repair decisions,
  • The LORA process starts by identification of the options where maintenance can be performed. It is common for systems to use 2 or 3 levels of maintenance to produce a decision for each item within the system, indicating where each maintenance action for the item will be performed.
  • LORA also includes noneconomic decision criteria, a list of rules or guidelines that are used to determine if there is an overriding reason why maintenance should be performed.
  • The LORA process as an analytical effort leading to influence decisions on a system’s design, maintenance planning, cost, and integrated Product Support (IPS) Element resources.
  • The LORA process forms an integral part of Product Support Analysis (PSA) process by using results of and feeding to various PSA activities and the Logistic Product Data (LPD) as supported and defined in SAE TA-STD-0017 Product Support Analysis.
  • LORA in relation to In-Service Review (ISR), Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Maintenance Planning and Management, Maintenance Plan, Maintenance Levels, Integrated Product Support (IPS), IPS Support Equipment, Supply Support, Technical Data Package (TDP), Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM), Integrated Data/Decision Environment (IDE) , Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE), Product Support and Logistics Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Data Item Descriptions (DID)





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