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Cyber Security Training Courses, Seminars, Workshops and Conferences from Tonex

To stay up-to-date with the latest in cyber Security, you need Tonex. Tonex Cyber Security courses are the ideal solution for government organizations and businesses to keep employees current with the latest industry trends and advancements.

Each Tonex course has been created by leading industry experts who constantly update and revise materials to keep pace in this ever-changing field of study. Students receive immersive, hands-on training led by highly skilled, professional instructors. Everything from the basics to advanced material is covered, and students come away with the cybersecurity knowledge and skills they and their employers demand.

Tonex offers a wide array of cybersecurity courses in three distinct categories. Read below to find the right category to suit your needs.

Cybersecurity Foundation

Our foundational courses in cybersecurity are the perfect choice for IT professionals, security scientists, and government personnel in need of detailed training in the fundamentals of cybersecurity.

Students are introduced to cutting edge solutions for minimizing cybersecurity vulnerabilities and protecting information systems, including mobile systems, networks, and cloud computing.

Whether prepping students for more senior security positions or providing valuable training at the start of their careers in information security, these courses are designed to give them the high-level skills they need to succeed.

Visit our Cyber Security Homepage  for more information.

Risk Management Framework (RMF)

Tonex Risk Management Framework (RMF) courses are designed to enable full risk management decision-making capabilities across an entire organization. RMF was originally developed by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) to better assist governmental organizations in the risk management of their information systems. And Tonex has everything necessary to apply it to your needs.

These courses are the top option for professionals who need to switch to RMF from an older certification and accreditation (C&A) process. RMF courses are also best suited to organizations that wish to apply new Department of Defense (DoD) instructions to their current information systems.

With RMF training from Tonex, you’ll have the ability to implement new changes to your information systems regardless of type, while also meeting DoD and federal requirements for RMF, FIPS, FISMA, HIPAA, OMB, NIST, and CNSS.

Visit our Cyber Security Homepage  for more information on RMF training courses.

Wireless Security Training

Wireless infrastructures have grown increasingly vulnerable to advanced security threats as more wireless and mobile networks have become IP-based. Tonex wireless security courses are designed by leading security professionals to provide the training you need to meet these threats head on.

Topics include wireless hacking, penetration testing, defense covering, and all the advanced wireless security technologies used by IT professionals. This detailed training also covers an overview of wireless vulnerabilities, threats, and methods of exploitation.

Students come away with a deep understanding how to understand, identify, and protect against any type of wireless threat, plus hands-on training with wireless and mobile networks including WiFi: 802.11ac, 802.11ad, 802.11ax, 802.11ay, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth 5.0. 802.15.4, Zigbee, Z-Wave, 6LowPAN, RFID, GSM/CDMA, UMTS, LTE, LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), LTE-Advanced Pro, 5G, Microwave, mmWave, SATCOM and VSAT.

Visit our Cyber Security Homepage  for more information on Wireless Security training courses.

The Tonex Way

No matter which course you choose, you can count on getting the same leading-edge instruction that Fortune 500 companies, government organizations, and privately-owned businesses have come to depend on from Tonex.

  • Detailed overviews of all subject matter
  • Incremental, step-by-step training as the classes progress
  • Hands-on exercises and interactive learning experiences
  • Course materials that are constantly updated with new concepts and real world case studies
  • A fun, engaging learning environment that keeps students focused, for a long lasting impact on all participants
  • Industry and Tonex certifications earned at the completion of each course.

Are you ready to learn the skills to plan and implement the right security measures for your organization? Are you ready to get your people up to speed with the very latest advancements? 

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