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Some of the most effective leadership skills have less to do with skill sets and more to do with mindsets.

Ethics, core values and vision have all become increasingly important for organizations and their leaders in an attempt to balance out the often non-human aspects of digitalization.

Ethical leadership has become especially important and involves leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others — a concept that could be seen as in direct conflict with more traditional models of leadership.

In truth, in the past, the main goal of leadership has been to increase production/productivity and profits. However, this view has begun to slowly diminish as more organizational development and human resources experts assert that leaders also have the responsibility for ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct.

In other words, good leadership refers not only to competence, but to ethics that transform organizations and people’s lives.

Ethical leadership requires ethical leaders. If leaders are ethical, they can ensure that ethical practices are carried out throughout the organization. Leaders are naturally in a position of power both on and off the job, so ethical leadership must focus on how leaders leverage this power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others.

Leaders are responsible for influencing followers to perform actions, complete tasks and behave in certain manners. Effective leaders also influence processes, stimulate change in attitudes and values, and amplify empowerment and self-efficacy of their followers, as they foster the internalization of corporate vision.

The nurturing aspect of leadership can also raise an organization’s culture and employee’s values to higher levels of ethical behavior. By demonstrating ethical leadership we promote a high level of integrity that stimulates a sense of trustworthiness, and encourages subordinates to accept and follow our vision.

Ethical leaders are likely to be people-oriented, and aware of how their decisions impact others. They therefore use their power and authority to serve the greater good instead of self-serving interests. 

Want to learn more? Tonex offers Effective Leadership Skills, a 1-day course that stresses contemporary and cutting edge information that the leaders of today’s organization need to understand in this new world of digitalization.

Additionally, Tonex offers dozens of different courses in a dozen categories in Leadership training. There are over 50 leadership courses in our Business Skills category alone. 

Other Training categories include:

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