Course Number: 513
Length: 2 Days
Microwave Training Course, Microwave Radio link planning and frequency management
Microwave Training Course presents the state-of-the-art in microwave radio communications. The course presents the basic theory, procedures, and techniques for microwave communication systems an Microwave Radio link planning and frequency management. Detailed mathematical analyses are minimized in order to concentrate on basic concepts, procedures, and optimal applications. Measured results are used to demonstrate each of the techniques discussed.
Microwave networks provide reliable point-to-point and highly directional communication that maximizes your RF transmission. Because Microwave uses a higher frequency band, the capacity, throughput, and reliability of Microwave networks is well proven and understood to be very efficient throughout the telecommunications industry. In existence since the mid 1940’s, point-to-point microwave now uses digital modulation rather than simply analog.
Course Agenda
Radio System Design
- Radio Propagation.
- Line-of-Sight Microwave
- Digital Line-of-Sight Microwave
- Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Advanced Digital Waveforms
- Basic Principles of Satellite Communications
- Digital Communications by Satellite
- Very Small Aperture Terminals
- Radio System Design Above 10 GHz
- Mobile Communications: Cellular Radio and Personal Communication Services
- High Frequency (HF) Transmission Links
- Meteor Burst Communication
- Interference Issues in Radio Communications
- Radio Terminal Design Considerations
Introduction to Microwave Communications
- Overview
- Microwave Radio Service
- Regulatory and Licensing
Transmission Media
- Copper Wire
- Microwave Radio
- Fiber Optic Cable
- Bandwidth
- Attenuation
- Noise
Transmission Principles
- Impedances
- Matching
- Return Loss
Propagation Transmission Characteristics
- Microwave Frequencies
- Wavelength – Defined
- Propagation
- Natural and Man-Made Obstructions to Propagation
- Spectrum regulation and licensing aspects
- Relevant ITU Recommendations
- Wave propagation and effects
- ITU Propagation Models
- Path profile analysis
- Microwave devices and antennas
Modulation In Microwave Systems
- Modulation Overview
- Basebands
- FM & PM Modulation
- Digital Modulation
Baseband Interfaces and Channels
- System Loading -FDM
- Network Elements
- Low Density Digital S
- Medium Density DS3
- High Density SONET/SDH
- Higher Capacity Optical Netorks
The Microwave System
- Transmitters
- Receivers
- Microwave Antennas
Microwave Links
- Antennas
- Propagation
- Power budgets (link calculations)
- Basic rules
Microwave Link Budget and System Evaluation
- The Link Budget
- System Gain and Loss
- Planning a Point to Point System
- Understanding Digital Microwave System Testing
- Interpreting Microwave Alarms
Microwave Radio Link Planning and Frequency Management
- Planning & Coordination of Microwave Links (PtP & PtMP)
- Communication links with high capacity and availability.
- Wave propagation
- Microwave link budgets and availability calculations
- Technical parameters of antennas and microwave devices
- Analysis of Path Profiles
- LoS ( line of sight) aspects
- Engineering of links and frequency and capacity planning
- Effective use of frequency raster
- Analysis of the complete network interference
- Low interference and high frequency reuse
- Availability and error performance
- Link budget calculation
- Frequency planning and channel assignment
- Techniques for Interference analysis and network optimization
Who Should Attend
Engineers, technicians and managers who are new to Microwave and require applicable skills in design, planning and engineering.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the Basics of RF and Microwave
- Understand the engineering tools and procedures required for Microwave engineering and planning
- Understand existing and emerging standards for Microwave
- Understand RF Propagation and Antenna Principle
- Describe and understand a broad spectrum of antenna types
- Discuss Microwave Modulation Techniques
- Review Microwave System Design Considerations
- Review Microwave System Budget Profiles
- Calculate Microwave Propagation Lossess and Link Budgets
- Explain Microwave performance and Optimization considerations
- Analyze system degradation due to Microwave components
- Evaluate the performance of differing Microwave wireless system architectures
- Explore project planning process of Microwave Systems
- Review successful Microwave Deployments
- Step through a practical process for managing Microwave networks
- Explore the current and future market trends
- Undertand Microwave Radio link planning and frequency management