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A modeling system is used so systems engineers can communicate with one another whether they speak English or Japanese, Russian or French.

One modeling language that has become increasingly popular is the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) which supports the analysis, design and verification of complex systems including hardware, software, information, personnel, procedures and facilities in a graphical notation.

SysML is generally thought of as an extension of a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using UML’s profile mechanism.

SysML uses the concept of the “block” as the basic unit structure to represent hardware, software, information, personnel, procedures and facilities. Block definition diagrams and internal block diagrams are used to represent a system structure.

The SysML Behavior Diagram includes:

  • SysML Use Case Diagram – high level description of functionality delivered through interactions between parts of the system
  • SysML Activity Diagram – Illustrates the flow of data and control between activities
  • SysML Sequence Diagram – interactions between collaboration parts of the system
  • SysML State Machine Diagram – identifies transitions occurring in response to events in the system.

SysML offers systems engineers several noteworthy improvements over UML, which tends to be software-centric. These improvements include:

  • SysML’s semantics are more flexible and expressive. SysML reduces UML’s software-centric restrictions and adds two new diagram types, requirement and parametric diagrams. The former can be used for requirements engineering; the latter can be used for performance analysis and quantitative analysis. Consequent to these enhancements, SysML is able to model a wide range of systems, which may include hardware, software, information, processes, personnel and facilities.
  • SysML is a comparatively little language that is easier to learn and apply. Since SysML removes many of UML’s software-centric constructs, the overall language measures smaller both in diagram types and total constructs.
  • SysML allocation tables support common kinds of allocations. Whereas UML provides only limited support for tabular notations, SysML furnishes flexible allocation tables that support requirements allocation, functional allocation and structural allocation. This capability facilitates automated verification and validation (V&V) and gap analysis.
  • SysML model management constructs support models, views and viewpoints. These constructs extend UML’s capabilities and are architecturally aligned with IEEE-Std-1471-2000 (IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software Intensive Systems).

SysML reuses seven of UML 2’s 14 diagrams, and adds two diagrams (requirement and parametric diagrams) for a total of nine diagram types. SysML also supports allocation tables, a tabular format that can be dynamically derived from SysML allocation relationships.

SysML Training

Tonex offers a 3-day SysML Training course and many more related courses.  Systems Modeling Language Training Course is an extension to Systems Engineering Training providing a comprehensive and practical resource for modeling systems with SysML.

Participants learn about:

  • UML and SysML
  • SysML diagrams and language
  • System architecture, modeling and design with SysML
  • Looking at SysML from the systems engineering process viewpoint
  • Developing a system conceptual model and architecture using SysML.

Who Should Attend

Systems engineers, system modelers, system architects, software engineers, system integrators, analysts and designers, product developers, project leaders, project heads.

The Tonex Way

For over 30 years Tonex has worked with organizations in improving their understanding and capabilities in topics often with new development, design, optimization, regulations and compliances that, frankly, can be difficult to comprehend.

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