Software reliability engineering is focused on engineering techniques for developing and maintaining software systems whose reliability can be quantitatively evaluated.
Software reliability engineering plays a vital role in day to day life for the purpose of error free operation of any software in a specified environment for limited time span.
Software reliability engineering helps improve the quality of software in real life systems. As the system dependability active researches have been done in the field of software reliability engineering over the past several years, open questions still exist as the complexity of software systems have grown with size, much than is expected and will continue in the future.
Software reliability is the probability that software will work properly in a specified environment and for a given amount of time. The probability of failure is calculated by testing a sample of all available input states.
The set of all possible input states is called the input space. To find reliability of software, software reliability engineers need to find output space from given input space and software.
Software reliability testing is a field of software testing that relates to testing a software’s ability to function, given environmental conditions, for a particular amount of time. Software reliability testing helps discover many problems in the software design and functionality.
For reliability testing, data is gathered from various stages of development, such as the design and operating stages. The tests are limited due to restrictions such as cost and time restrictions. Statistical samples are obtained from the software products to test for the reliability of the software. Once sufficient data or information is gathered, statistical studies are done.
Product unreliability is basically found due to the presence of system’s error. Software does not get old, the software unreliability is primarily due to the fault in the design or errors in the software. Reliability is considered the most important characteristics inherent in the concept “software quality.”
Software reliability’s concern is that how well the software functions to meet the requirements of the customer. The life cycle of software includes many test items such as documents, manuals, reports, plans, code configuration data and test data which help in measuring its reliability.
A number of models have been proposed, still there is no model that can be used for all the software. No model can give the exact result; one model works well for some of the software, but may not be suited for other problem type.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers Software Reliability Training, a 3-day course that is intended to provide attendees with critical knowledge and skills applied to software reliability and software reliability engineering on real world projects. This course focuses on proactive principles and methods to predict software reliability before the coding is started.
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