Digital engineering is the art of creating, capturing and integrating data using a digital skillset.
From drawings to simulations and 3D models, engineers are increasingly using advanced technologies to capture data and craft design in a digitized environment.
Through progressive applications, the art of digital engineering enables designers to explore possibilities and develop innovative solutions in a virtual environment.
While 3D models are considered as the most comprehensible form of digital engineering, it is the computable data behind the model that opens the window to vast possibilities and opportunities.
Once the design is finished, the digital information can be utilized by the construction and operations teams, allowing them to unlock its potential by manipulating the data for their advantage and for the community they are building for.
Digital engineering enables enterprises to create complex, latticed systems of products, services, and capabilities more quickly and effectively from within a digital ecosystem.
Inside this virtual and connected ecosystem, by using advanced technologies to digitally generate, curate, share, extract, and work with computable data and information, enterprises can conduct explorations and collaborate efficiently and accurately on complex systems.
With digitization, teams can rapidly manipulate system designs and architectures and study resulting strengths and weaknesses, informing performance and unlocking insights that lead to innovation.
Digital engineering teams also use visual models to clearly convey design intent with each other, customers, and partners, as part of a model-based systems engineering approach. Everyone who has components of the system can immediately understand how elements and changes impact upstream and downstream engineering activities and their own work.
Unlike the sequential, iterative approach of traditional engineering, digital engineering lets organizations accomplish agile development and quickly identify the best solution to a problem.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers Digital Engineering Fundamentals for Programmatic and Technical Leadership, a 1-day seminar where participants learn about the holistic approach to analytics underpins dynamic system and system of systems (SoS) modeling, simulation, and analysis.
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