Web security is an ongoing and never-ending task for organizations – including nonprofits as well.
Without a proactive security strategy, businesses risk the spread and escalation of malware, attacks on other websites, networks, and other IT infrastructures.
Data and information protection comprise an important piece of a sound cybersecurity strategy. Some analysts believe the best way to provide web security is to consider what is known as the CIA triad.
The CIA triad refers to an information security model made up of the three main components: confidentiality, integrity and availability. Each component represents a fundamental objective of information security.
Confidentiality refers to data that is only available to authorized parties. When information has been kept confidential it means that it has not been compromised by other parties.
Ensuring confidentiality means that information is organized in terms of who needs to have access, as well as the sensitivity of the data. A breach of confidentiality may take place through different means, for instance hacking or social engineering.
Data integrity refers to the certainty that the data is not tampered with or degraded during or after submission. It is the certainty that the data has not been subject to unauthorized modification, either intentional or unintentional.
Availability means that the information is available to authorized users when it is needed. For a system to demonstrate availability, it must have properly functioning computing systems, security controls and communication channels.
Cybersecurity professionals insist that organizations must continuously review web security strategies because hackers are not static. A recent report on cyber criminals shows that they are highly motivated to stay ahead of the latest security trends. It’s how they keep from getting caught, and how they keep the fun and profit rolling.
No matter how effective your web security, it’s critical to remember that your organization is responding to the innovations of hackers, not the other way around.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers Web Security Training, a 2-day course that covers a variety of topics in web security and computer network security areas such as: HTTP protocol, cryptography in web, SSL protocol, different kinds of web attacks, browser security issues, cookies, web bugs and spywares.
Moreover, you will learn about the windows system security, Linux/UNIX system security, common web servers such as Apache and IIS, access control in web, web firewalls, computer network and a lot of hands on experience and trainings for web security applications.
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