Length: 3 Days
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems Training
Satellite communications systems are rampaging.
The global satellite communication market size was valued at USD $66.63 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% through 2028.
The escalating demand for small satellites for earth observation services in various industries, such as oil and gas, energy, and agriculture across the globe is the primary factor driving the market.
Satellite communication refers to transmitting signals in the form of a beam of modulated waves between the sender and receiver antenna with the help of a satellite. These signals are amplified and sent back to the receiver antenna on the earth’s surface.
Satellite communications systems play a vital role in the global telecommunications system.
As of the beginning of 2022, approximately 2,000 artificial satellites orbiting Earth were relaying analog and digital signals carrying voice, video, and data to and from one or many locations worldwide.
Satellite communication systems also play a crucial role in increasing the communication technology infrastructure in rural areas. At present, several thousand artificial satellites are orbiting the earth. These artificial satellites transfer analog and digital signals carrying data in the form of voices, photographs, and videos to and from one or several locations across the globe.
Additionally, satellite communication systems services are increasingly being used by the DoD to establish or increase connectivity across various assets of the forces, such as fighter planes. Moreover, the growing market for unmanned aircraft systems and their increasing non-military applications have propelled the growth of satellite communication systems.
A satellite is basically a self-contained communications system with the ability to receive signals from Earth and to retransmit those signals back with the use of a transponder—an integrated receiver and transmitter of radio signals.
A satellite also has to withstand the shock of being accelerated during launch up to the orbital velocity of 28,100 km (17,500 miles) an hour and a hostile space environment where it can be subject to radiation and extreme temperatures for its projected operational life, which can last up to 20 years.
Satellite communications systems use the very high-frequency range of 1–50 gigahertz (GHz; 1 gigahertz = 1,000,000,000 hertz) to transmit and receive signals.
The frequency ranges or bands are identified by letters: (in order from low to high frequency) L-, S-, C-, X-, Ku-, Ka-, and V-bands. Signals in the lower range (L-, S-, and C-bands) of the satellite frequency spectrum are transmitted with low power, and thus larger antennas are needed to receive these signals.
Signals in the higher end (X-, Ku-, Ka-, and V-bands) of this spectrum have more power; therefore, dishes as small as 45 cm (18 inches) in diameter can receive them.
This makes the Ku-band and Ka-band spectrum ideal for direct-to-home (DTH) broadcasting, broadband data communications, and mobile telephony and data applications.
In the United States the regulatory body that governs frequency allocation and licensing is the Federal Communications Commission.
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems Training Course by Tonex
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems Training, Advanced SATCOM Training, is a 3-day comprehensive technical training covering all aspects of satellite technology, system survey, systems engineering as applied to satellite communications, hardware, software, applications, digital communications and processing in modern satellite networks, IP convergence, optimization and management.
Participants will learn about the fundamentals of satellites, advanced planning, analysis, architecture and design, reliability, ground control systems, earth stations, operation and maintenance, logistics of the satellite systems and their major segments and components. Participants will also gain practical understanding of the basic design, construction and usage of commercial satellite networks, satellite system functional architecture and more.
Learn about:
- The current state-of-the-art satellite communications systems, segments, equipment and components
- Advanced communications and network principles, topologies and architecture, IP technology and networking convergence, Voice and Video over IP over satellite
- Communications link details and specifications
- Best Design and Implementation Practices
- Design Lessons Learned from Failures
- Communication Link budget theory and system and component Design
- Using Tools to analysis and design major components
Methods of Learning: The methods of learning consist of visual presentations on Advanced SATCOM, textbook, discussions, activities and involvement of all participants in practical exercises to demonstrate application of knowledge learned.
Who Should Attend
- Analysts
- Engineers and Technicians
- Product support analysts
- Project managers
- Reliability managers and engineers
- Supportability representatives
- Technical managers
- Product managers
- Software developers
- Testers
Highlights of Advanced SATCOM Training:
- Satellite Communications Applications
- Overview SATCOM Systems
- Overview SATCOM Military and Commercial Systems
- Overview of next-gen communications satellites, payloads, wideband payload and platform control assets, and earth terminals operations
- Overview of next-gen battlespace communications
- Satellite Systems Engineering and Economics
- Satellite Orbits and Transponder
- Differences between GEO, MEO, LEO and HEO communications systems, segments, and systems engineering
- Role of IP Convergence in modern military and commercial satellite systems
- Satellite Architecture: Broadcast, Mesh, Hub-Spoke, Point-to-Point
- Multiple Access Techniques: FDMA, DAMA, TDMA, CDMA, OFDM, OFDMA, Random Access. and Bandwidth-on-Demand
- Satellite RF and Microwave Engineering
- Digital Modulation Techniques
- Satellite Communications Link Budget Calculations
- Emerging Technology Developments
- Future SATCOM trends
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the advanced SATCOM training, the participants will be able to:
- Explain the basic principles and concepts of satellite systems
- List related satellite communications standards and their benefits
- List the key Satellite system features and their benefits
- Discuss the rationale for advanced commercial and military satellite communications and key deployment topologies
- Describe features supporting advanced commercial and military deployments
- Describe the guidance on commercial and military satellite systems engineering
- Illustrate satellite system analysis, architecture, design and implementation scenarios
- Define needs, goals, objectives and ConOps for a Satellite mission to satisfy the requirements
- Apply Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to each phase of a Satellite project lifecycle
- Avoid the pitfalls in designing satellite and ground resources
- List benefits of phased arrays, cancellation and adaptive coding and modulation
- Explore best design and implementation practices and lessons learned
Course Agenda
Fundamentals of Satellite Systems
- Basic Definitions
- Satellite Core Elements and Functionality
- Basic Characteristics of Satellites
- Microwave Frequencies and Satellite Communications Bands
- Commercial vs. Military and Defense Bands
- Digital Transmission, Compression, and Routing
- Satellite Integration with Terrestrial Wired and Wireless Networks
- Satellite System Elements
- Space Segment
- Ground Segment
- Gateways
- Satellite Orbit Configurations
- Geosynchronous Satellites
- Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) and Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations
- Frequency Spectrum Allocations
- ITU-R Spectrum Allocations and Regions
- VHF, UHF, SHF and EHF Frequency Ranges
- Example Microwave Bands: L, S, C, X, and Ku
- Millimeter Wave Bands: Ka-, Q-, and V-Bands
- Guided and Unguided Optical Properties
- Satellite and C4ISR
- Systems and Sensors
Space Systems Engineering
- Spacecraft Systems
- The Space Environment
- Fundamentals of Engineering Space Systems
- Systems Engineering for Space
- Applications of Space Systems Engineering
- Small Satellite Development and Experimentation
- Using MIL-STD-810G
- Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
- Celestial Mechanics
- Launching Vehicles
- Attitude Determination and Control
- Propulsion
- Electrical Power Systems
- Thermal Control
- Spacecraft Mechanical Structures
- On-board Data Handling
- Telecommunication
- Ground Segment and Control
- Product Assurance and Reliability
- Mechanisms
- Hardware and Software Design
- Telemetry
- On-Board Data Handling
- Electrical Power System
- Communication
- Attitude and Orbit Control System
- Assembly, Integration and Verification
- Operations and Testing
Satellite Communications Network Architecture
- Features of Satellite Networks
- Emerging Applications
- Network Architectures, Technologies and Protocols
- Satellite Communications Network Configuration
- Satellite Shared and Dedicated Bandwidth Services
- Voice, Data, and Video over Satellite
- Circuit-Switched vs. Packet-Switched Services
- Satellite Communications Network Design and Analysis
- Satellite Network Architectural Considerations
- Satellite Communications, TCP/IP and MPLS
- IPv6 Features
- Satellites and Links Reliability
- Quality of Service (QoS) Features and Issues
- Point-to-Multipoint (Broadcast) Networks
- Multicasting and Video Distribution
- Point-to-Point Networks
- VSAT Networks
- VPN Networks
Advanced Military Satellite Systems
- Evolution of Satellite Communication
- Military Satellite Communications
- Satellite and Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance
- Introduction to Satellite Tactical Data Operations
- C4ISR & Remote Sensing
- Full Motion Video (FMV) Exploitation
- Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) Fundamentals
- Intelligence Analysis & Fusion
- Coding, Modulation, Spread Spectrum Techniques and Encryption
- Types of Satellite Communications Capabilities and Limitations
- Voice, Video, Data, IP, Software Defined Radios
- Communications Planning
- Network Topologies
- Typical Scenarios and Environments
- Antenna Characteristics
- Antenna Planning Considerations
- Missile Warning Satellite Systems
- CubeSAT
Microwave Link Engineering
- Propagation on the Earth-Space Link
- Basic Microwave Propagation
- Environmental Effects of Higher Frequency Bands
- Directional Properties of Antennas
- Polarization (Linear and Circular)
- Satellite Link Budget Calculations (Hands-on)
- Propagation Losses
- Transmitters and Receivers
- Overall Link Quality
- Link Margin
- Noise and Interference
- Carrier-to-Noise Ratio
- Link Budget Analysis and Margin
Satellite RF Modeling, Simulation and Engineering
- Modulation, Multiple Access, and Impairments
- Digital Baseband Signals and Hierarchies
- Error Detection and Correction
- Digital Modulation
- Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
- Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
- Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying
- Multiple Access Methods
- ALOHA Packet Multiple Access
- Bandwidth Utilization in Multiple Access
- Distortion and Impairments
- Transponders
- Intermodulation Impairment
- Uplink and Downlink RF Interference
- Transmit Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
- Receive Gain-to-Noise Temperature Ratio (G/T)
Overview of Communications Spacecraft
- Spacecraft and Repeater
- Overall Payload Requirements
- Bent-Pipe Transponder Filtering
- Linearity
- Analog Bent-Pipe Repeaters
- Wideband Receiver
- Solid-State Power Amplifiers
- Transponder Gain Control and Linearization
- Spacecraft Antennas
- Horn Antennas
- Reflector Antennas
- Center-Fed Parabolic Reflectors
- Offset-Fed Parabolic Reflectors 249
- Satellite Antenna Patterns
- Direct Radiating Array Antennas
- Phased Array
Satellite Antenna System Engineering
- Satellite communication antennas
- Airborne terminals
- Antenna controller
- Earth Observation Applications
- Gateways
- Geo Gateway Systems
- High Dynamic Systems Tracking
- High-Rate Modems
- High-speed modems
- Ka-Band Gateways
- Ka-band gateways va-13.5m va-91 ka-9.1m va-135 ka-13.5m
- Low-profile, high-frequency radomes
- Motion Systems for Ku- and C-band Applications
- Motors and controllers
- Panels and mechanical structures
- Radio frequency transmit/receive electronics
- Reflectors
- Reliable and Precision Tracking
- Remote Sensing Systems
- Software systems
- Telemetry
- Tracking Antennas for LEO, MEO, and GEO from UHF to Ka-band
Satellite Link Budget Modeling and Calculation
- Adjacent channel interference C/ACI
- Adjacent satellite Interference C/ASI
- Altitude
- Antenna aperture
- Antenna efficiency (or gain)
- Antenna ground noise temperature
- Antenna mispointing loss
- Availability
- Bit Error Rate (BER)
- Coupling Loss
- Cross polarization interference C/XPI
- Forward error correction (FEC) code
- Frequency
- HPA intermodulation interference C/I
- Information rate
- Link availability
- LNB noise temperature
- Modulation
- Overhead (% information rate)
- Polarization
- Rain-climatic zone
- Rate
- Required Overall Eb/No
- Roll off factor
- Satellite EIRP (saturation)
- Satellite gain setting
- Satellite longitude
- Satellite receive G/T
- Satellite saturation flux density SFD
- Site latitude and longitude
- System margin
- Transponder bandwidth
- Transponder input back-off (IBO)
- Transponder intermodulation interference C/IM
- Transponder output back-off (OBO)
Satellite Operations and Organization
- Satellite Systems Engineering and Economics
- Satellite Systems Engineering Principles
- System Development Methodology
- Spacecraft Mission and Bus Subsystems
- Mission Summary
- Spacecraft Configuration
- Spacecraft Bus Subsystems
- Earth Stations and Network Technology
- Basic Earth Station Configuration
- Performance Requirements
- Radio Frequency Equipment
- Intermediate Frequency and Baseband Equipment
- Modulators, Demodulators, and Modems
- Multiplexing and Packet Processing
- Tail Links and Terrestrial Interface
- Earth Station Facility Design
- Major Classes of Earth Stations
- Launch Vehicles and Services
- The Launch Mission
- Launch Technology and Systems
- Typical Launch Vehicles
- Launch Interfaces
- The Satellite Control System
- Intercommunication Networks
- Network Operations
- Space Segment Economics
- Earth Station Economics
- Analysis of Network Economics
- Satellite Communications: Instant Infrastructure
- Conclusions for the Next Generation
Optional Workshops
SATCOM System and Network Attacks
- Exploiting SATCOM Systems and Devices
- The Stages of System Exploitation
- Initial Reconnaissance
- Exploitation
Cybersecurity Attacks and Best Mitigation Practices for SATCOM Systems
- Non-Invasive Hardware Reverse Engineering
- Component identification
- Interface Analysis
- Communications Protocols Sniffing
Tonex SATCOM Cybersecurity Assessment
- Evaluate your SACTOM system security vulnerabilities
- Assessing cyber-related information and control systems to relevant regulations, standards and
- guidance
- Gap analysis to unveil security holes
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems Training