NERC Certification Training Bootcamp
NERC Certification Exam Preparation Training Program is a 4-day Instructor-Led training course is designed to the NERC exam requirements consisting of well-prepared instructor-led exam preparation.
NERC System Operator Certification promotes reliability of the North American bulk power system by ensuring that utility professionals and employers meet the minimum qualifications for reliability and safety.
The four available exams are the:
- Reliability examination;
- Balancing, Interchange, and Transmission examination;
- Transmission examination; and
- Balancing examination.
- SOS helps you prepare for the
Learn how TONEX provide preparation for the NERC exam including:
- Skilled Trainers to assist with NERC Certification Exam
- Preparation material and Student services
- Mentoring for students
- Matched to the NERC Certification Exam Content Outline
For detailed agenda and content, CLICK HERE.