In celebration of Earth Day, 2018, TONEX Technology and Management Training Courses, is adding a new class in renewable energy to be held April 17-20 at the TONEX main offices, 1400 Preston Road, Suite 400, Plano, Texas.
Renewable Energy Certificate, A Renewable Energy Training Program is a four-day training course covering many aspects of renewable energy. This innovative training and workshop is intended to help engineers, technicians, analysts, managers, non-engineering professionals, planners and other professionals stay current in the accelerating field of renewable energy.
Additionally, industry experts and TONEX faculty will help participants learn renewable energy fundamental concepts and principles, design and implementation, and operations and maintenance working with real-world challenges.
Charles Alexi a Senior TONEX Technology consultant said it’s not a coincidence the new renewable energy course will begin a few days before Earth Day, which is April 22.
“At TONEX we created the Renewable Energy Training program because we believe that renewable energy brings a lot of benefits to the earth and people who live on the earth,” Alexi said.
Alexi said those benefits include:
- Less global warming
- Improved public health
- Jobs and other economic benefits
- Stable energy price
- Reliability and resilience
Shawn McLaughlin, a Senior TONEX renewable Power and Energy consultant said: “Renewable energy will not run out – ever. Other sources of energy are finite and will someday be depleted. This is good energy for our children’s children’s children.”
Renewable energy is a form of clean energy that is provided by natural sources present in nature.
The main forms of renewable energy are: solar, wind, hydro, biofuel and geothermal (energy derived from heat generated under the earth’s surface) and these sources are all continually replenished.
The momentum behind renewable energy sources is strong. According to recent research provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA), wind and solar capacity is tenfold what it was a decade ago.
Last October, Fortune reported that about 18 percent of all electricity in the United States was produced by renewable sources in 2017, up from 15 percent the previous year. Multiple sources predict by 2020 about one-quarter of the world’s energy is expected to be produced by renewable types; over half by 2040.
Earth Day began in 1970 against a backdrop of polluted cities under attack by industrial sludge and fumes from massive V8 sedans and their appetite for leaded gas.
Since 1993, Tonex has specialized in providing industry-leading training, courses, seminars, workshops and consulting services across a wide range of topics to Fortune 500 companies, government organizations, universities and privately owned businesses from around the world.
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