Power System Engineering Training
The Power System Engineering training course (for detailed course outline CLICK HERE) lays the basic foundations of electrical systems, transient and steady state analysis, main components of power systems, electrical machines, high voltage direct current system, active/reactive power control in power systems and power system operation.
Our instructors at TONEX will teach you the history behind the power generation and the fundamentals of electric circuits including; Kirchhoff’s voltage/current laws, concept of power and energy, nodal and mesh analysis in electrical circuits, and maximum power transfer capability. Taking this course will also help you to setup the transient and steady state analysis for different types of electrical circuits (resistive, inductive, capacitive or combined). You will also be able to differentiate active, reactive, apparent, and complex power in power system engineering course.
The Power System Engineering training course also will discuss the different components of a power system from generation side to the customers. Different types of generation units including solar, wind and synchronous generators will be introduced. By the end of the training, you will be able to understand the different types of electrical machines in power engineering. Furthermore, the concept of high voltage direct current (HVDC) and multi terminal HVDC will be taught. The audience will understand the ideal active/reactive power and frequency/voltage control in power systems and will be able to explain different types of compensations in power systems to improve the control. Our instructors at TONEX will teach you the importance of power factor and methods of power factor compensation as well as harmonic mitigation in power systems.
Finally, the Power System Engineering training course will briefly discuss the power system operation and market including: Energy concepts, Generation/Transmission operators, ancillary services, regulators and future markets.
Who Should Attend?
The Power System Engineering training is a 2-day course designed for:
- All individuals who need to understand the power system from generation to consumption.
- Power utility engineers
- Test engineers
- Engineers seeking Ph.D. and graduate studies
- Power traders to understand the power systems.
- Independent system operator personnel.
- Faculty members from academic institutes who want to teach the power system engineering course.
- Investors and contractors who plan to make investments in power industry.
- Professionals in other energy industries.
- Marketing people who need to know the background of the products they sell.
- Electric utility personnel who recently started career in power systems or having new job responsibilities.
- Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel who are or will be working at power plants or power system generation companies.
- Managers, accountants, and executives of power system industry.
- Scientist or non-electrical engineers involved in power system related projects or proposals.
What Will You Learn?
Below are the major topics will be covered in the Power System Engineering training curse (detailed outline can be found under the full course description):
- Power system engineering background
- Power System Analysis
- Fundamentals of electric circuits
- Transients in Power Systems
- Electromechanical Energy Conversion
- Power System Protection and Control
- Protective Relaying
- Advanced Applications in Protective Relaying
- Power System Dynamics
- Power Distribution
- Power System Operation and Planning
- Power Transmission
- Transient and steady state analysis
- Different components in power systems
- Transmission lines and distribution systems
- Electrical machines
- High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission
- Control of active and reactive power
- Power system operation